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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. there's more to my computer use than music - i like the glitz that dx10 gives games, and vista's also more stable than xp is when you mod the crap out of it (like i did to xp). a lot of what's on that list isn't vista 64 supported as according to their manufacturer websites, which is why i can't go that route.
  2. brings back the quote from robot chicken's first episode, from the zombie idol sketch. "i don't know, ryan, is it gauche to act like a complete douchebag on national television?"
  3. if you want to spend the money for the seasonic, get this one. 15 dollars more and you get 50 more watts, good efficiency, and it's modular (which is awesome). if you want a cheaper one, this is great too - it doesn't list it but it's >75% efficiency, which is great for the price. it's also in stock on newegg. both of the ones you picked are good, but the antec is better (modular and has fewer rails with 7 more amps on each than the seasonic, which is great). it's better than the mushkin, so if you can get it for a deal, do it. you pay for the name at seasonic...they make good stuff, but it still costs more.
  4. you linked me something that i didn't recognize the source tune of. try again?
  5. specifically, if you could tell us what the motherboard in it is (the product number is enough), i can tell you what'll fit. however, since you mentioned you have a p4, i'm assuming you've got a socket 478 board. they aren't compatible with intel's dual or quad-core processors, which are built on the socket 775 (and now 1366) motherboards. you're likely stuck, and need to upgrade your system. it's probably not worth the cost of a new processor.
  6. oh, hey, i should probably do mine soon. i dunno if you're in the loop, but that track that we threw together at jamspace is in the works. as in, progressing nicely.
  7. he's got like 8k posts just from trolling. i can't even imagine wasting that much time just pissing people off. he wasn't even that good at it.
  8. look out, here comes that yama yoshi fag or whatever his name was
  9. hell, ff7 will be released on the n-gage before this happens. or the snes.
  10. didn't he do the april 1st 'joke'? he also got me and several others banned for hacking into people's accounts, so at least for me that counts as well.
  11. consider your wall cherry broken

  12. there's not a lot of ultra-high-res images available for tf2 out there.
  13. he also made some ridiculously awesome music. but he fucking BROKE vgmix, possibly one of the best places for new musicians to get going with their stuff (way more comments than ocr's wip section has, and easy free hosting), and it's still broken years later because he still fucks with them on occasion and they can't get a decent programmer to help out. he tried to cheat in order to steal money from ourstage. and he still wastes dave's time with his pranks now, preventing dave from spending that time with either the site or his fiancee. don't try to dress him up...he's done some terrible things for the vgm community. if he came back and it wasn't for some stupid prank, that'd be awesome, because he did some great things too. but his bad things far outweigh having a bunch of cool tracks on this site. i've had my tiffs with the management, but i'd never dream of trying to take down the ocr servers or some stupid crap like that.
  14. i'm curious if it'd be possible to have a 'banlog' to show who gets banned, for how long, and for what the basic offense was. it should obviously be a thread that's locked, but it'd be nice to know why people get b& without having to ask around and hide from the mods while doing it. kinda like the police blotter, not only is it fun to read what stupid things people do but it's also a deterrent of sorts. of course, there's lots of cons, too, but i think it'd be interesting.
  15. yeah, the smaller one hurts my hands because it feels cramped.
  16. besides hack ocr a few times, repeatedly break vgmix, attempt to cheat at ourstage to get shnabubula to win, and (when he was a part of the community) ostracize most everyone who was a part of it due to his extremely caustic attitude and tendancies?
  17. hay damned make rap musics from my crappy psyduck rap
  18. there was a phailed gs remix project that never even got started a while back. some nobody wanted to get it rolling, but all they got was a site (that escariot hosted) with a forum that i was supposed to mod and add star power to. seriously, me? adding star power? nobody bloody knows who i am, for goodness sake.
  19. can't you see what the tempo specifically is when you're mousing over the edit events window in the 'hints' location (just under the menubar where file and all that is)? i've never had an issue with changing tempi because i can always see what the tempo will at at that point.
  20. yeah, when did that change happen? i missed it when it happened until i just did it once recently without thinking and was like 'hey, when did that come back?'
  21. hey man. i just listened to some of your stuff with flickerfall. i think it's great! excellent work!

  22. thanks man. i edited the first post to take off that particular link, but didn't remove any of the other stuff you had in the list.
  23. it's 40 megs...do you know someone that has space? oh, and i edited that one, too, and just forgot to upload it. i mixed it up so that it wasn't a straight line inbetween the top two and the bottom two, so it's a little more broken up.
  24. i joined right before my birthday, in my senior year of high school.
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