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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. Uh, what bahamut said... only with more innocence in it. Also, with much joy over the fact I made it in on the day, Happy Birthday!
  2. In that case, I'm putting out a want ad. Along the lines of, Hard Rock/Metal version of "Great Mighty Poo"!
  3. A metal version of Mighty Poo!!! That would be killer! Dude, since Demons doing a mix already, it'd be cool to get someone else to do this with. You should contact a few people,see if they wanna collab with ya, Abadoss.
  4. Even though I never heard of the game I got my challenge from, I accepted cause it's awesome!
  5. Yeah, me or pu will make it so that you can see the forum.
  6. Awesome, leeps, I look forward to hearing it! Also, as far as suggestions, there were a lot in the first few pages of this thread. I'd hit that up. Personally, I'd got for a theme that has some nostalgia for you, makes it the more special.
  7. You could post it in the wip forum over at http://kngi.org/forum. We've got a few wips already up in that mug, so, you're more than welcome to do that, or just pm it to me. Whichever works for you.
  8. Considering you're letting us use your webspace, you got nothing to apologize for. You are, the man. Also, we're getting closer to having a full-ish tracklisting!
  9. I've contacted Sixto, he's yet to get back to me As for goat, I totally gotta do that! He's on my list of people that would be awesome for this.
  10. Dude, you should totally do a track! In related news, I'd like to announce that pu_freak has joined as the 2nd Unit Director! Awesomeness! So, you can send a wip to him as well, & he may do some pm'n to the rest of the BadAss crew from time to time. Also, welcome to Demonstray & Skummel Maske! They's is gonna bring some of that rockin!
  11. You know, I quite enjoyed this movie. It's not a masterpiece, but it's a damn entertaining ride. Don;t really get why it got all the hate from the critics.
  12. Kinda figured, but with the amount of awesomness this project has, you never know. It very well could make babies cry, it's so hardcore. Also, I wish they made a DB game with a vegeta boss. That would be the boobs.
  13. If the thread name needs to be changed, so be it. Internally, it's still BadAss, though.
  14. Hmm, it sounds nice, but, it's to minimal for me to get a good idea of what you can do. A boss WIP would be 10 times better.
  15. alright. Salluz, Demonstray, before you can "call" them, I need to see/hear a wip. So, whip one up (haha, pun!), & I'll put you down.
  16. Hmm, I'm down. So, jeah, we bout to git crunk up in dis byetch, t's real talk!
  17. So, as you can tell from the first post, we've got an official name! And it kicks all sort of Buttocks! Also, it's BadAss, because that's what this project is. Also, We've got another addition to the casuse, Children of the Monkey Machine has joined, but is still decideding on a track. Also, summer is pretty much here, so, it's time to gear up for ass kickery. So keep your eyes open, & if you feel like joining the cause (of awesome badassness) then send a pm, & we'll discuss that mug. There have also been some developments over at the forums. Head on over & read the battle plans. It's time to launch the attack, and it will be gloriously BadAss!
  18. This leans more to Hard rock, but, it's rock none the less. Prince of Persia Warrior Within had an awesome soundtrack. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=699vwXINzE0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-buGyrq0BVY Friggin mood setting music.
  19. So, I know things have been quiet round these parts. Not much to report. I basically knew I was just setting a foundation, & I'm hoping it kicks up during the summer months. Now on to new business. I think I've settled on a name, but I'm not sure. I'd like the opinion of the other artists on this project, so, yeah, both those with wips, & those undecided, head to http://kngi.org/forum, & read the thread. Then, gimme your opinion.
  20. Ain't I gonna add that page? Ain't I... yup, I did.
  21. Happy Birthday!! Hey, where is everybody? You say it's already over. Damn, I'm always late to these things. Well, let him know i stopped by. Also, happiness, with the belatedness as well!
  22. Hm, as interesting a proposition as this is, I'm not sure I want another projects track. Though, hell, if you could remix this remix for it, then I'm game. also, any developments, Prophet? Or are you in the same boat I'm in. One in which it's just kinda sitting there, because there's no wind.
  23. Funny you should mention that, Palpable. Interludes. That's exactly what those 2 tracks are. So, yeah, awesomeness!
  24. So... bump, I guess. It's slow, but progress is being made. Um, all the guys on the project so far, send me your email addresseseses, so I can reach you more intimately, yet have it be still platonic.
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