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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. if you run two different cards in sli together, you'll brick the board if you're unlucky and burn out the plugs for said cards if you're lucky. happened to a friend of mine.
  2. 40/69. i had another eight but couldn't spell them (turbographix turbographics turbographiks DAMMIT).
  3. that's why i stopped using winamp. i use itunes because of my ipod, but i don't like it.
  4. sorry, i had my info wrong. you can't run two cards together in sli or it'll burn out your plugs - but you can use two cards, assuming you've got enough wattage. that's my mistake, didn't realize there was a big distinction. still need product numbers to figure out why one doesn't work.
  5. i'ma gonna try this out. i own an ipod classic and about 52 gigs of music, so it should be a suitable 'stresstest' =)
  6. oh, it's bad. hybrid sli is only for super new cards. if he's got two different cards (possibly even by different chipsets!) plugged into a board and is trying to run them together, you can burn out both plugs or brick the mobo. not to mention damaging the gpus due to a 'brown-out' like condition.
  7. what video cards are they? if you can actually give me a specific name, i can tell you why they did or didn't work. you didn't do something stupid like try to plug both in at the same time, did you?
  8. eh, there's so much to be said about overclocking that i didn't want to get into it. i'll do an overclocking guide someday, but the decision to not include it was purposeful.
  9. this one cost me 17$ at lowes - even walmart has little ones. stick it on a shelf!
  10. good point, that'd fit under cooling. i need to include info on BIOSes, for motherboards as well.
  11. i know, i know, just another excuse to post a picture of your house - but lets see what popular remixers (and not popular, really bad mixers, like me) do for christmas. post your holiday cheer! ^ can you tell we're particularly poor this year?
  12. here are some featured snippets. i write interesting stuff, and my main attempt was to make this nub-friendly. and funny, once in a while. i am double posting for a reason - i want space to answer questions, but the previous post is about four characters away from being too many. so, this post is for questions and additions. things to add: -info on BIOSes to mobo section (including passwords and common back-door passwords) -thermal paste to cooling section/cpu cooler section -AHCI (gawd i know nothing about macs) -mini-itx, which i apparently forgot about even though i bloody love it. things i'm not adding: -info on overclocking worklog: -section 2 done, first post updated to current status. -section 3 done, first post updated to current status. -section 4 done, first post updated. -sections 5 and 6 done, first post updated. -7-12 are done. this is the end of the first stage. now, editing starts. -general grammatical fixing done. now onto content editing. -most content edited. final proofing started.
  13. this is pretty outdated at this point, and i've not updated it in a few years for more recent advances to technology, so i've taken this down. i still have it somewhere if you really want it.
  14. i live in the hills, so i likely will not get great reception for over-air channels. i'll look into getting a cheapo antenna for the tv. thanks guys.
  15. i have a DX-LCD32-09 tv - it's a dynex branded tv that you can buy a bestbuy or something. it's a 720p tv and it's got an hdtv tuner. what do i need to do either of the following? 1. recieve digital over-air broadcasts so i don't have to pay for cable 2. get hd programming (do you need cable for this, or do stations broadcast in hd as well) thanks, guys! i know computers inside and out, but i dont' know jack about tvs =)
  16. i'm running out of text space in the first page, so please cut down on your lists of sale items if at all possible (or at least update me when things sell).
  17. i really wasn't talking about me specifically, although i would have loved to have contributed. i was a music ed major, not a comp guy - i want to teach. there's several other 'proven' mixers who didn't show up on this OST - just a lot of personal friends of ocr's main guys. that was what got my hackles up. my question was rhetorical, not a real question. according to microsoft's stats, that sf II xbla game sold 490k units. more than i expected...but as of today over 25 million 360's have been sold. that's 1 out of 50 xboxes - and i can honestly say that between the two colleges i've attended, and all my friends that own 360s (well over 50), i know of no one who plays fighting games on the 360 or the ps3 (or the xbox, or the ps2). that's where i'm getting my opinion that it's not as much for your average gamer, rather it's more for the hardcore player. i'm not doubting anso's skillz, either, or trying to say that mine are so ridiculous or something. on the same token, most people here (including you, andy) haven't seen anything of mine that i've done recently, so it's a moot point. i should point out that the reason that i specifically targeted anso with that question is because i consider him a friend, and so i know he wouldn't take it out of context or freak out, which he didn't. for what it's worth, dave, i realize that you're not happy with me peeing on your parade with my opinions...but they're just that: opinions. if you want to print out my posts from this thread and publicly thrash me, go ahead. most of the community would side with you regardless of how clear my points are because you're the guy who had the vision to set up this community eight or nine years ago in the first place, and so most people think of you and LT and zirc and the other high-end people at this place as demigods or something. i also realize that i'm not your favorite person, particularly after the issues surrounding the release of thieves of fate. however, i still think you're doing what larry accused me of on my first post (which was somewhat true then as well) here - taking someone's thoughts or opinions and making serious business out of them. slinging mud on me personally isn't that mature, you know? saying that my statements are "what amounts to a jealous temper tantrum that you've had the bad judgment to make embarrassingly public" - especially considering that ocr's community generally is pretty aggressive against people being badgered for their views - sounds like you just don't like me or something, which is news to me. that's what private messages are for, generally. or you could just call me, considering you've got my phone number and all from last year. because i don't want to continue to pee on said parade (as i said before, i do think this is a big deal), i'm unsubscribing from this thread after this post. if you have anything else that you want to say to me, please pm it to me, don't continue this in public. it's obviously a personal issue that i have with the idea, since no one else has said that they feel the same way.
  18. audacity allows you to change the pitch of a file without changing the length, but it'll make the way it sounds change. there is no program that'll change a file to any key without distorting the tenor of the sound - it's the nature of what you want to do. you can use something like antares autotune or melodyne to change the pitch of a monophonic line, but there's nothing to adjust the pitch of a polyphonic work without distorting everything.
  19. sf is a game for older gamers, not your little brother in front of his brand-new xbox. when was the last time, before hd remix came out, that you played it? it's not a modern franchise anymore. this is merely capcom's attempt to pull some extra cash out of an expended and outdated series. i don't see the appeal. anso, i know you all weren't on the original project. how did you get to be a part of this, then, if it was supposed to be from the original project only? did djp just say 'hmm, these are the best mixers on the site, lets make them do it and say it was from the original project for pr purposes'? i'm frustrated because there wasn't any way for anyone else - particularly people who actually WANT to do this for a living, unlike some of the people on that list - to get involved as well, if it's such a big deal. just because i'm not the new OCR golden boy means i can't be involved or make music worthy of being in a game either? you're also all acting like everyone and their mom is playing street fighter now. as of now, there's 35k copies that have been played on live since release. not a bad number - even for XBLA - but that's nowhere near the penetration that other games have made. it's not selling like hotcakes - it's just doing mildly to moderately well. i'm not making my point clearly, and arguing with you people makes me pissed. i'll just talk about it with you all (at least larry and andy) at mag. let's just stop talking about it.
  20. whoops, i'm coming. i'll have my alto (no one can touch it, though), a tin whistle, and me.
  21. oshits, i typoed. you're not getting my point, mod mob. and bota wasn't that good...really. i'm comfortable saying it's the poorest project in terms of overall quality on this site. this soundtrack thing is a really cool thing! and it's a big deal! but it's still a game that wouldn't have appealed to most of the mainstream gamers on this site and many others if it didn't have 'omg djp and crew' involved. it would have been nice if capcom (not konami, lol) had said, 'lets have a remix contest and the best remixes can get in' as opposed to just helping out the eight or ten mixers who were on the original project. capcom did it as a marketing stunt, no other reason.
  22. i'll do some songs. write me down for 'mary did you know' and 'breath of heaven'. also write me down for collaborative abilities - sax, clarinet, voice, synth, processing, etc. and my wife is a collegiate pianist and a passable violin player if she practices and has time to work on it.
  23. nvidia recently released the 180 forceware drivers - maybe they'll fix whatever the issue is. uninstall the graphics, reinstall, and go from there. it doesn't HAVE to be the sound - the sound just loops on that noise because the whole system freezes, not because it's broke and everything else is fine. those temps are still freaking me out. buy a chill pad and see what happens.
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