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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. do you listen to anything on the front page? summoning of spirits? or the christmas albums? how about that project i ran? *facepalm*
  2. i'll likely take a track in a year or so when it's clear which tracks people don't want. until then, write me down for collaboration for anyone who needs sax, vocals, etc.
  3. just for reference, gtahater, msot people browse these boards with a light theme on - making all these colors you use in various threads completely impossible to read. try to stick to normal colors =) thanks!
  4. i'm not even going to deign that ridiculous tomfoolery with a real response. why don't you write some remixes and show us how it's done, arrangement jesus?
  5. for people who don't use google (there's a religion where google's the antichrist, no joke): this is an htpc/streaming media pc. it allows you to stream videos from youtube, hulu, and other free online sources as well as from your PC. it also streams music from pandora, last.fm (without the shitty 360 interface or nasty ps3 browser), and your computer as well. it outputs in full 1080p with full 7.1 surround sound (most computers and gaming consoles can do one but not the other), and features support for third-party subtitles, virtually all major media formats, and a qwerty-enabled remote to dispense of the hassles of a wireless keyboard/mouse setup. it also features an impressive stock of downloadable plugins and applications to extend user connectivity and general usefulness. tbh, if you don't know what an HTPC is or why you'd use it as opposed to the totally borked 360 streaming interface or the feature-barren ps3 media center option, then you'll probably not purchase it. as someone who deals extensively with digital media (sooooo much cheaper to purchase than hard copies), this is ideal for me. plus, it's impossible to find anything - ANYTHING - that'll stream full 1080p in HD with HD sound for under 350$ while still offering connectivity to the web (aka, not the 360 or ps3). and this is 200$. sign me up! edit: i forgot the biggest feature - you don't have to leave your tv hooked up to your pc, meaning that long cross-room cables and the noise induced from long cabling runs are gone, too. not to mention you don't have to deal with the hassle of having your tv reset your monitors every time it's turned on.
  6. i have two terabytes of videos. go ahead, feel free. not to mention that conversions ALWAYS reduced quality, both audio and video. this is all besides the point that i don't really have anything that's able to play those files on my tv - the only thing in the house that can play true 1080p is my desktop...which is, as i mentioned before, too far from the tv to make it worth it. another interesting thing about the boxee - since it accesses my home computer differently than most network-only devices, i can take it to a friend's house and stream stuff from my home computer flawlessly.
  7. the boxee box is an htpc/media entertainment center that plays all types of video, audio, and links with several major websites. it replaces a computer being hooked up to the tv full-time. rama, this is perfect, really. ps3 needs you to manually decode most of the more esoteric forms of video (like matroska) and isn't the most graceful streamer of music either. oh, and this has full 10.1 flash support, whereas the ps3's browser sucks donkey dick. a modded original xbox can't handle good HD video without occasional hiccups, and it doesn't support hulu or the website features. a laptop's nice, but you've gotta hook it up every time (not to mention most laptops don't like 1080p streaming that much, there are few that'll work without being a lot of money). and a desktop won't support any tv through a digital output (a la hdmi) without 'recognizing' it every time you turn the tv on, which'll screw up multi-monitor support and everything every time you change the channel on the tv (i know this for certain, my tv screws up my three monitors every time). 200 for seamless integrated media support? that's even better than one of those netbook media centers running XBMC or something, and this has gigabit internet, integrated .11n wireless, sd card support, optical audio out, and lots of installable apps to sweeten the deal. this is a stunning item that i'd easily pay 300 for, and it's only 200...with a full qwerty remote! ps: connor, check this out for more information about the boxee box.
  8. i get a deal through my college, so i'm set for the big images i've already got. but there's stuff here i haven't seen before.

  9. http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/05/boxee-box-officially-announced-under-200-flash-10-1-support/ the boxee box has officially been announced. honestly? i can't build an htpc with those features for 200$. i'll be buying one. what about you? has anyone else been following set-top htpcs lately? there's some cool stuff available. considering this'll do facebook, twitter, pandora, hulu, just about any streaming audio, video, or picture content, AND look good at the same time...it's perfect. /necrobump update: boxee box releases in nine days. it's available at amazon, with some features listed on-site there. link here.
  10. hey, this guy looks pretty sweet. thanks for letting me know.

  11. hey man, do you know any metulz? after that whole homicide of homeless people showed up and were just smelling up the room, i'm glad we were able to jam for a while. it was mad fun, dude. YOU! i need to get in touch with you!
  12. weather didn't clear up? sorry, man. wasn't my megaman hat thing. looks like it's yours now. maybe that'll make you feel better =) yeah, vinnie, it's all about the n64. i'm not that great myself, and the controllers were total shit (you couldn't dash at all), but it's a lot of fun. d-lux always owns me, though...damned kirby and your overpowered-ness. i play as dk, though, so it's my own damned fault i get hosed half the time.
  13. didn't we just talk about this on the phone like two days before this was posted? thanks to the props, everyone! i don't mind critiques, either, so thanks for that as well. everything will help me improve down the line.
  14. whew, i really had a good time this year. too bad i was sick for half of it. dude, you're like game music superhero or something, you know them all. i love jamming with you because i can say 'how about this?' and you've already got a sweet arrangement to try. also jamming props to the xenotones, piano guy, and the metulz drummer who was in there half the con. was our drive not funnnn? =( =( =( seriously, though, anyone who can keep up a running conversation for seven hours with me and not recap old stuff is pretty awesome. i usually struggle on long trips to stay awake, but not this time! fourteen hours round-trip for me is pretty good. smash was a lot of fun! we need to get more people to play that game. the others are dumb, it's all about the original =) we will also definitely need to organize some more catan next time. the only reason i went to stuff is because i happened to be near someone who was organizing it. no reason to rage about it.
  15. i'm home and happy to finally sleep in a real bed - but i still miss everyone =( diotrans, we'll catan it up next year!
  16. too bad you couldn't get 7. it'll install the drivers for you, as long as w7 recognizes the board - which it always does.
  18. dude i'm so sorry! i'll stop mixing now. lame originality is seriously an issue on the internet - i just want to hear the same shit that's been around for eight hundred years...none of these non-fitting chords. now get off my porch.
  19. i totally grabbed it. anyone up for playing when i'm back from mag?
  20. i'm leaving tomorrow morning, around 11. HOT.
  21. one of the guys i'm driving needs a ride back to lancaster pa on sunday (he thought the con only went until then). anyone in that area?
  22. i have a few of those black plastic things from going to see it a few times. they're relatively nice, actually.
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