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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. lies, don't encourage that seph kid. all his posts are in this thread, and he's already a balrog
  2. having come back from a honeymoon a few months ago, i can guarantee that you don't want to room with other people on a honeymoon. guarantee it. particularly gamers. according to my wife, we 'smell funny'.
  3. i've got a shell extension called 'foldersize' that just functions as another column in windows explorer. lets you see how big each folder is. it's worth trying out.
  4. you both forgot something extremely important - there's a good chance that your previous drivers are still installed on your system. especially if you upgraded from an nvidia fx, 6-series, 7-series, older (g80) 8-series, or any ati card. the g92 8-series of nvidia cards - aka, the pci express 2.0 cards - use the same drivers as the lower-end g94-based 9-series, last time i checked. when i installed my 7-series card in escariot's computer (along with a new mobo) i forgot to tell him to uninstall all drivers and reinstall them - he had massive purple blips all over the screen (it was a problem with the black rendering on his, i think). he fooled with the card till he broke the fan, and then said it was a heat issue. check that you're fully seated, but i think it's a driver issue. the issues could be related to a bugfix that was release between your current drivers and those old ones, thus rendering it as a solid pixel rather than one shaded properly. the issue (since it was a manga you're talking about) is likely related to some specific shade of red, blue, or green. that post had a lot of info on it, so here's the basics. uninstall all graphics drivers (c:/nvidia, just uninstall everything there no matter what it is or how new or old it is) and then reinstall the 180.24 (i think) drivers, whatever's the newest for the 9-series of cards. there's a beta out, 180.86, that might fix issues as well, but i'd suggest trying the released 180 drivers first.
  5. actually, excellent typing for a phone. welcome aboard! interesting website, as well.
  6. excellent. i already bought a memory stick pro duo (got a 4 gig for like 15 bucks) for this, and after christmas i'll pick up a used psp from gamestop. this thread can probably be locked, mods.
  7. stevo (level 99) told me this on the phone this afternoon. he owns all the stuff needed to hack it, so i'll be ok on that regard. if i get one, we'll hack it up at magfest. edit: all the games i want to play on the ps1 seem to be there. i just need to figure out which games don't really run because of the lack of the extra shoulder buttons. what other emulators work on the psp? like, is there a gba emu that works?
  8. he's making fun of you, damned =) so, i think it's going to be a psp. we'll see what happens after christmas.
  9. i doubt pixiecon will happen any time soon (or was it zirkietricks? i don't remember...) since babies cost a huge amount of money =(
  10. yeah, i'm definitely going to mod it out of the box, so talking about that is fine. what upcoming games are in the future for either system? like, is there any deal-breakers coming out soon for either handheld?
  11. like it won't render, or it'll look crappy? which games are affected by this? (ff6 uses mode 7, doesn't it?)
  12. i think i'm leaning towards a psp. i like the lineup of games (being more towards mature games). assuming that the snes and gba emulators work fine, i think that that's the turning point for me. not like i'll have issues working with a memory stick (i own a bunch of both mini-sd cards and memory sticks). i'm thinking of getting a ps3 once the price goes down, in about six or eight months - are there any psp-ps3 features i should know about?
  13. i would be buying this primarily for single-player action, not multi. i would like one with features (like the psp's movie-playing ability, or the ds's notepad). i will hack it as soon as i buy it =) and i'm not worried about getting games for it. i didn't know that there's emulation for ps1 games. i'm pretty interested in that. however, i'm also interested in all the final fantasy remakes on the ds, since i love that series (fanboy omg).
  14. i'm thinking of buying a ds or a psp. but, i don't know which to get! so, i'd like you all to suggest which i should get. when you make your suggestions, please include a justifiable reason - games that are fantastic and exclusive, features you really like, etc. i don't own a wii or ps3, so any cross-platform stuff ain't gonna work for me. but if you know of any dark-horse games, any features that i'd really be interested in, post them here! of course, i might just buy an old ps2 and buy a ton of vintage good games. thanks in advance for your help, everyone!
  15. i actually was going to post that earlier today (news4games had it on their feed a while back) to say i was sorry and was mistaken, but i didn't want to reopen old issues. you're all right, i'm wrong. sorry i pissed everyone off. it's officially the best-selling xbla game so far, and is well on its way to being the top of the games sold list per days in stores for the year. you can all egg me at magfest because i'm the only gamer who doesn't like the sf series. can we drop this now? seriously.
  16. yo salluz. got something for jam stunna's writing? or soulinether's? or rd's?
  17. yeah, they're still glasses-based. there's no way to represent depth unless there is a depth to represent - which is why projectors can pull it off, but not flat-screens.
  18. games HAVE been made for 3d for the last five or six years. we've just never had the tech to display in it. also note that the 64-bit tech is coming within the next two months in a driver update. redshadow, note that i said it was affordable. 700$ for a monitor isn't affordable...350 is. jovian, it's not just stereoscopic, like you're thinking of. it's actually two LCD monitors built into one unit, and one monitor displays standard 2d data while the other one displays the depth of field stuff. it's actually pretty incredible.
  19. the first competitively priced 3d gaming monitor has been put up for purchasing by iZ3D. the article's available here. it doesn't support a 64-bit OS (being resolved in a driver update), older multi-gpu configurations (sli, crossfire, etc...supposedly fixed on the ati 4xxx and gtx 200 dies, but i'm not sure about that), dual monitor, or OpenGL (who cares about opensource on a gaming system, anyways). and you have to wear silly glasses (they include two pairs and a clipon set). however, it's shipping from newegg for 349$, which is about how much you pay in a store for a 22" widescreen anyways. most people say that in more modern games like CoD4 and 5, hellgate, and other action/adventure and fps games with lots of visual-depth reference points, this is incredible. games like civ 3 don't really look that special. plz discuss! i'm actually possibly thinking about getting this now when i upgrade to a gaming monster sometime soon in the future.
  20. sorry for the dp. i compiled all the stories i've recieved - both through here and linked offsite - in the first post. writers, it's your responsibility to find artists, now! and to contact me about music. i've heard from soulinether, jam stunna, and a few others.
  21. and with that, he's more well-equipped than me =) welcome aboard! when you're ready to go, contact me and maybe i can give you a hand.
  22. done and done. lots of great stuff here, guys! i'm going to likely compile all of these into short synopses in the first post so artists can just jump right in.
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