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JH Sounds

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Everything posted by JH Sounds

  1. I suppose there could be more variety in the unts, and it could use an ending, or at least a resolving note at the end. Anyways, this track is cool.
  2. It could use an ending, but I like it so far. I'm not a pro, though.
  3. http://www.zshare.net/audio/61603861927bb732/
  4. Sounds like the solo vocal is being overpowered by the other instruments; the issue doesn't happen when the vocals get harmonized. It could just be me though.
  5. Gonzales - "Fortunately, Unfortunately" Fortunately, if I die my music survives. Unfortunately, I'm still selling a fraction of The Hives...
  6. Hot damn, I hit the jackpot. I might end up making two remixes of my source.
  7. I was wondering that myself, since the first post and starla's sig are not updated.
  8. lol wut This note was attached to two issues of Maxim in my mailbox.
  9. Ah, so we're posting album covers? I'm game: Junior Senior - "Hip Hop a Lula"
  10. Fun fact: I got the title of my remix from a random song generator. Strangely, it fits rather well...
  11. haha Negativland - "Michael Jackson" If the next person says Neu! I will hit them.
  12. That's quite a sweet selection of sources you got there. I have no choice but to download these remixes.
  13. The very start of the track sounded a bit abrupt to me. I guess you could do a quick fade-in there, but it's not that big of a deal.
  14. About halfway through I thought my music player had somehow crossfaded it back to the start. Must be my mind playing tricks. Oh, and is it supposed to have a silent gap at around-- EDIT: That was just me.
  15. The Troggs - "Cousin Jane" I got the weirdest look when I randomly sang out "Cousin Jane!" once. Maybe the guy coincidentally had a cousin named Jane...
  16. For a moment I thought this thread was about Van She.
  17. I kept waiting for a straightforward hi-hat pattern to come in, but it never did. That's the only thing keeping me from shaking my ass... and maybe that's a good thing.
  18. I had to boost the gain in Audacity to properly listen to it, but yeah, this is neat. Glitches aside, the percussion seemed a bit mechanical, but I'm sure you're aware of that and will tackle that issue anyway.
  19. There's a scene in Across the Universe that has some sort of psychedelic shop that sell bongs in the background. I went in there completely oblivious to its use as a film backdrop, and it turned out to be a grocery store with a faux front. Not that I was, er, looking for bongs or anything... ...but it was fun to finally see the shop in the film and get a sense of closure.
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