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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. if you can make it bigger and fit it into the 250px height limitation, i'd think you were even cooler than you already are =)
  2. fyi, you're going to get your ass handed to you later on. there's a reason it's called tri-disaster
  3. you sound like an incredibly entertaining individual. welcome =)
  4. wasn't that post like one or two months ago? there are tons of PSP titles online, thanks to the PSPgo. and, like the 360, there are a few older titles online for download. they're small, though, compared to most of the stuff available. like FFXIII, for example - it's 42 of the 49 or 50gb available on the blu-ray disc. you want to download 42 gigabytes? what happens to people who have limited monthly bandwidth available for purchases?
  5. just run around a level for a while. i got my ass handed to me for a while. do you use a sentinel much? seriously, you can use a sentinel and get past half of the enemies just using Delta Attack and Mystic Tower, with a few quick switches to healer paradigms to heal up.
  6. amen, brother. it drives me nuts when people say that games that aren't overwhelmingly successful in the critical arena are bad (ff8 comes to mind, as well as games like army of two, warhawk, blood on the sand, etc). those games might not be extremely awesome in every category, but they are fun games that are enjoyable to play. if you're going to knock a game, play it first, for christ's sake. don't just spit out what IGN's review said or something. add something interesting to the discussion.
  7. squeenix has been branching out so much recently, between games like crystal defenders, nier, and others (don't they have an action-adventure game coming out soon?), that i find it hard to believe they'd retread FFVII AGAIN.
  8. sound test's wip for the last track is really, really cool. lots of unique stuff =)
  9. i found the story relatively clear throughout most of the game, with only a few 'wtf' moments. it does get a little convoluted at the end...which, as much as anything else, is a hallmark of FF games (4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 come to mind).
  10. i saw some stuff about it, but i'm kind of interested in it. i'd like to hear some reviews about it.
  11. that's the point of XBL gold, yes. most of the time, if you troll cheapgamerdeals or cheapassgamer you'll find a year's subscription for 35$ on a card. that's how i've gotten mine the last two years.
  12. this is an issue related to chipamp. i cannot for the life of me make chipamp's included .gsf player (Highly Advanced) play minigsf files. this is on winamp 5.xx and 2.xx, i've tested both, using both of the versions of 0.11 on caitsith2's webpage. it always gives me error code 11: "windows error message: 'an invalid parameter was passed to a system function.'" same error in w7 and xp, both 32-bit. i have no idea what this means, but it does mean i can't convert .gsf and .minigsf files to wave, like i'd like to. which is a problem. anyone got any ideas? edit: alternatively, if you don't know how to do this, would anyone be willing to rip some minigsf files for me and send them over?
  13. updated up to here. dan, i showed that stuff to my wife, and she wasn't interested in any of those specific operas. however, if you get more operatic literature, let me know and i'll pass it along.
  14. this sounds dumb, but an AI sentinal is better than you, in general. entrench is a low-level skill that allows you to take a buttload of damage and then deal some out at the end to the one that damaged you the most, based on how long you were entrenched. vendetta is a mid-level skill that does more damage with the comeback. provoke gets a lot of enemies to attack you for a while. challenge forces an opponent (who can be provoked, mind you, not all enemies can be) to attack you with their next turn, and possibly thereafter. let the computer handle it. it'll work better. just buff up a sentinel and pray they only use mediguard and they'll be fine.
  15. what i was saying is that MS logs that information based on when you log in on your account, so they should be able to forward said info to the police - if they won't just give it to you outright. make sure you've got the official information (ie, officer on the case, case number, etc).
  16. *shrug* didn't really have a problem with it. it wasn't incredibly interesting, but it wasn't grass-growing, either.
  17. seriously. x and xii were just soooo 1990s.
  18. microsoft tracks all 360s your account logs in on by a unique MAC address. contact MS, and they'll be able to check where the system logs on next - even if it's not on your account. if nothing else, it'll help the police get a trail to roll with. it works, i've had a friend recover his system (saves and all) because the thief wanted to use my buddy's XBL account and not pay for that either.
  19. just finished the game with sazh, hope, and fang as my party. great ending sequence, IMO - the battles fit really well with each other. i like that none of the three battles really had me holding on by the skin of my teeth, too. i hate it when final bosses are absolutely punishing - it just takes the fun out of it, in my opinion. time to hunt some marks!
  20. when you're looking to upgrade your computer, man, let me know. i build custom systems for people on OCR on the cheap. there's a link to some info in my signature. welcome to the site!
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