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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Lupin is good all around, so you really should watch more of it. I find the movies are better than the series, though. They tend to be a lot more action-packed, more story-driven, and have better villains. The TV series, while kind of cute and charming in their own way, are quite old and haven't aged well. Since the movies kept up with the times, they've managed to keep a higher quality overall. But still, the TV version is worth watching.
  2. I was hoping that someone would get the reference... for shame, interweb, for shame.
  3. His Mario Symphony is actually the recording done by the Tokyo City Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Kosuke Onozaki, from the Orchestral Game Concert collection, namely volume 1. How do I know this? It's one of my most listened to songs. I can tell the exact version just by listening to it. His "Rebirth" is from the Evangelion soundtrack. It's obvious as hell.
  4. Why would Blizzard make an MMO of a (mostly) console-only series from another company, when they have their own franchises that are exclusive to the PC? It seems contrary to their usual practice. It's more likely that the name is a coincidence. At best, they took the same ideas they had for the canceled Halo MMO, and thought it might be kind of funny to use the same project name. Maybe a hint? Maybe a reference to their earlier work?
  5. Speak for yourself. I have a nice fat vacation pay cheque coming at the end of the year.
  6. I knew it was going to happen to someone else at some point. I hope his new martial artist name is Dark Smoke Puncher.
  7. I thought I was the only person on the planet to have seen and liked the dub for Golden Boy.
  8. I've already seen to trying to get your Missingno Tracks stuff changed over. We'll see in a bit. If not, then you get one more album under your old name. Oh, how horrible! Yes, Briggs is kind of a badass name.
  9. "Canadian bacon" is a American term for ham slices. Most Americans would know this better as peameal bacon. In Canada, we call it ham. Bacon is just bacon. Not American ham, not Canadian ham, not even something silly like English Porridge burger. Just bacon. Why you Yanks had to go and make up a silly term... it's like you wanted to confuse everyone.
  10. In Canada, torrents download... to your harddrive. If you were expecting some shitty "In Russia..." joke, you obviously didn't read the first two words in the first sentence. We don't do that sort of thing here. Private business can't really lobby here, due to the way the federal government is set up. Even if they did, what do they really expect to happen? "Oooh, do as we say, or else!" doesn't cut it with us. Yes, come to Canada. We have bacon for breakfast every other morning. The other mornings? Whatever you want, even if it's just more bacon. We also have free legal music downloads thanks to a small levy on harddrives. It lets us download whatever music we want for free, so iTunes is completely unnecessary. Plus, we get all those US TV shows and movies, so it's really only like moving to the other side of town. And there's always that healthcare thing you hear about!
  11. It's a bit flattened. Do you have a version that isn't compressed by shear hat mass?
  12. After Teen Agent has been out for a while, and maybe after the Link's Awakening album. I don't know which is next.
  13. What? Gillian Anderson didn't even phone her performance in, she mailed in via over-seas low cost shipping. She did the most mono-tone, flat, deadpan lines I ever heard in a movie. To this day, it stands out as an example of how not to do voice work for animation. Spirited Away was better, but I think that's mostly because they did a better job casting for it.
  14. As if you would know, like you were some sort of employee there or something. Pfffft.
  15. Not to mention that some of Pixar's higher-ups have since moved into and now run Disney's animation studios. Pixar basically is Disney's animation department now.
  16. I'm pretty sure it was them, because they had offers for MP3 players I wanted, and every time I would look them up, I saw that they didn't ship to Canada. Maybe I'm thinking of NewEgg?
  17. They wouldn't ship to Canada. That seemed pretty shit-out-of-luck to me. Glad to see that's changed now. It's been a long time since I even looked at them, so I don't know when they changed. But on the other hand, 32 GB microSDHC card for me, so it's all gooooooood.
  18. Well, I'm glad to see that NCIX finally got around to dealing with Canadian customers better. Used to be that you were shit out of luck with them. It wasn't really on sale, but I did order a 32 GB micro SHDC card. I have a weakness for portable memory. That 128 GB USB stick was looking tempting... but even that price is a little iffy for me.
  19. Kanto didn't receive a proper name until Gold and Silver. The original Japanese versions of Red and Green only mentioned it once, and that was in the map on the wall found in your rival's house. It wasn't until Gold and Silver that it was given a name in all regional versions.
  20. Reading Alain-Christian's other comment on other topics, he seems to be one of three things (or possibly some combination thereof): 1. A troll 2. An attention whore 3. A whiny man-child He hates the PS1 because it "stole" the Dreamcast's proper place in history. He blasts a review for a game by saying that the reviewer obviously never played one of the game prior in the series. He swears at the littlest things. He bitches at people for stating opinions and argues over well established facts. Simply put, he's just some random twit. He contributed nothing on 1Up.com, and his only purpose seems to be stirring up shit. From what I read about his comments on other articles, he gets shot down a lot by the other members. My guess is that's his lot in life; the guy that puts himself in front of the crowd so he can be trampled on.
  21. Ehh, I already have everything ready to go, and I just finished up my pics to use during the Let's Play... I guess I'll still do it. Would a Let's Play go in General or Off-Topic? It's video game related, but a Let's Play seems more of a Off-Topic thing. Except that no one wanted to do any last time...
  22. My adblocker must be working perfectly, because I don't see any ads for WoW.
  23. You knew. You always know. You're the terror that lurks in the shadows, ready to pounce on people with odd little pictures from obscure sites, and then BAM! You're on us like a panther on a gazelle. Also, now that Isshu is called Unova, I guess I have to change my location thingy.
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