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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. Off the top of my head, these 2 pieces got a tear or 2... or 18. Xenogears - Cried http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CAqKY2yvNc It's the singing in the intro that does it for me. Cowboy Beebop - Blue Friggin epic masterpiece.
  2. So, I heard you like bulbasaurs? Well, if you do, you kinda scare me. I also heard there is a new wip in the wip board over at the project thread for the project... over there.
  3. I think it's "Dream an Eastern Peace" by Rexy & Prophecy. http://doulifee.com/prc/PrcSong/prc48/PRCv2-22_-_Prophecy_-_Rexy_-_Dream_Of_Eastern_Peace.mp3 I'm not %100 sure. But, that's what comes to mind.
  4. Was anybody expecting DB to be anything other than a cheese fest, with matrix fight scenes? Does no one remember the old cartoons, & how "serious" & "realistic" the fight scenes were on that mug. Having said that, I'm totally seeing it. Emmy Rossum selaed the deal for me.
  5. All hail the Galactic Emperor! *trumpet fanfare*
  6. ... either way, I'mma gonna get this, fo sho, homie G. It will most likely be, the Bomb dot com! So, yeah, I'm expecting awesomness, so as to kill people in GoW2, with this as the background!
  7. Okay! I gots my new version, finally! I just need to know where to send it!
  8. What Kyle means is, it probably is, but you'll never know, until we tell you, that is. Which I may or may not have just done, depending on how you look at it.
  9. I'ma redo my track. I just finished redoing my SD3 track, & now, I'm build this ground up.
  10. Hoorah! Though, I wish more people would be able to hear the Death Egg in Before the storm.
  11. So, yeah, here in the next week or so, I'm gonna see if this thread will can get locked. I'm gonna start a fresh one.
  12. Even though I didn't finish in time, I still intend to remix a track, by golly.
  13. Well, I'm in just before midnight (well, 2 hours after the fact here), but, Happy belated birthday you guyses!
  14. Dangit, I didn't even realize we were so close to the deadline. I'm having trouble getting a groove with my remix. I mean, I started it pretty good, then... nothing. Hopefully I can get that last minute inspiration.
  15. Sexy Day, happy Buns... alternatively, Happy birthday. Now if only I could finish my super Metroid mix.
  16. alright, I gotta do some planning, so, first things first, everyone who started on the project before hand & still wants to be included send me a pm with a current build of your track. We'll go from there, & I'll start a new thread at some point in the near future.
  17. Alright, I'm in. I just want to see how many of the old guard are still up for this project. So far I've seen pu_freak, & Metal. Other than those 2, I think the tracklist needs some revising. We'll basically start over on that count, with the exeption of the the guys I've mentioned (inlcuding me). I'll check around & see if anyone else is interested. See if I can't call in some favors. Also, I liked pi's last idea, that we focus on villian & boss themes. Whether they be mini bosses, main bosses, or character themes for the bosses. Keeping the darker aspect to it, but allowing both aggressive as well as more mellow mixes within it. What do you guys think?
  18. I think Pi just bailed on us. I'm considering restarting this project up. But, I'm not sure how much interest is still in it.
  19. If only I was a little earlier... I ended up getting the flac d/l instead of the physical because the extra 2.50 would have went over my prepaid visa. Also, the album is friggin awesome! I like White Rain the most at the moment. Awesome Work Audix!
  20. A new one, www.myspace.com/beatdrop , go there & download "Neutron Bomb (Edit). It's friggin awesome & makes you feel all friggin Blade-like.
  21. It's because they all got the left side of their respective heads burnt.
  22. Spoilers, but really, who hasn't seen the movie at this point? You know, I just rewatched the movie, & I noticed a theme that I missed the firt time through. The fine line between chance & choice. I noticed it when the "tiny" Lister threw the detonater out the window in the boat, he made a choice, threw chance out the window. Secondly, when Dent threw the coin in the air for Gordons' son, everyone assumes it would have landed good side no matter what. The only reason it did land good side up, is because Batman made a choice. He didn't let something bad happen. It's just one more little thing that made me friggin love this movie even more.
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