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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. roofie PMs aren't allowed through bbcode, sorry.
  2. i have a broken one, but i'm not going to do that to you =) sorry. they go on sale on amazon often for around ten dollars. keep your eyes open over the holidays.
  3. it's got a surprising amount of flexibility, actually. i was having a lot of fun playing with it.
  4. hope you got a 216. they're really smoking - what i'm using, on a 1920x1200 monitor, and i've got settings at full. pretty awesome.
  5. hey, bleck! we get it! you don't like this game! now please shut the fuck up and stop repeating yourself. it's getting annoying.
  6. whew, can't believe i missed this thread this significantly. if you want to include my 'o come' arrangement again, feel free. i've been meaning to remaster and rerecord it. also, mark me down for 'mary did you know'. i've got an arrangement at 50% i never finished.
  7. short answer, yes. long answer, i thought he leaves if that happens. i don't know - i didn't.
  8. i found a list online. i'm definitely interested, PM me with the exact amount (whatever's cheapest) and i'll pay via paypal.
  9. i might be inclined to do the whole thing, but i need to look into what issues were in there. i'm more interested for nostalgia factor than anything else =) if i only got a few, i'd get a good number.
  10. let me know when you pick. i'll give you more up-to-date info then.
  11. liquid cooling did it. that's a lot of power there. when i go LC, i'm going to have it be powered externally. a lot easier that way - i can shut it down a little after the computer, to allow it to finish cooling the system rather than just shutting down and setting the computer on fire with waste heat.
  12. i'm interested. i'd also be interested in if you'll separate certain issues. if you're going to magfest, or know someone close by who is, i'll get them there =) edit: don't forget to look at flat-rate boxes, too, since they'd be WAY cheaper per pound than standard shipping.
  13. this is correct. there is no way/point to go from the early 360s to an HDMI without an expensive converter. composite and component are analog cables, hdmi is (in the name!) digital. you'd need something to convert the signals, but there's no gain in visual quality. arcade units are the hot cheap item this season. they all are jaspers, which fail less than 5% of the time, and all have hdmi cables. they also all have internal 512mb memory.
  14. they did the same thing with kotor. at least they took them out of cutscenes. i liked what they did in Guild Wars, where you can choose to see them only in the field (not in towns), always, or not at all. same with the capes that GW has.
  15. i'd generally advise against open-box, since they always seem to come with the part you don't have missing. motherboards always come without the I/O shield, which is a great way to overheat your chipsets with dust and dirt contamination. the main reason i advise against it is because the price that open box components are is usually the cost after the product's been out for six months or so. the 4830 is available now for a very low cost, with all the warranties and bits that you wouldn't have otherwise.
  16. all ram is starting to go up. i'd be surprised for it to go much higher than it is, now. there hasn't been much innovation in the field in about six months, with pretty much no new packs coming out. i'd be surprised if that held true over the next six months as well. the 9800GTX+ would be enough for you, then, as it's particularly strong with GPGPU and CUDA technologies. you could go lower and not be hurt by it, but don't go too low - a 9500GT (512mb of ram, 256 or 128 bit bus) or the 9600GSO would be the lower end of the spectrum for what you'd want, i'd think. if you're not using GPGPU- and CUDA-enabled applications...you will be, in a year or two. so get a gpu that's worth the time. it's quite expensive, yes. the days of spending 600$ on a computer and having it be good for longer than six months are gone, though, with the astronomical rise in the renewal speed of technology. go big now, so that you don't have to spend money for a long time. and always - ALWAYS - spend more to get the warranty. it's worth it, in the end.
  17. not even all 9800GT cards have the smaller manufacturing process. some are just straight rebranding, which is dumb. that's why i always suggest going 9800GTX+ or the next step up. the difference in cost is like 10 bucks and the difference in performance can be as much as 20-25%.
  18. amd is horrid, for a lot of reasons. mainly, their cpus perform far below what their measurables (FSB, clock rate, etc) say they should. not to mention they run extremely hot - the phenom quads they sell are rated at up to 145w of heat, which is literally enough to scald the skin off of your fingers in an instant (or boil water). you might get decent performance, but any cpu that runs that hot and doesn't have really awesome cooling - like, a hand-lapped heatsink with two large fans on it - will die once it is past the one-year mark. go with a newer-model i7, like the 860. the motherboards for the LGA1156 cpus are way cheaper than the i7s requiring the 1366 socket. i'm an evga fanboy, mainly because their warranty is so damn good (lifetime warranty, regardless of the issue. they're awesome!). check out the p55 model they're shopping now. if that's too much, gigabyte makes excellent long-term stable boards as well. don't even bother with x2 and pentium dual-core. pentium DC are before the core 2 came out, and the core 2 architecture now has been outdated by the i7/i5/eventual i3 architecture as well. of course, it depends on cost. don't even try to future-proof a computer when you don't have the cash to handle it. save and buy later instead of spending 600$ now. you'll regret it in less than a year. spend the money on your psu and motherboard, since that's what matters in the long term. go ddr3 if you can. here's what i'd say you should get: evga p55 model mobo - 200$ intel i7 860 - 289$ zalman 600w psu - i own this psu, and it's got the guts of the 750w model...as in, i've had it outputting 775w for hours and there were no issues! what an amazing psu. if you can't afford it, get the ocz modxstream, which is modular and a well-designed psu. evga 9800gtx+ - good sli, good card. if you can afford it, get one of their gtx 260 core 216 cards, which are absolute monsters. g.skill ripjaws (ddr3 2000, 4gb total) if you can afford it, ddr3 1333 if you can't for hard drives, anything on this page lg dvd-rw drive (12x burn speed for DL discs? do want!) for a case, i recommend the antec three hundred. protip: get whichever model happens to have free shipping, and it'll save you 25$ for shipping the damn thing. there's always a model of the three hundred on sale, it's just a matter of finding it. with the ripjaw ram, a 750gb hard drive, and the expensive psu, you've got a fantastic system for 1040$ or so. really, really awesome, and futureproofed out the ass. you might upgrade the gpu in two years, but everything on that list has at least a five-year warranty (aside from the hard drive, since none have more than three nowadays), and your mobo, psu, and gpu have lifetime warranties on them. the cpu, psu, ram and mobo are all components that you'll have for years and will function just as well then as they do now. need to drop some cost? use the ocz gpu (-25), the i7-750 (-90), the cheaper ram (-30), or the gigabyte mobo (-35 or so). always buy as much hard drive space as you can afford, and never ever scrimp on your psu or ram. crappy ram or an inefficient psu will really make you pay in the long run (particularly with psus, an inefficient psu can cost hundreds a year over what you could be paying). if you've got questions, let me know.
  19. prior to the G92 architecture redesign, sli got you 42-45% efficiency at best. with the advent of the G92 8800GTS (the 512mb version), 8800GT (second version), and the 9600GT (initial version), sli increased to well over 90% - in fact, two older-model 8800GT cards in sli were comparable to two newer-model 9600GT cards at launch, even though the drivers were designed with the 8800 in mind (and the 9600GT was well below the price of the 8800 at that time). don't forget that your 7600GS, while good for its time (i did all of witcher on it!), is four and a half generations old at this point. even the difference between a 7600GS and a 9600GT (or GSO, i don't think they're selling GT cards anymore) would be immense. between a 7600 and a 9800GTX+ or GTS 250...hot shit. get an awesome single card, so that down the line you can buy another and link them. that 500w psu will support a gtx+ easily, and since it's the exact same card it should be able to handle a GTS 250 as well. right now, the best cost-to-performance ratio of any card falls in the gtx+'s favor below 140$ and in the GTX 260 core 216 for the 200 and under bracket (i got my core 216 for about 150 on sale, from evga/newegg). a core 216, due to 55nm manufacturing processes, actually uses four watts less than a gtx+, too. ps: when you did the xtreme power thing, and it said 276 watts...what gpu was that with? that's a rather high number if you had the 7600gs on there, since the GS only needs about 25-30w of power to run. if it WAS with the GS, you've got other issues...like, why you need that much. my e8400, core 216, five hard drives, two optical drives, and five high-performance fans (with 25% capacitor aging, since my computer's on 24/7 for about a year) takes 360w total =)
  20. eh, whatever. it worked. and it's fun to be a bunch of flies. i should point out that when i said tank, i meant 'damage sponge'. i didn't actually mean 'distraction with damage included', like most people think of tanks. also, if you think that those two forms are better than a corrupted bear with overwhelm, you'd be very surprised. bears have no armor, therefore are always the last character to be attacked. bears do more raw damage than any other form, and can still take the effects of frost weapons and the like. a well-classed corrupted bear can knock over any enemy - my bear beat loghain easily - and overwhelm will knock out 3/4 of most enemy's health. considering i only needed it for a few specific situations, it worked.
  21. good choice. the rp5002 has crappy efficiency, so going high on the wattage balances it out. doesn't balance your power bill, but yeah =)
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