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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. About the only thing I've heard that makes me kinda nervous about buying this game, is that I'm gonna have to relearn Ivy, if wingless is to be believed. Which sucks, because I used to rule with her. I'ma get it regardless!
  2. Simple, go watch it again, somewhere else, & enjoy them sumbenches. P.S. You left out Costners epic story of a guy who's vote *gasps* actually counts!
  3. First of all, Ilove that dirty drum in the geinning. Reminds me of another awesome mix BGC was part of... All self advertisement aside, this type of music is my favorite to listen to, symphonica is what I call it. That low brass break gives it so much weight, as does the rest of the orchestration. Synth work is excellent & flows seemlessly, not detracting anything from the other elements. Also, that DnB/breakbeat section was groovy as hell! Pandemonium 2008! It was a nice little jolt that kick it up & kept it interesting. All in all, awesome work.
  4. Suffice to say, I friggin love this little piece of lovely. It's so soothing, & makes me feel... happy. Happy & serene. Friggin awesome dude, I liked it on the wip boards, & have grown to love it since then.
  5. As a man who just had a birthday as well, Rats off to ya! Happy Nekkid Peepee Day!
  6. Hay guys!!! Why so serious?!?!?!
  7. I actually thought the Joker in TDK was completely sane. Everything was planned out, despite what he says about just doing stuff. The way he reads peopl, as well as the social commentary. Oh, & about his daddy being a bad guy, that was a half truth, or an outright lie on his part. He told two different scar stories to fit the context of where he was at, & who he was talking to. I thought this Joker was the truest to the comic book as you can get. Also, I hate the Nicholson Joker.
  8. So, after reading through this thread (well, a majority of the pages) I've concluded that, I'm one of the few people that thought the Joker was friggin hilarious. Heath played it with so much wrecklessness & glee, I couldn't help but enjoy every moment spent with him. Also, his reasoning was pretty spot on. Especially the conversation about a truck full of soldiers versus little old ladies. Two Face, I found that entire arc captivating, especially when Batman saved him instead of Rachel. It was awesome, & gave weight to what happens in the charred building. All in all, one of the best movies I've seen this century. The third movie, should they ever make it, is set up so perfect. You know Batman has to die in this "realistic" universe they set up.
  9. did I miss anything... I had to work Did we have to participate in the partyline to get the stuff?
  10. dude, I love me some Hitman, Silent Hill (especially SH), RE's & friggin MK2. But Double Dragon? Just no... no. As for this movie, I' thinking it'll be an awesome John Woo-like action noir. Which is awesome. Those angels, I'm down for them wther they be drug induced, a cool visual for when max kills people (i.e. Grim Reaper) or straight up supernatural enemies. Cause, really, do we need a striaght adaption seeing as how the games were presented that good to begin with.
  11. Reminds me quite a bit of E.S. Posthumus, which is strong sauce!
  12. i liked it better than Iron Man on the count that Hulk Smashed. also, Brazilian woman FTW!
  13. dude, Raiders of the lost remix will be more like the Indiana Jones movie, mixed with "fat guy stuck in the internet" without the fatness, but with sexyness.
  14. So, apprarently I'm a spambot! Why, you might ask, well, silly rabbit, I didn't pass the spambot challenge on the forums! But, yeah, I don't remember my old login (if it's still even viable), so i decided to make a new account, & got rejected* by the spam detecter. So, yeah, I've strated working on a new version of my track on the count that my 360 is in for repairs & I have some free time open now. So, any help would be awesomes! *said in a 90's totally rad voice
  15. Awesome! Now I'm official! Now to find me my own Marion Ravenwood, & become Raiders of the Lost Remix! Exclamation Point!
  16. Dude, this is totally what the last LP album "should" have sounded like. Totally epic, totally awesomeness, totally pwnage! Totally loved it, & like Taucer, I'm an old school Lp fan, & I'm digging the vibe I'm hearing. Totally. As you can see, this song brought out the rock dude in me, what with the multiple totally & the awesome utterance.
  17. I think it's "Last Night..." by Skypnyk. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01654/
  18. So, I've finally listened to this enough to get a good grasp of what I want to say. Overall, i like the direction this is taking. Loves me some glitchy ambient music! Now, onto the critiques. Firstly, & maybe this is just me, but I think a more synthy tone would work better than the steel drum you got for the intro. better yet, processing the steel drum to sound a bit more synthy. The strings also sound a bit to dry for my tastes. Add a bit more reverb. Also, since you're glitching the beats, don' be afraid to glitch the staccato string, or hell, even the legato ones for good measure! Speaking of glitching, panning stuff is really good for keeping the soundscape fresh & interesting. Pan the glitched drums left & right. not to much, just enough to give it a little variety. Hmmm, that's about all I have right now. Hope that helps, even just a little. Like I said, I like the sound of it so far!
  19. Dude, I'm so excited about this. Between this & the non official announcement of The Darkness sequel, 2 of my favorite games are getting another chapter! Which is awesome! yay!
  20. You know, since I got another gig of RAM, I'm tempted to redo my tracks... but I've redone them smitches way to much already.
  21. I've got a couple here http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/n64/index-sz.html Turok 2 - Port Oblivion Turok 3 - Omicron Crimson Those games had such great music, I was surprised that they had little to no coverage.
  22. dood, it's pretty rad the way it's an ambient song, but still sounds like you could beat the hell outta a few dudes while this is playing in the background & it'd still fit. Ambient fight music!
  23. dude, I was totally loving that first friend video. Maybe it's a guy thing, but, dammit if that doesn't pull on my heart string & remind me of my old dog, RIP.
  24. Be still my beating (also pumping blood) heart! You've done it, guys! Now the pressure is on friggin Kylie Joan Cribs & Courage Leeanne Courage, for crying out loud & what not. But, eh, whats a few more months. *points & laughs at people waiting for project... then cries at the realization that he is one of them* ;_;
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