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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. d2 runs fine on a w7 machine. my issue is i want to play it windowed (since it looks horrid stretched out on a 28" monitor), but i don't want to play it in the super-small window that it defaults to...i'd like to stretch it out a bit bigger. can't find a command to make that work.
  2. reeeeally looking forward to going to that next year. there was some great stuff in that article.
  3. i've been using lightning, hope, and snow a lot, but i'm about to switch lightning out for sazh. i'm getting sick of having her get hammered thanks to her relatively low HP. i know she's my most versatile character, but she gets pounded with relative ease by most bigger enemies. snow's awesome with the power circle as both a sentinal and a commando. i'm in chapter 12, and he's level four in both - and he's kicking ass in both. he'll easily hit for 8000 per attack, per turn, against a non-staggered opponent, using the base level of the power circle =) he's also a way better sentinal than fang thanks to his superior HP. i'm digging the syn-syn-sen at the start of bigger battles. hope's buffs work perfectly with sazh, and you can get all seven major buffs (veil, protect, shell, haste, vigilancy, bravery, and faith) on all characters in the time it takes to normally have two or three turns. the main issue with sazh as a leader is that you don't have that emergency paradigm of combat clinic (med-med-sen). if you use enough synergy paradigms, though (i always use one after staggering an enemy, when there's no chain to maintain), it balances out usually.
  4. he was brought in when it was apparent that their team wasn't operating at 100%, so he was supposed to cover the slack. they lost someone mid-project, which was where the rest of the hours came from. when the game comes out, i'll tell you which it was and you can decide if it was worth it or not. he didn't think so
  5. an audio engineer friend who was recently involved in a AAA-level game out in WA said that he worked about 65-70 hours a week for eight months for the project he was on. he was brought in mid-stream, and only worked in the sound studio. that's the industry, man.
  6. if that's your biggest issue with the game, then leave it alone already people who made it to the skyway: boy, didn't that feel good to kick all those monsters' asses that you saw back at the springs? those things destroyed me for like two hours until i figured out that sentinal wasn't a boss-only class. i pounded those things into the damn ground, and it felt good.
  7. whereas they make me glad i'm 40k in debt. college didn't cover all of that, but what it didn't cover i've picked up.
  8. yeah, i know. there's another article comparing and contrasting FFXIII to MW2 and (more importantly) ME2, but i can't find the damn thing. still, understand the gist of what i was going at, even if i didn't make it super clear at first.
  9. http://gamerdeals.net/blogs/carlos/archive/2010/03/12/the-changing-face-of-rpgs-according-to-ffxiii.aspx basically, it discussed how the switch from menu-driven combat to more strategic auto-combat was a result of the FF design team taking ideas from the gameplay of games like Uncharted and CoD. think about it before you call me an imbecile =) also, arcana, DA:O's a crappy example, for one big reason: it was developed on the PC first and then ported to consoles. guess how you save in the PC version =) there's autosaves, yes, but they're few and far between. almost every time you save, you do it through the save menu.
  10. it doesn't allow autosaving because, as with all FF games, there are often times when you want to experiment with crafting or creating some weapon or armor and you don't want to save it if it doesn't work out. in the same way, you might save before you go into a tough dungeon so that you don't have to fight your way out if it doesn't go well, etc. autosaving wouldn't be a good design decision for this game, honestly. does the three seconds that it stops and asks you about saving really annoy you that much? on the ps3 it only takes a second or two to save, dunno about the 360 version. as for asking where it wants to look for save games, that's for jasper 360s with an internal memory unit. by always popping up with that, it's ensuring that if you DID want to load a save from an external location, you could tell it to search again and see that it's just not seeing your device, as opposed to just having no idea where your save went. the only reason you wouldn't be able to install this game on your hard drive is that you're banned. it's an easy install, takes up 21.4gb or so (according to my friend). takes a little while, though. you still have to swap discs, of course, but it's way faster loading times, less tearing, and makes your 360 way quieter. to be honest, if these are your biggest complaints in a 60-hour, industry-changing, internet-polarizing, FPS-inspired RPG epic that you thought was going to be horrid, shut up and get back to playing =) just because you're too fat to get off the couch and change a disc doesn't mean that you're allowed to complain about it. play from the exercise bike
  11. i remember running down the halls in M8 to tell oa and stevo that they'd won...and then running back yelling the same thing and getting my badge number taken down by the 'security forces' (ten hours before the end of the con...whoo hoo). good times. what an awesome mix!
  12. i don't want to push artists. i'd be surprised if it's complete in nine months, let alone released by then.
  13. hey pez, this might sound dumb, but i'm not going to just link seven thousand posts of yours on the main page. eats up too many characters. and you don't want me to be guessing at what stuff is. so, pictures are nice, but it would be awesome if you'd do what everyone else does and format what you're selling properly. like this, for example: couch, horrid condition, comes with dead fish: $42,000 [the pezman] rather than just putting pictures up. make sure you include manufacturers names when necessary (like, i can't read what's on that usb stick for crap).
  14. hint, everyone - the reset battle function helps a lot. i didn't fight a damn thing on the flatlands area, i just ran right by that stuff, and moved on. it's super easy to die in crappy ways there - heck, some of those enemies require your characters to have the 10th level of the crystarium (or whatever it's called), anyways...and nobody's getting that any time soon. you might want to beat the game and then come back for all the sidequest stuff.
  15. a little late, but happy birfday no less.
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tara_Strong yeah, she got an award for that in 2004. she's voice a LOT of cool stuff, like lemmy and iggy koopa, seth from lost odyssey, lots of other notable roles. pretty cool.
  17. no, some libraries have terrible instruments, because they wanted to say 'over nine thousand instruments included!' without putting in the effort. happens all the time. look at reason's orkester refill bank - there's some horrid sample jobs in there, but reason advertises as having a fully realized orchestra refill included. go figure.
  18. was it x or x-2 that rikku's VA got an award for how well they did? i think it was x-2, but it was the same girl, wasn't it? yuna was the only voice that carried over who wasn't the same VA. even barkeep crossed over (from the guy who ran the shoopuf, originally).
  19. i've got two invite codes for the beta. anyone interested?
  20. amt, you had already listed the hartke, fostex, and studiopros before, and you just changed the price. i didn't realize it until after i re-typed out your stuff updated to here, and just waiting on VHD's details to get more stuff up. kanthos and abadoss, thanks for always making exactly clear what you're posting! makes things so much easier.
  21. it gets me 5k regardless, so i don't mind =) i'll send it now.
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