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Everything posted by MaxFrost

  1. same thing for me, looks like I'm just cluttering things up, and nobody's bit, so I'm going to hit up a trade in store.
  2. SotSS, check your inbox, you got my last invite
  3. I'm in there with Baha. 25, but no interest in strip clubs, or even gambling (I may do a few rounds of poker, but that'd be it). If I do show up, I'd have a mostly empty car with me, so you can abuse that. I'll probably be the only one coming from southern California.
  4. I bought Darksiders as an impulse buy when I went to go get Bayonetta (which was planned). So totally worth it. In even more recent news, I just snagged a 24" LG monitor for $210. Still waiting for it to arrive, but woot
  5. Wow, a meetup I could actually go to! List me as tenative, I can do the 13th-15th, though I may only do a two day deal so I can be back home by Sunday night. It's just a 4 hour drive for me, so barring other activities or a sudden pang of "must stay away from Las Vegas" I can probably make it. More details from me by the start of summer.
  6. Fighting Games: I tend to pick slower characters that are built around timing. In both SSBM and SSBB I'm a huge fan of bowser, and all my friends hate it when I pick him because I make him do the impossible (re:win) all the time. When I don't pick him, I tend to go for zone manipulators, or those who can easily move in and out of zones, or create new ones on the fly. It's not even so much that he's slow, it's that so many people suck with him that I pick him. It's like I enjoy beating people up with the 'worst' character available. It all centers on my ability to read the opponent and having insanely good timing. Racing games: I love traction, so in the past the characters with the best control win my heart. More recently though, the fast but barely controllable guys have been winning my heart. Strategy: I usually go for a rounded mix, but if I know there's a weakness present in the opponent, I will exploit it. I'm famous for bunker busting. Outside of that, I'm a bit slow in reaction times because I don't always see what's going on. I'm horrid at watching mini-maps (just ask the HoN folk)
  7. My brother and I would accidentally erase each others games all the time. Usually no hard feelings, as we're both pretty good gamers, and it wasn't too hard to get back to where the other person was. So there really wasn't any real raging until accidentally nuked his 100% FF6 save (everybody knew every spell, ever, and every single possible item gotten, all level 99. How he did that, I don't know.) I don't think I ever quite lived that down until someone nuked my all gold tracks completed file on Diddy Kong Racing. I even had the extra backup saves done, but some scrubby kid (who shall remain unnamed) deleted all the files. I never played DKR again after that (that game was 2nd only to smash bros before that)
  8. So has anybody besides me get this yet? This game is just oozing style. I've never had so much fun with a hack n slash game, nor have I laughed so much at one. Combat is excellent, story is delightfully campy, it's just so much fun! I still have to play darksiders, but this has my attention for now.
  9. My list: Bayonetta Dante's Inferno Starcraft 2: Sons of Liberty World of Warcrack: Cataclysm Golden Sun DS Those are my must haves of this year. Everything else will be evaluated as it releases.
  10. Regarding world of goo, the two play relatively the same, except for one fairly major difference... multiplayer only exists on the Wii version
  11. /thread That's it, the Coop wins.
  12. Awesome, a book about how to make improv weapons! It matches perfectly with my book of "Forbidden Lego"! Thanks Secret Santa!
  13. You're not the only one who hasn't gotten something. There's one confirmed gift still floating out there, which may or may not make it today. UPS/mail won't hit my house for another 3-4 hours, so I still may get mine today
  14. I think you're all crazy because it's still 8am on Christmas Eve here...
  15. kind of sucks because we really wont' know for sure until after Christmas.
  16. *is still waiting for something to show up*
  17. I shipped mine out on Friday.
  18. hey, you're 6 days older then me Happy Birthday dude!
  19. I think this is going to be secret santa in more that we don't know who's giving us what rather then completely anon.
  20. Bardic: that's basically what happened to me. The game stopped being fun for me when I started running the same rooms over and over for stuff. Not to mention that having to hold points to build skills effectively was never for for me. I stopped playing because of it, just got wore out on the game. Sadly, this was right before they introduced synergies, but I've never been able to get back into the game because I just can't stand playing it anymore. Blizzard has done a phenomenal job at making money with this game. How many games do you know of that are 10 years old and _still_ sell for 40 dollars a box? I only know of two games like this, and they're both bliz games.
  21. To be honest, even with this update, I still won't play D2 anymore. I can't can't stand it. Something in me broke back in like 2004 with the game, and I haven't been able to play it properly since. Still very much looking forward to D3, though Torchlight has been a very nice distraction.
  22. hey, neat, looks like you can respec (FINALLY)
  23. I'm still working on my gift, but I'm timing it for later.
  24. although they're not a proper metal band, Apocolyptica fits what you're looking for. Look em up.
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