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JH Sounds

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Everything posted by JH Sounds

  1. Heh... I said I'd join this, but I forgot it almost immediately after I found out about it.
  2. Wait a minute... Someone already did a remix of "Space Armada" in 2008? How discomfiting.
  3. My gut twinged when "Will You Be There" started playing during the tribute. Then it twinged again when Sharpton walked on stage, but for a different reason.
  4. In related news, I could've sworn my WIP sounded good when I first put it down. Hurm... *dumps it*
  5. I'm starting to think that I conditioned myself to forget the storyline of Perfect Dark.
  6. Chicago - "Saturday in the Park" I love it when lyrics sync up with current events.
  7. I added a remix of Clanker's Cavern. Oh, and since OLRmageddon is over for now, I can add my Gobi's Valley remix here.
  8. Heh, I was listening to this whilst browsing on a separate tab and I went when I heard what sounded like percussion at about 3:55. Apparently it was just some dude sneezing or something in the video.
  9. I had tears when I finished my Bad Dudes remix album, but that was caused by the onion-like stench emanating from the tracks.
  10. This is a remix album of Bad Dudes (NES). The album started off as a singular remix that I was going to submit to OLR; unfortunately I was locked out by the three-submission limit. Rather than just hold on to it, I remixed more tracks from the game to release them as an album. Since the game only has three or four tracks, I made "night versions" of my mixes to fill out the project a bit. Enjoy. Track listing: 1. Intro 2. Bad Enough 3. My Way Or... 4. Furious Fists 5. Bad Enough (night version) 6. My Way Or... (night version) 7. Furious Fists (night version) 8. Burgers of Freedom 9. Outro Download it here Also, mirrors: *MegaUpload *zSHARE link also official site, kinda also source medley at YouTube
  11. What's with all the "omg this is great" comments? This "she" can't possibly be all that gre-- *listens to music* ... This is pretty good, actually.
  12. Heh, I probably would have missed that since my bookmark links directly to the forums.
  13. Heh, I remember when I played the arcade version. People standing around me would start dancing whenever I triggered the "magic dance" attacks.
  14. Tonight's compo might help me get back into a mixing mood... EDIT: It did.
  15. That pretty much summarizes this week so far.
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