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JH Sounds

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Everything posted by JH Sounds

  1. I had a lol from the fact that John apparently remembered the deux ex machina from T3. Other than that, Bale's iteration was very much bleh. Worthington saved the movie, and I hope the sequel shifts to Reese in his absence.
  2. Retractable katanas? Vehicles with hover-axle wheels? The future is awesome, indeed.
  3. BTW, are there chat logs of #thasauce? I might have missed some commentary on my entry.
  4. Yeah, the prison bit is absent from both the comic and the novelization. The dialogue in the film about 47 Klingon ships being destroyed was a reference to the scene. There are even bits of it in the trailers. Remember "the wait is over"? One of the ads had a brief clip of Nero fistfighting people who appear to be Klingons, except their faces are concealed in helmets. What a tease.
  5. Actually there was a deleted scene indicating that Nero had been captured and spent 25 years in a Klingon prison before breaking out. The description of the scene given by the filmmakers is kinda confusing, though.
  6. I'm interested to see how that this development affects this week compo.
  7. Bee Gees - "Tragedy" and Dave Matthews - "Baby" So fun so sing.
  8. Shorter fall distance = less time to get a lock. Obviously.
  9. Well, there's http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=23403
  10. ...and the Vulcan ambassador happened to be Spock's father, too.
  11. ...but if young Spock had diverted the Enterprise to the Laurentian system, Earth would have been pwned before anything else could happen. So the resolution ultimately revolves around Kirk's very existence. That was deep.
  12. ...but how can you possibl-- *looks up*
  13. Or Star Trek II: The Search for Shatner.
  14. Heh, that made me wonder if that had to do with the surprise twist in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode featuring Orions.
  15. For now, there's the novelization by Alan Dean Foster (which I am currently reading, BTW).
  16. I actually linked to this way earlier in the thread.
  17. ...and now I'm reading William Shatner's The Return, which is pretty much wall-to-wall fan service.
  18. I dunno, it seemed like one of those ambiguous you-have-to-watch-it-again things. I suppose "oral sensitivity" can take on a different meaning.
  19. I think the writers actually said they drew from The Next Generation episode "Parallels" where a similar fork happened. I suppose it raises the question of whether the black hole did more than just act as a time portal. BTW, what did people think of the leitmotif in the film score? At first I was like "meh", but I grew to like it. EDIT: I just noticed the new theme melds with old theme during the credits. Nice!
  20. Uhura used the phrase "alternate reality", but yeah, you got it. I consider it be a brilliant conpromise; the higher ups wanted a reboot, but the filmmakers wanted to respect canon, so they came up with a fork-in-the-road scenario. The most amusing part is that the forking idea isn't even new in the Star Trek franchise. As soon I had discovered that he was attacking Earth, I knew he would fail. The only real intrigue for me was how such a ridiculously overpowered ship would be defeated. At least they avoided the generic omgitexplodedinabigballoffire!
  21. *whips out the Jiffy Pop Classic*
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