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JH Sounds

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Everything posted by JH Sounds

  1. Y'know, the more I analyze the plot, the more it makes me glad I read the comic first.
  2. AHA! I must have lifted it from SMB3, then. Incidentally I noticed a bit of "Rhapsody in Blue", too. Mystery solved. Uh, well it wasn't an actual remix attempt per se, so it's probably best to leave that source unclaimed for other people.
  3. The funny thing about Star Trek: Countdown is that it more or less spoils the gag when Spock enters old Spock's ship. I laughed, but not for the same reasons everyone else in the theater laughed. Also OMG NYOTA
  4. To make a short story long: I stumbled upon the Crescent Island track (or is it Crescent Moon Island?) and I liked it, then forgot about it. Later on when I was doing one of my daily experiments, the source made a resurgence in my consciousness and I ended up laying it down. Here's the thing though: rather than playing it straight, the version I put down morphed into this strangely familiar tune that I can't quite put my finger on. Anyone recognize it? TL;DR:
  5. I probably would have noticed this thread earlier if the forums hadn't recently been fwumped.
  6. I was gonna say OMG WAT HAPPENED TO 'REMIXING' so okay.
  7. Well, that officially ends my piano phase. The next time I try to bail out a two-entry compo, I'll do it with random synth sounds or something.
  8. Gah, the list is getting a bit longy. I wonder if there's a way to set in into columns...
  9. ^ More like http://www.digitalspy.com/movies/a154141/wolverine-given-multiple-endings.html (linking to a page anyone can edit = teh fail) ...but yeah, it's some sorta gimmick to compensate for the early pirated leak of the film.
  10. This makes me wanna dust off my "daily experiments" thread.
  11. Grah, I could almost hear the scribbling of the writers in the background trying to patch up the holes.
  12. I got a bunch, couldn't find the Simpsons one. EDIT: William Shatner Presents The Avengers Wolverine: Origin of an X-Man Contract #1 John Stanley's Nancy (?) Blackest Night #0 The Stuff of Legend I also got several comics that were given away, but weren't part of the FCBD listing. Some sorta store-specific clearance, I guess.
  13. Craps... I guess my mind was still wired into thinking there were only two entries, which would nullify my potential vote.
  14. The Banjo-Kazooie ones made me laugh and cry and the same time.
  15. Junior Senior - "Itch U Can't Skratch" OMG WHY DID THE BAND BREAK UP
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