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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. http://www.planetxbox360.com/article_5919/ pretty good review of multiplayer options. check it out.
  2. i might actually do something for this...but there's no way in hell that i could beat something that akumajobelmont puts out. 80s FTW!
  3. you could just post it in wips. we're not ALL assholes here, after all. edit: the bar is set pretty damn high. you need the complete package, and you need to live in WIPs until you've got it. i've been rejected 14 times =)
  4. i honestly don't know what to tell you. other than the fact that a new hard drive for your desktop is stupid cheap for 500 gigs now. you could get a new one, offload the files from your external, format it, and reload it.
  5. not every project is votl. thanks for contributing, though, i'm sure the mixers of the songs you didn't like appreciate the criticism.
  6. so, 7's done but i haven't uploaded it yet. i know a LOT about hard drives i didn't realize i knew. i'm on memory, which will take a while. i know the basics, but i honestly don't know jack about timing or system-specific memories. and i know next to nothing about dual- and triple-channel besides that it speeds up transfer of data.
  7. not enough time. i loved the 'some clouds' line, i laughed quite hard at that. edit: this was for vagrance, not lt.
  8. 7800gtx? haven't seen one of those in a while. when am i making you a new system, ryan?
  9. all that bullshit in the project thread, and you can't see it coming yet?
  10. they're not too bright across the pond when it comes to stuff like this, that's for sure.
  11. boy - between fisheh, prizm and sixto there's some SERIOUS shredding going on from some of my fav guitarists on this site.
  12. yeah, this was big news on the feeds a few days ago. it's pretty nice, all told - you can turn off internet explorer for good! hooray for that.
  13. the rape scene was really uncomfortable for me to watch. like, it was disturbing. you might not all get that, but i'm married, so it's different for me.
  14. he's pretty fast and all that. i loved in that scene when rorschach jumped down from the pedastal and caught himself with one hand to prevent from being noisy. SO cool.
  15. updated. up to section 6 - so, you've got cpu, mobo, graphics, sound card, and POWER SUPPLIES (gawd, that took forEVER). so, 2.1-6.6 is done. sorry this has taken so long. PSUs were by far the longest section in the tutorial mainly because while i knew most of the terminology, i really went in and made sure i could explain it to a dumbass before i actually wrote it down. there's a LOT of info in there that needs idiot-proofing (in terms of reading), so go right ahead.
  16. it got quite poor ratings online so far.
  17. that's a good point, i missed that. and i missed the folder. i love little touches like that =) and no, toadofsky, i wasn't calling you a political conservative. i was calling your viewpoint conservative in the traditional sense - you would be more apt to find dr. manhattan's cojones inappropriate than, say, someone who grew up in cali. for what it's worth, i'm a conservative in this respect, so it's not like i'm insulting you.
  18. yeah, dr. manhattan's naked through the whole thing, but it's not like they're like OMG PENIX the whole time. it's artfully done so that, after you've read it, you can't imagine him wearing anything. even the manthong was a little weird when he had to wear it. i will admit, though. nixon's bloody nose was HUGE. even bigger than manhattan's super-saiyan-ized cock.
  19. i would have figured you'd be lurking the RSS feed constantly until this project got posted. you posted in the thread more than anyone else, just about, except kyle.
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