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Everything posted by MaxFrost

  1. I bought impulse prime, and i'm so gonna get this... will perorder as soon as I get cash
  2. looks intresting, signed up for the beta, here's hoping to get in. (ex-wow nut, on a break, needs something to distract from wow and it's stupid community.) WoW's great and all, but I'm a hunter/shaman/warrior...there's too many terrible hunters out there, which makes it hard for mine to get anything, same with warriors...and shamans....dunno why life is so hard for em...got a 67 draenai shammy...and I'm not sure I want to finish topping her off. bah.
  3. yeah, about half the width of your current sig would be awesome...I'm stuck webbing at a resolution of 1024 atm on my laptop...my desktop is outta commission at the moment :/
  4. 2nd on One piece, once again, don't touch the 4kids 'translation'...it sucks Also, Code Geass - fairly new series, very epic, just had a huge plot twist added. D-Grayman - oddball, humor, and overpowered main characters FTW! Prince of Tennis - sports anime in a DBZ type style...gotta love it. Black Lagoon - Cyberpunkish, pretty neat. Also, little bit older, but completed. Black Cat.
  5. I agree...it's cool because it's totally different, but honestly, the gameplay sucks.
  6. What drives this song is the high energy effects on that D&B loop. Yeah, the loop isn't that great, and could use some fills in a few spots, specially towards the end. However, it doesn't really matter, as the song still freaking RULES! and yes...that IS an organ solo...I was just howling when I heard it
  7. just wait till Live at the Sandopolis
  8. yeah, guitar wankery is always nice I was really impressed with Kanjika's work. Although the pieces were a bit on the quiet side, the arrangement on both pieces was very polished and strong. Changing the subject, what do you think of Snapple's intros?
  9. I agree with Overcoat...a couple songs didn't sit well with me, but overall, I'm impressed...Every single track holds a unique arrangement, only beef was with some production flubs, and a few poor sample choices.
  10. took me 4 hours to clear the first temple awesome game, can't wait to finish it up
  11. already downloaded, and currently being listened to...Divided from Grace is where I'm currently in the playlist
  12. eh, I thought I was going to do that too, but you'll boost your income and happyness if you drop it. Also, anybody who attacks you at this stage has to deal with all of your buddies
  13. hrmp...I'm still at war myself, but I have a feeling the guy isn't going to attack anytime soon...so i'm just going to wait it out.
  14. Aggramar Alliance - Karlitian - 60 Hunter Krast - 55 warrior Karundero - 26 rogue Truls - 22 mage and a bunch of other alts, but all are under lvl 20
  15. no, we shouldn't...however, this is more of an annoyance then anything else. If I was getting zerged, I'd be more worried, but this was some lone idiot trying to take out a quickly growing newb nation. too bad I already have a better grasp of game mechanics then this dude did.
  16. eh, that'd be a tad overkill...his nation is only 6 days old, compared to my 3 days...not only do I not even have 5k, but he's already shredded for some reason, hence why most of you guys can't attack him. He's still in a recovery state...however, I will warn him that if he attacks again, we will toast him also, when he attacked me, I was still unaffliated with the OCA...now when people check me out, they know I'm allied with people. as for damages...there weren't any...I actually made money off of his attack (a petty .94 ...stupid beginning game)
  17. nah, don't need to retalite....evidently, when he lost after he attacked me, his state went into anarchy...it'd just be overkill...not to mention I tripled the number of soldiers I was employing after I got on today...it'll make people think twice about attacking me EDIT: on second thought...smear him...I'll throw in my own troops as well. his name is Prolaptacus
  18. bah, some idiot attacked me yesterady...too bad for him, because as a nation that doesn't want war, all we have is a standing home army , that's all there sucker
  19. yeah, i'm just in peace mode to start out with...I've been doing lots of reading, and don't plan on getting in a bunch of wars yet... as for the land deal...I had to buy a bunch off the bat >< stupid starting population of 180ish on the plus side, I was able to start out with a little more money then normal though. (yay for taxes ) now to work on getting my happyness lvl up UPDATE: whoa...I took of peace mode and my happyness shot up 10 points, and my GOP shot up 20 bucks...mmm methinks I'll stick with this
  20. I just signed up.. Leader: MaxFrost Country: Trelindari Cap. City: Yotenka Resources: Cattle, Wood (i'm on the freaking ocean too ><) I'll give this a shot, looks intresting
  21. I remember reading that too, but what other class NEEDS a talent to PVP? Especially one that costs 10 points in a tree you might not even want to use? Improved Arcane Explosion was given to Mages for free, but even using it pre-patch without the talent wasn't nearly as gimped as playing a Warrior without TM, so why give Mages special treatment? I personally play a warrior thats lvl 52...he's fury spec, which is much fun. on the note of tactical mastery...i've specced with it full, and usually, it's just too much. you only need crossover rage for three things from what I've seen. plummel, intercept, and overpower...2 points in TM will cover both of those, mostly for switching to zerker and pummeling...as a fury warrior, overpower isn't as essential as pummel and intercept are, so those two points serve me well. personally, I haven't been gimped for using 2 points in the talent...leaves me free to put em somewhere more useful
  22. it didn't...this thread was created in anticipation for Super Smash Bros: Wii Edition or whatever, and has degraded into a play style thread... lesse...tips for bowser...L-cancelling is your friend...don't dodge too much, you need to go on the offensive. Bowser will simply get torn apart if he only plays defense, and because he's so slow, many players do just that. Take advantage of Bowsers sheer power, and also, most importantly, learn to get the tilt attacks down. They're really fast for bowser, and can kill. Up+B is better for avoidance then dodging, because Bowser is slow as hell when it comes to side dodges. Also, you may not know this, but Bowsers Forward+B can grab people while Bowser himself is in midair. Great for catching people off guard. Smash down is good for snagging people who like to dodge behind you. Overall, just practice. I don't recommend playing him till you got a good handle on most other characters, only because he's so slow, so you NEED to know how to react to most attacks. Bowsers worst enemies are Samus and shiek. Samus because of the hard hitting range, and shiek because of the blistering speed. Fox has trouble KOing Bowser from his sheer weight, so you don't have to worry about him too much. Marth can be a problem, you'll have to mindgame him to death. I'd say more on marth, but nobody I know is super good with him...marth players on my system tend to be underexperience and get owned.
  23. I need to add my own story...I consider myself pretty good at smash bros, and after a while started beating match after match with the same three characters... First group: Dr. Mario; Young Link; Marth Well, after hearing how marth was a top tier character and considered slightly unfair, I picked other characters. Dr. Mario; Young Link; Fox Well, I was still owing and decided to pick some of the more unusual characters out there. Second group: Yoshi, Ice Climbers, Mewtwo I only got OK with Mewtwo, but the other two I can take to tournaments...HOWEVER, I was still winning far too often against all comers. I knew Bowser was pretty lame when it came to tiers, so I decided to play him over and over again. Also, I took time to master Roy during this same time. Current Group: Yoshi, Bowser, Roy Now with bowser, unless there is a top tier character in the match, I'm almost guarenteed a win, and even with marth or fox in the match, I'll probably still win...my only downfall is a good shiek player....it sucks when you take 80% damage with no chance to strike back...at least I can kill shiek 60% though... What is it with me and heavy characters?
  24. hey, I hadn't bowled in freaking 2 years....give me a break... plus, I think someone bowled a worse game then I did next to me...
  25. I take back my comment on the lack of low end...I was listening on my headphones before and they don't push low bass quite as well as my speakers do. My only real critique about the bass now is that there's barely any accenting on it. it's there alright, but it feels like the attack is gone... anyways, on to other things. The drumwork is phenom, not what I expected out of you. Good work
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