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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. that was my rank on the pkmn project way back when. if you don't want it on the project, you can publick it up if you'd like (obviously). if you'd like it as a bonus track, i'd prefer to keep it quiet.
  2. yeah, check out his personal site. there's a LOT that he's been involved with lately. like, the soundtrack to Red Faction: Guerrilla, which blew my mind (i LOVE that game!).
  3. actually, dafydd, tail cave has three suitors currently who've been sending me project tracks. one of them will be chosen, since they've been in contact with me for over a month =) theophany, sound test, and a new guy (obtuse) have been working on wips. one'll be the 'official' track, and the other two will be bonus releases on the album. i didn't write it in as claimed because no one's really nailed it down yet, and i only got actual wips over the weekend from them. profit from mah fist, yo!
  4. stevo, you're totally fine. i fixed the first post - does it work now?
  5. i released a track for sm64 ages ago, almost by accident. fishy pointed that fact out to me =(
  6. i realize you've not been involved in projects before, but generally speaking the project director is the one who decides what leaks and what doesn't.
  7. edit: ninja'd by darke! sorry, i didn't mean any of the horrible things i said about the nub.
  8. i should point out that the Lite version is officially online. you should download it, for free.
  9. not until i finish other stuff that's in the works. maybe in a few months, but probably not.
  10. does anyone here use virtual guitarist? if so, do you know how to make it install in w7? i've tried everything, including compatibility mode and administrator privileges, and i can't get it to move past the 'updating the registry' screen. half the time it locks up my system right there. any ideas for getting an old (2002 or so) program with a crappy installer to work? anyone want to write a new installer? i'll pay you!
  11. for those who don't read my PMs, caleb and company (three artists in all now) are probably doing some really cool stuff behind the scenes which will really add to the release besides the usual album art and website. you'll love it =)
  12. you're an awesome human being. welcome to this site. i welcome your non-musical contribution. at least you aren't going to try to be something you're not =) for all i know you're the next BT, but at least you don't claim to be him.
  13. you look like a spambot. if you want me to make you a computer, send me a pm with a legit email in it =)

  14. you're not going to improve much. card readers still are travelling through the card's crappy interface. not to mention that a card formatted in a psp won't show up in explorer properly, and data transferred to a windows-formatted card won't work in a psp. you'll just have to deal =(
  15. yes, gollgagh, that's it. there are SD cards at buy.com that are branded SanDisk cards, and they're 8-10 dollars depending on the day. go with 16gb sticks if you can - they're not much more, and 32gb is almost enough to put every game i've got on there (i'm currently at 47gb if you don't count the repeats in different formats...and yes, i own them all). be warned that the transfer speed from your computer to it is atrocious. around 6-7mb/s, in general. takes half an hour to transfer 14 gigs. however, load times from it are pretty low.
  16. drum and BASS, kids. not drum and base. base /= bass, at all. just curious, obtuse, are there any styles you don't like?
  17. he's a gymnast, right? we could just fold him up and stick him on the top shelf of the closet if we wanted to.
  18. perfect. since it's technically creating a modified raid array, you get better throughput and performance, too.
  19. so i got a micro sdhc to memory stick pro duo converter today. not a big deal - i've been using one for ages. except this one allows for TWO sdhc cards. so, 2 8gb cards cost me 8$ each, and the converter cost me 3$ at buy.com. ten dollars total for shipping the three (two separate sellers), and for 30$ i have 14.5 usable GBs of games on my psp. for 60, i could have gotten two 16gb cards, but i already had one 8gb card and didn't need THAT much stuff. still really awesome. you have to format them together through the psp or else they won't recognize the card in the second slot, but once i backed up my stuff and formatted it was fine.
  20. i got it as a demo through gamecrazy about two weeks ago. pretty cool, in my opinion. particularly hard for someone who has poor coordination.
  21. sounds like my first one, where i slept on the floor and was so exhausted you turned off my alarm after the first hour of beeping one morning =)
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