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Neo Samus

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Everything posted by Neo Samus

  1. Platformer/action. The character uses his head to damage his ememies. So much fun. Worth the 8 bucks.
  2. I hope all the Final Smashes are this creative. We already know Kirby's will be.
  3. From what I heard, I think it was IGN, the sensitivity of the analog stick was too loose when using the classic controller (but not the GC controller...weird). So the update fixes the that problem.
  4. Well you could always renew your vows. But that's something you would do around 15-25 year mark. How long have you been married?
  5. That's interesting. I never knew that. I also found it odd when I closed out home menu and I saw the N64 logo "looping". That was never in the original game as far as I know. I wonder why it's so diffcult to emulate 64 games? Was it the way the games were programed?
  6. Where did you hear that the first titles were off the Zelda Emu? I never heard that before. Also, F-Zero X has some very minor Slowdown issues when there was almost every racer on screen. But it's so minor you barely notice it unless you focus on it.
  7. Word, on so many levels. Hi my name is Neo, and I'm Puzzle League Addict.
  8. Did you mean to quote me? Because it seems like everything you said was a contradiction to what I posted. Just curious.
  9. I bet you would get a kick out of it!
  10. Finally saw Transformers (in DLP....drool). God it was total fucking win!!! Even my fiancee, who has never seen anything about Transformers liked it! I actually like how the humans have more involvement in this than the previous. I'm hoping there is a sequel.
  11. I don't want to speculate too much but I think there is still more to Zero Suit than Sakurai is leading us to believe.
  12. That sound's like an awesome idea for a game! I hope the gameplay is just as good!
  13. Here's something to think about. Even though at the moment the only *current* way to play as ZZS is through Samus' final smash, but she could be a hidden playable character as you complete more of the game.
  14. Must...find....way.....to....buy....it!!!!!
  15. I'm loving the new (old) Star Fox tune!! I'm also getting annoied with some of you whining about *no live*. In all honestly not all the music in SSBM was live either, a lot was but not all. I'll give you a couple to think about, Brinstar depths, fight with the Metal bros., eathbound. This is just off the top of my head. I know there is more. But my point is, just because Sakurai hasn't played any piece's that are live does not mean none of it will be.
  16. The catch is you must give up your first born.
  17. Didn't Melee Release in Dec? What the crap.....it's the same day as Melee! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Smash_Bros._Melee Also, Oddllama, We have a DEAL!!!!
  18. So Dec. 3 eh? Sweet. NOw if only I could fine th emoney to get it.....anyone need a spleen?
  19. Awesome!! I'm also interested in the Wii Fit. My fiancee with flip over that!! It sound's like a lot of fun too!
  20. Ok I only saw the Zapper (had to get ready for work). Are you guys serious about Mario Kart Wii??
  21. So...is that 1.5 Million units of the PS3 shipped or sold?
  22. LOL same with me. My fiancee is gonna kill me when I used up the entire HDD! HAHAHAHA!!!
  23. Apparently since they still use them. Personally I think it BS that they count the units that were faulty.
  24. Ok good, because I was going to record it on G4 since they are going to air it (or so I've heard).
  25. That's makes two of us (and probrably more!) I love the original so much. I thind I'm gonna expect too much from this. Does anyone know when the Nintendo's conference is?
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