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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. it's kotor + guns. similar to the last game + guns to come out (aka fallout 3, which was knocked as a more modern oblivion), it's pretty cool what they did with it. it's got a good storyline and creative characters with a lot of backstory. good example of an american rpg, imho.
  2. i wouldn't mind being involved if this ever gets off the ground. i respect his work.
  3. i know of him, but i wasn't around when he was active (or when he died). i'd be willing to possibly contribute, if you ever get something together.
  4. i haven't even listened to what's been sent to me by aeth yet, but i should be able to do that today. get an idea as to what's going on so far.
  5. you knew avien? that's awesome. not many people around here knew him. welcome in!
  6. pick someone up once you're there. there's always someone looking to get a room once you're there.
  7. wikipedia has a biased article about it.
  8. i'm up for anyone to do it, really. but if no one gets on it before, like, march, its mine.
  9. incorrect - they're not 'porting' it at all. actually, they're building it for both systems simultaneously. there is a difference, albeit a slight one. it'll hopefully prevent the issues that you get when it's built for one system and it comes to a different one after release.
  10. and the last 7-post review bites the dust. i loved the mix. a bit repetitive, but as a whole i thought it was great. one of those mixes i never got around to listening to, because i never played streets of rage. nice work.
  11. i said ps2 because you could play ps1 games on it. i realize that they weren't made for it, but you could play those originals on it as well, expanding the library. you're also forgetting ffxii, which was a damn good game, albeit really short. i hate their business practices and crappy quality control. i love their products.
  12. uh, drop-d implies guitar tunings, which implies rock, which is what i was talking about. which is wy i said 'solid basis for drop-d in rock music...will go with power'. edit: this is what i get for not reading an entire post. this is exactly what i'm saying. and, it's all i'm saying.
  13. i'll be really honest. if i do a good job on this one, MAYBE I'LL FINALLY PASS A SONG THROUGH THE JUDGES THAT I DID BY MYSELF. i've tried like 15 times, i've got one that i think will pass on the panel right now.
  14. i'm of the honest opinion that there will never be another rpg console like the ps2. there just isn't anything else out there that has more than a few good games. granted, ps2 had 7-8 years to put good games on it, but i don't think anything will match it. and i never owned one, so don't call me a fanboy if anything, i'm an ms fanboy who hates ms.
  15. you're missing what i was talking about. with electronic stuff like that, it's not a big deal, but with live music, things are different. d minor is an awesome range for everything in the orchestra because of where each note sits on the instruments. for example, in d minor, f is the third (lowered from f# for the major). that's low 1 on the e string of the violin (a really dark sounding note compared to the rest of the e string), and the d and a sit in low positions as well. d minor for horns is a minor, which means that they can yell the root on a high a, about the limit for most non-professional horn players (and soundfonts). it gives you a solid basis for drop-d in rock music, and since the low d on a bass's 5th string is about as low as most cheap headphones, car speakers, and normal speakers will go with power, it sounds the best on most radios. for trumpets and clarinets, d minor is actually e minor, giving you a solid high b and maybe even an e on the trumpet (which a good player can reach without screeching) and good range down into the chalumeaux ending on a low e. same with bass clarinet. bones and tuba have good range in both directions on d minor. it's a good range for double reeds too - relatively easy to play compared to some of the other minors. do you see what i mean? a key 'sounding' better on instruments or vocals is relative to what tones they produce the most naturally. d minor 'fits' the most instruments the best, similar to how bb major is a good fit for most bands. another good example is the choir i used to sing with. if we had problems dropping the pitch every time we sang a song between the beginning and the end, we'd go a half step in either direction and start it there instead (we did mostly unaccompanied music). we'd stick the pitch like we never had an issue then. certain keys just sit better.
  16. there's one or two people competing (with me, lol) for the windfish theme. if they're both REALLY good, i might considering having one tweak it to fit that secondary track a bit. the issue is simply that it's the equivalent of ff7's one winged angel. i mean, they didn't let some unknown hack do it, you know? they had a bunch of the best mixers on the project on it, because it's the most famous of all the songs. and everyone likes it. windfish is the same in terms of popularity with this soundtrack, and i think we should do the same with it.
  17. there's a reason that the xbox is called the fpsbox, man. there's a lot of rpgs for xbox, but you're missing one big thing. ALL OF THEM SUCK. tales, maybe lost odyssey, and mass effect (which is half shooter) is it. enchanted arms and eternal sonata's on the ps3, oblivion's impossible to play on consoles because the lack of ram and cache makes loading times horrid, blue dragon is sooo boring (doesn't pick up until the second disc?!?), with terrible voice acting and a story that makes no sense, the lead designer on undiscovery told reporters that american rpgs are easier because you can pay less attention to detail, two worlds is excruciating hard and the world is completely empty (although it's on a massive scale), last remnant is graphically glitched and isn't paced well, spectral force's metacritic rating is 59, phantasy star universe is bad (better on ps2), and ff11 illustrates why consoles are bad for mmo games. if you don't like gears of war, halo, retro gaming, cod, or fable, or if you want to wander around in a new version of second life, get a ps3. i happen to like all of the games and hate ps home. you're not mentioning the future lineup for either console, don't forget. ps3's got some great games coming out that are console-specific in all genres, but i think that 360's lineup is more appealing to someone of the OP's tastes.
  18. bioshock for 5 bucks? yes please. i'm getting it for 360 too, but there's always differences between the versions that make playing it on either system worth the time. edit: yo coop, you can just close steam whenever you want and it'll resume the dl when you're back. works no matter what, even on a dialup.
  19. http://www.library.yale.edu/~mkoth/keychar.htm some people don't listen to classical music, either. orchestras in d minor create possibly the most heart-wrenching sounds in music. which is where that original statement, d minor is the saddest key (spinal tap!) came from.
  20. which means that you should try a different track. we'd love to have you, but that mix has been done for over a year. and it's mine. so i won't cut it. do it! lets hear what you've got. everyone who's pumped about this, thanks for the support! get involved if you can.
  21. hey dhsu, thanks for committing to the rest of the tracks vagrance and willrock: try it out! send me an audition and we'll see if we can't make something work. you'd be surprised at how good you probably are at something ambient, for example, when you try it. that's how i was =)
  22. throw an audition together and we'll see what's up. try to fit it into the stylistic considerations listed above.
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