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Julio Jose

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Everything posted by Julio Jose

  1. the reason behind the song is deep. The song is executed very well.. good job.
  2. Nothing sticks out in this song to make me remember it. Label this song, generic techno 01
  3. Drums are godlike. Very freaking well done. The rhodes are nicely timed, and the synth at 22 seconds sounds very good.
  4. Holy shit, screw the rest of the song, the drums are freaking amazing
  5. drums and synth at 1 25 are the only really special things in this track. The flute also sounds nice..
  6. very nice and soothing. smooth sound to it.
  7. disliked... sounded to cheez for me.
  8. Maybe if you suck. I can pwn all of them with Sol on the hardest difficulty. Maybe because im a God at this game.. Wait, thats prolly why. KOF is way harder imo. The fast paced fighting in GGX really helps you out in evading enemy attack while the riggid yet excellent control in KOF make it alot harder. Not to mention infinite super moves for zero and the crew in KOF.
  9. ur priorities are screwed. Sephiroth is harder, ozma i beat, it felt like instantly. Ozma was a sad excuse for a 'weapon' like idea. Ruby weapon was hard.
  10. Gill from street fighter 3 2nd impact and 3rd strike. more so on 3rd strike. Damn resurrection. BLAST IT. Igniz on KOF 2oo1, freaking insta supermove which takes of 3/4 ur health. No warning to it and he has infinite of it. Let alone all of his attacks take of the same as one of ur DOA thrasher moves.
  11. It was ok, its just i have herd way to many remix's of this song.
  12. I reallllllly enjoyed this track because of its extremely well placed strings.
  13. Nice shit man, sounds freaking awesome. Sounds like a uk 2 step track, which i like.
  14. I like the rhodes in this song, very smooth. GG
  15. I know exactly what you mean, but the piano tends to fill that gap in some instances, not all though. Overall, pretty damn good remix, very soothing. GG
  16. i love this remix. 10/10
  17. HAHAHAHAHA this remix is so good. holy shit. wow
  18. this is , in my opinion better than the ff7 remix. Very very nice. Im going to get picked to peices because i said that, but yeah this is amazing, and dont worry, only reason u only have 4 replys to this is because its title isnt "FF _____". Very very very good piano/downtempo mix.
  19. Honestly, in my POV, and in my opinion, this is the best mix on OCR... Thats final.
  20. Intro is amazing. And the synth in the beginning is fantastic. BRB while i go die because the intro is to good. overall song 9/10 I cant stress enough how good the rhodes in the beginning are.
  21. never played game. Pretty decent remix here.
  22. Overall its a pretty good track. 1 10 an impressive synth solo comes in, i especially like it. What was mentioned above in the previous note about the drums, i beleive is correct. And at some points the drum's snares and rides are a bit overpowering. My 2 bits.
  23. I couldnt agree with you anymore. And btw, fine i am writting a review note. Its actually a decent song, guitar sample needs a change, but otherwise, dammit people, try remixing something else.
  24. AHAHAHAHA. Im sorry, electronica works for megaman. It is just meant to be that way, im so sorry to tell you this, but it just is.
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