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Neo Samus

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Everything posted by Neo Samus

  1. That hasn't happened to me either. You might want to call Nintendo, it might be covered in your warranty.
  2. If this Smash truely (but doubtfully) has Ridley as a playable character or just as a boss, I will personally find Masahiro Sakurai and kiss him on the lips. But realistically a new gameplay trailer with new stages shown.
  3. It better be good!!
  4. That's where the arcade version is the best. It's a lot more fun than the Genesis or SNES versions. or like what Coop said and get MAT 2.
  5. Oooo, I like! Give to me. NOW!! That would be interesting how you throw the Diskarmor.
  6. OK, thanks. I'm so bored at work sometimes and this limited Internet drives me nuts. At least I have Wikipeida.
  7. Could I ask you to post a bit on here, my work blocks IGN.
  8. That's the Mario Kart Stage. It looks like you are on stationary platforms on a certain section of the stage and the shyguys drive around the track.
  9. Ok for some reason I can't figure out where Bruce Cambell was in the film, was he the guy at the resturant? The host?
  10. Going to see it tonight at a local drive-in with Ghost Rider. I'll give my opinion after I see it.
  11. The sad thing is, I said this might happen in the VT thread. God I wish I was wrong. Oh and that Chicago Trib article was about an asian student as well. I hate how they play the "What if" game like Coop said. Sickens me.
  12. Downvote that bitch!! Who the hell is Rain anyway? He's above Miyamoto!!! And a big WTF to JK Rowling bing knocked down to 8th.
  13. Wow, a new low for Sony. Who's bright idea in Marketing was this?
  14. I'm curious how the Mii Popularity Channel will be. So far every channel has been well made and not just slapped together.
  15. Would you mind posting a bit of it on the forum? I work's network is blocking that site.
  16. Well if you think about it, PSP is heading down that road at a decent rate. Not as quickly as the Virtual Boy, but you get the idea.
  17. But Gunpei was a great man. Ken is a smart man but he's an asshole. Obsessed with power, kinda like Yamauchi. And his smile gives me the creeps. O_o
  18. On the main menu go to your messages (the icon in the bottom right corner. From there, there will be three icons on the bottom left. Click on the one third icon (closest to the middle of the screen) That's your address book. Your address book will have your Wii Number on the cover. Hope this helps. Damn you beat me to it!! LOL
  19. I've been engaged since Nov. 17 2006...Figured I'd propose before I got my Wii! I'm kidding!!
  20. I finally got to play 3-4. That was hystrical!! I now get the whole "HI-TECHNIIIIICAL!!" thing. It's scary, people like that do exist...o_O!
  21. If Sonic does become a playable character, what do you think his move list might consist of? I had an idea for a grab, if you push down+A, he does a Spin dash for Massive damage (pun intended)
  22. I just got this game on Friday from Gamefly. And of all things...I've barely got to play it.......becasuse of my future wife (a non-gamer) has been playing it more than me!!!! She loves it! I just got a chance to play it yesterday, and man this game is hilarious (I know all of you have said it before). I haven't played to 3-4 yet. Like I said I "Just" got to play it yesterday. But I know it's like a Dating-Sim like game, right?
  23. Oh yeah. Contra 3 is definately worth the 8 bucks.
  24. Damn! I totally missed the show. I was gonna listen to it but I forgot. Please post a podcast (if you do). Also, when is you next show? This coming Thursday?
  25. I tried Gradius III on ZSNES and it was fun. But man that slowdown will kill ya. Espically in Level 2 with all the bubbles. It felt like it was running at 10 FPS!!!
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