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Neo Samus

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Everything posted by Neo Samus

  1. That sounds fair to me. I don't know how I would feel if I was in the actual situation. I mean, I feel saddened by what happened but to be in the mists of it all....I can't even comprihend how I would react.
  2. It's almost like getting the purple heart in the military, yes?
  3. I haven't gone in a couple of years (2004 to be excat) but it's an awesome experience. I'm not able to go again this year, money is tight, but I'm hoping to go next year.
  4. I just want so info. I'm freaking dying over here!!
  5. Seriously, how are this students actions related to video games? Yes, he kill people with guns lots of humans do. It doesn't mean he played Gears of War for 17 hours straight every day. God damn (sorry for the language) when will these "experts" learn that these people are sick and that anything could infulence them.
  6. I know. It pisses me off so much that people can be that narrow-minded...
  7. I hope you know I'm agreeing wtith everything you are saying. I'm just stating what might happen.
  8. I know it's really stupid. I completely agree. But people are that stupid and ignorant sometimes.
  9. Honestly, it depends on the game. SMW and almost any othre SNES game "needs" to be played with the Classic controller. Now when it comes to, say N64, then I almost prefer the GC controller because of the analog stick placement.
  10. Thing is, its gonna happen. A lot of students are going to see an asian student and think "Oh no, are they going to shoot me?" Which sickens me to say the least......I hoping that maybe I'm wrong though.
  11. This is horrible!! I understand that humans can get distraught after something like a break-up. But to kill over it? That's just lunacy! Also, who's bright idea was it to interview Jack Thompson? He's gonna bring issues that are not related to this massacare. Whenever I hear Jack's name my blood starts boiling.
  12. Oh, how about the "!" icon from Excite Truck? You grab it and alters the playing field, or launches your opponents into the air?
  13. No way. Rabbits are the best. Espically the dwarf rabbits. So nimble so quick. Ok we need to get on to some sort of topic....quickly.
  14. I like the space shooter credits mini-game persoanlly. I would like to see something a little different. But still using the "shoot the development team names" part....like maybe unlock something for shooting so many names.
  15. Have any of you have noticed, R-Type for the TG-16 is 800 Wii points. Why is this? Can anyone explain this to me? I actually called Nintendo and asked the question and they didn't even know!! Didn't Reggie (or Nintendo) say that all of "X" system would be "X" amount of Wii points? Does anyone have an insight to this? If I had to guess, I thought it might be either a) a licensing issue or a rarity issue. Thing is, I have no proof to support my claims. Anyone got a clue?
  16. I noticed that too. What makes them so special that they have different icons. Also if someone rips the music I will.....do....something.
  17. I knew about Toe Jam & Earl, but SF II and Castlevania IV? Oh hell yes!! well, maybe not SF II, I'd rather wait for a better version....like Tubro or Super SFII. Thing is, Joystiq is not always very reliable. I really hope it's true. Edit: thanks penfold. I'll do that when I get home.
  18. Hell yes. That game was awesome on Dreamcast. Has anyone had any issues with the pointer on the wii-mote kinda flickering or not registering correctly with the TV screen?
  19. That's weird it's doing it to me too. For the people that it's not working for, are you at work by any chance? I am. Maybe it's something with your work's network?
  20. I could care less about a menu screen, as long as it is navigatable....if that's even a word.
  21. LOL true, true. So Twilight Princess is really that epic? (not being sarsatic, honest)
  22. Man reading your posts is hilarious, because if you haven't played the game yet (like me, waiting for gamefly to mail it to me) it make's no sense. I just can't help but laugh.
  23. Personally I like how Chaotic it is. It gives it edge.
  24. OMG this track is amazing!! great beat, great.....everything!!! Nice job, another great one from beatdrop!
  25. this is a great song!! it doesn't even sound like any of the normal songs on any of the benami games.. Superb job!!!
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