if you have nothing going on in your life, it's easy to finish songs quickly. i did my first track for link's awakening in three weeks, and i did the track for zircon's FF7 compo in thirteen hours (eight minutes of saxophone quintet, written, recorded, mastered, and uploaded). i wrote eighty minutes of game soundtrack - original work - in four months. honestly, who gives a shit? remixing isn't a job. the minute it becomes one, i'm going to stop. i have music from 2005 waiting to be released because of projects. big deal. i want to get noticed, i do other stuff. projects are a longevity thing.
people take time because everyone works creatively at a different pace. you can say that kind of annoying crap about how slow we all are all you want, but you won't understand until you actually run a project and you have no one on it because you pushed too hard to finish. you'll hurt your sphincter if you do that. people need time to sleep, to eat, to relax - sometimes you can just sit down and work for eight hours and it's done, but most people can't do that in one shot. that's just how it is - suck it up and deal with it. i wouldn't be surprised if stevo kicks your track if you keep complaining about being done early, so that you can just release it and enrich us all.