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Everything posted by Citris

  1. He's also a witch! Burn him! ..AND Chinese? So he's a Communist too! Execute him! BETTER DEAD THAN RED!
  2. And lo', many centuries ago he hid his seeds of destruction. With there dark yolk floating in the soft albumen of evil, they await the time to spring forth from their colorful prison to wreak havoc upon the land. The Horadrim has since spent that time searching for and destroying as many as they can, but they are too numerous to count. We need you, Hero. The time is now...
  3. My Diamond friend code is sigged. I LOVE THIS GAME!
  4. This really is the best Pokemon game ever. I haven't felt this much of a drive to become a master since the first one. I still remember the day I got all 151 pokemon in my blue version...
  5. That would be nice. I don't mind the low cap, but I noticed I, well, stopped noticing how close I was to my next "level" after I reached 20. It's rather funny how much of a difference being able to see your level 200 character, even thought they are essentially the same as a level 20, can make in how you feel about said character.
  6. Tch. I have the money for a Wii, but I still can't find one. I wonder when they're going to stop flying off the shelves.
  7. Then you're lucky they aren't stopping support for GW1. So far I like what I'm hearing. One of the main reasons I never got into PvP was because whenever I went into something more serious than the random arenas I'd get my ass handed to me. The Mists sounds like an interesting mechanic.
  8. Looks like it. I'm excited. Are you excited? I'm excited.
  9. That's not really a boast. The PS3 is incredibly powerful. It could take 5 years at least for us to start seeing its true potential.
  10. They can sell them as a dual-feature type deal.
  11. I still have a little hole in my heart from Starcraft Ghost...
  12. So I'm glad I found out by accident that the sphere's grow when you bury them together. Size 97 seemed pretty unattainable before that. QFE.
  13. Am I the only one sinking hours and hours into The Underground?
  14. Just evolve him to Monferno. He gets Mach Punch.
  15. Bloody hell. I've spent the last 12 hours getting rid of my old entertainment center and setting up my new one. So much for spending my day off with my new game...
  16. I picked Chimchar, because I always start with fire-type pokemon. It amuses me that they made Bob Ross the president of the Poketch company. I'm enjoying it so far. I like the new pokemon, and the music is nicer than the older versions, though the graphics are a little tough to get used to. They're not very smooth.
  17. I just got Pokemon D\P a few hours ago. I'll start getting into the online stuff as soon as I get more\better Pokemon to trade.
  18. Omg I Forgot I Will Get My Games In 6 Hours! I Just Wet Myself!
  19. Hooray for Ebay. I just got a Xbox arcade stick and a copy of GGX2. I will be having much fun in week or two.
  20. !?!?!?!?! OMG! What if it doesn't come with a controller at all? What if they're trying to figure out a way to use a real electric guitar as a controller?
  21. I signed up to get a key. I really hope I get one.
  22. This sounds awesome. I'll have to keep an eye on this thread
  23. It does sound incredibly simple and useful. I wonder why one doesn't exist yet...
  24. I think we should ban dogs since their barking in subliminal code that makes people go on a string of shootings.
  25. Yeah, I know. I, too, can't believe people are still making flash websites that don't work.
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