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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. If you have a single parent with maxed out IVs, it's easier to breed for better stats. I have a Ditto I got in a trade that is 31 across the board, and when I breed it with any pokémon with decent to great stats, the offspring usually has really good IVs. But nature and ability... that can take a while. Even so, I managed to get my latest pokémon with 31s in everything but a stat that it didn't need. All without RNGing or hacks or anything. Just some patience and a bit of luck. Also, if you're using your 3DS, this might be of interest to you. It's a 3D pokédex of the new pokémon from BW, and it can take AR 3D pictures using the 3DS cameras. It's like a mini-Snap game.
  2. Some news! First, Canada is getting a 3DS tour this summer. It's limited to a few cities in a few provinces, but at least we're getting something. http://www.nintendo.com/3ds/events/canadian-events People can attend and get to try out games like Zelda OoT 3D and Pilotwings. Next, we have something for the Pokémon players out there. It's limited to just the new BW pokémon, but how does a free 3D pokédex app sound? Oh, did I mention you can use it to take 3D AR photos of the pokémon? And it's free? http://nintendo3dsblog.com/pokedex-3d-to-launch-with-the-eshop#more-611539455
  3. We missed last weeks. He covers Brink. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/3286-Brink
  4. Heeeeeey, wait a minute.. there's been a new episode out for the last five days, and no one posted it? http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/extra-credits/3306-NOT-a-Security-Episode
  5. Pirates are one example. There are banks, insurance groups, pharmaceutical companies and auto manufacturers that have ruined thousands of lives and even let people die from lack of access to proper medical help. It sucks that the one event that affects the least people and harms no one at all is the one that hackers decide is worth going after. People suck.
  6. Just screencapped it like, thirty seconds ago.
  7. Is everything that comes out now basically "Minecraft with ____" these days?
  8. No, those would be the actions of various international corporations, some of which are based in the US. Case in point: do you know why Somolia is filled with pirates now? Years of European and American companies dumping toxic waste from their boats instead of disposing it properly in their own countries. The local fishing industry died, and with no official government to fight back with, they took things into their own hands. Years later, it went from being about revenge and protecting themselves, to becoming about money and power. It's a shit sandwich either way, now, but I laugh when I hear people saying "those damn Somalian pirates are attacking out boats, we should do something about it!" when those very boats are the ones that spent years illegally dumping waste in the same waters. But yeah, go after a video game company for not letting you use Linux on your video game console. Totally a better cause.
  9. http://www.destructoid.com/hacking-group-threatens-the-end-of-sony-202422.phtml Lulzsec, a hacker group, is claiming they will continue hacking Sony everything for as long as they can. I find it funny how people will say that Sony deserves this, while other companies are far, far worse with the way they treat not only their customers, but also innocent people in 3rd world countries. The outrage over suing some guy over hardware hacking (which was settled out of court, so the law saying you can do so is still intact) is surely justified over, say... someone dumping toxic chemicals into the waters just off of a fishing village, poisoning hundreds, if not thousands. Or hiring mercenaries to force farmers off their land so they can mine some obscure material, and killing a few of them as a sign of force. Or burning houses down. Or kidnapping family members through hired thugs. Or any of the other wonderful things some companies have been caught doing over the last 40 or so years. But no, I guess taking down a video game network was more reasonable. Good job, everyone! That will show the really bad people what for!
  10. It's a catchy song with a great video. Pixel art with lots of video game and pop culture references layered thick like the beat it plays. Off-Topic liked it, SO SHOULD YOU.
  11. Stop having all your birthdays at the same time! BlackDragonSoul, Kidd Cabbage, evory and Harmonious Dissonance have far too many letters in their names and years on their lifespan, so I had to combine this into one thread. Even so, the shear awesomeness the four create together is threatening to rip the interwebs apart. Enjoy the birthday greetings while you can! Annihilation is imminent! Cake is unavoidable! Run! RUN NOW!
  12. Ii see this is the new Minecraft, as in people are liking it a lot and can't stop playing it. I find it kind of funny how Minecraft was going for a retro-pixel 8-bit look in 3D, and now it's being supplanted by a retro-pixel 8-bit 2D game. The next game mining/building/harvesting game to come out, I imagine to be just a line with different colors every so often.
  13. Where's DS with his "caaaaaaaaaaaaake" post? It's not real until DS cakes the place up a bit.
  14. Well, I don't really care anymore, seeing how I've already deleted Minecraft and stopped playing it. I was going to go out with a bang, and gift a lot of stuff to everyone, but now it's jsut kind of meaningless.
  15. So... he's what now? 74, 75 million-ish years old? Damn, that's gotta be a site-record or something.
  16. Yeah, that's pretty much all I could think of when I read that. That's just... you're... fuck. Really? Sony has it's hands in lots of things, not just making TVs and video game systems. They also have banking, mining, shipping and transport, heavy industrial work and all kinds of stuff. Sony goes down, all of that gets knocked around and who knows what the result will be. That could be enough to send the international markets into another spiral. But thank god Sony got taken care of! Comments like this are either from band-wagon jumpers or fucking fanboys. And no, one is not necessarily better than the other. EDIT: Oh, interesting stats from Sony about PSN customers. Most of them are still willing to use the service even after the various attacks.
  17. 1. Various ISP companies, with some being government regulated or mandated. The majority of ISPs are privately owned and operated. 2. Which government, seeing how there are about 195, but not all of them have widespread internet access. Further more, they wouldn't, because one series of attacks on one company's sites around the world isn't affecting the day to day traffic of everything else. That would be like turning off the national power grid to change out a single light bulb in one persons house.
  18. Some people are actually starting to think that. At first, it was exploiting and profiting, but now it's almost as if everyone wants a slice of the pie. Some groups are making names for themselves, while others are doing it for shits and giggles. Some are doing it because it's profitable. And you just know there are at least a few out there that just hate Sony for some reason. You know what's funny? I was pondering the idea of getting one of those Xperia phones, that's like a PSP Go, as it's Android and there are a lot of emulators out for it. But seeing how the Erisson site was accessed with such ease... it's seems kind of risky now. Still buying their Walkman audio players, though. I like them, and there's no info needed for using them.
  19. The thing is, you kept doing all that stuff after I asked you to stop and then after I told you to stop. No matter what I said or did, you kept doing it, even during my attempts to fix it.
  20. Yet another Sony site hacked. This time, it's the Sony Ericsson store in Canada. Reports are that the hackers got away with emails, passwords and telephone numbers from 2,000+ customers, but credit card info wasn't taken. So yeah, I guess Sony is the target de jour nowadays. Lots of attacks from multiple angles, going after anything they can get into.
  21. On a lighter note... Portable Minecraft!
  22. Well I was going to give all my diamond, gold, iron, lapis and tools to anyone that was online, but gilliam decided to be an asshole and has them all now. I even gave him one of the diamond armor sets as a gift, and he still had to be an asshole. He put passworded furnaces in my doorway so I can't get in or out. He put trees in front of everything. He took the lava out of my furnace, flooded my house with water from the upstairs multiple times, moved shit around, and didn't stop any of it when I asked him to. He constantly fucked with my house, even after I told him to stop it EIGHT TIMES, and then when I hit him to make him back off, he died, came back, and killed me. I had all the good stuff on me at the time, so he has it all now. And he still hasn't removed the furnaces. Awesome Gilliam. Just fucking awesome.
  23. OK, I've done all I can with Minecraft so far, and it's actually making it difficult to work on other projects, like my Let's Play. I haven't even touched it on weeks, and it's really far behind. Therefore, I'm going to stop playing Minecraft for now. Uninstalling it, deleting stuff, not touching it for a while, so I can get back to other stuff. Yes, it's that big a time drain. Every hour I play Minecraft is an hour I'm not working on things I should be working on. In my chests in my waterfall hideaway, I have the following (all legit, from hours of mining, monster hunting and just plain running around hitting things with other things): 36 blocks and 8 shards of lapis 4 blocks of and 8 diamonds 17 blocks and bars of gold 42 blocks and 3 bars of iron fuckloads of wood 5 diamond swords (perfectly intact) 8 diamond picks (perfectly intact) 4 diamond shovels (perfectly intact) 2 diamond axes (one very slightly used) 5 stacks of arrows 4 bows 2 complete suits of diamond armor (one is very slightly used) 1 complete suit of iron armor (perfectly intact) 5 cakes 9 buckets of milk 10 mushroom soups 100 cooked porkchops (in stacks of 15 and 10) 2 x 64 cane 2 x 64 wheat 76 sugar 17 cocoa beans 8 empty buckets 54 paper 20 red flowers 2 green and 2 yellow music discs 8 saddles 70 flints 24 gunpowder 43 string 26 red dust 8 spawners and various other misc items. Since I'm not going to need them anymore, I'm going to just give them away. Selling them is pointless, as I plan to stop playing and the peener (money) would be wasted. So... if you're on the OCAD server tomorrow, come by my place, near the town center by the spawn point, and hit me up for anything you would like. You can take what you want, but if someone here requests something, I'll hold it for them. Afterward, I'd like everyone to leave my place intact. It's nothing fancy, but it's a comfy little place with a bit of history... I guess I'm being slightly sentimental about it.
  24. Anything to do with computers makes it so that someone with enough skill, knowledge and desire can do just about anything they want, including hiding their identity. Yes, that's a gross simplification, but it's still true. You know what's really hard to hack? Physically isolated systems, with really strict security personnel acting correctly and not yielding to anything but perfect protocol. But then, you lose ease of access for the people you want to have in it. Any way, to the utter idiots that claim this is some sort of bullshit ploy by Sony to somehow garner... what did they say it was again? Customer sympathy? Tax breaks? Something irrational like that. I doubt it. Sony announced this whole debacle is costing them 170 million bucks. That combines with other factors puts them over 3 billion dollars in the red. So yeah, they shot themselves in the leg after the tax man broke a kneecap and the earthquakes and tsunamis destroyed their house. Awesome plan! Truly the brilliant master plan of an evil corporation like Sony.
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