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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. besides the part where i could totally synth prizm's part and no one would know thanks to a great electric guitar sampler i got the other day, there's a great guitarist in my old dorm who could do it.
  2. so, its been several months since i've heard from prizm, and he just emailed me and said it'd be several more months. i don't think prizm's ever going to mail me back. should i have someone i know re-record his guitar parts to make them cleaner, and master it myself? or should i continue to try to email him? or should we just roll with his wip, after i clean the mastering up a bit?
  3. yo, i've got the fl6 .flp file sitting on my desktop waiting to be edited, so if da decides she wants my cut, i can fool with it. i know my version is too loud - that's the unfortunate problem of letting FL6 handle your mp3 files straight in. the reverb/echo makes more sense when it isn't blasting into your head and instead is just kinda chillin in the background with all the rest of the fuzz on this track. i'm sending da a copy with better volume control soon. maybe then it'll make sense. edit - i just emailed it to her. we'll see what she says.
  4. i'm assuming someone will drop out by the deadline (or because of it). assuming that happens, we'll see. nice guitar...and especially the sax programming. fantastic work. there's a place for you if we get a dropout (provided you don't use those brass samples).
  5. pro tools is fantastic, but you've gotta be REALLY skilled to handle it. its so amazingly powerful - you can do anything with it. its not like reason, where any moron can make something that sounds like music.
  6. i'm definately going to do this more often. i get everything though them because its so damn cheap! i've easily spend a solid 4000-5000$ there in the last several years, between software, hardware, and crap for my school who gives me money to order stuff. i'll have to make my bookmark the one that goes through OCR, not my normal one.
  7. FIRST WIP DEADLINE - October 14th thats right, this is the first deadline of the project. your first wips - even just an idea that's scratched out - need to be in the project forum, on a reliable filehost, by october 14th. if there's a problem getting them in by then, please email or pm me immediately. i'm considering all mixers who don't have a good wip in by then off the project. taucer, could you please update the title of the thread?
  8. how would you compare cakewalk to other midi sequencers, specifically for writing and recording classical music? i'm thinking about purchasing it, but i'm curious how it rates compared to other programs on the market. if you wouldn't go with cakewalk, what would you go with?
  9. bump. this is me saying i'm quite interested in the project, and i'm curious if there's an end date coming up sometime soon.
  10. stop trolling, please. if you want to help with the project by doing a track, then do it. if you want to troll, go to unmod. we don't care about your opinion at all, fuckheads.
  11. bump. we're still waiting on several wips - get to work, mixers!
  12. it'd also help people who might be considering doing something for the project and haven't decided yet. it'd show movement towards a finished project, if nothing else.
  13. i love helping people. really. if you're not a jerk, i'll gladly help you do anything, for anything.
  14. no, i'm not going to just sit back and ignore this damn thread. that's not a normal response. i skipped a class when i recorded my song in order to get it done. is it all that much to ask to give some extra time when you could be doing something else and work on music? your stuff ain't hot shit, aetherius, regardless of what you think. your track for bota wasn't really all that earthshattering - i thought it was a joketrack till i saw the artist. and, your job can't be taking up THAT much of your time. if i can take time out of a 19 credit semester/40hour work week/intercollegiate sports/six different travelling ensemble schedule, you can take some time out of that worthless piece of shit life you've got and write some damn music, for christs sake.
  15. agreed. there's five names i recognize. i've emailed prizm again - so that's four that we need to keep working on to finish their tracks. tal tal is covered - me and tensai are doing it. so that leaves four tracks with no mixers (unless dhsu wants in, then its three). that's three non mixer tracks and four mixer tracks that need to be done. if aeth gets off his lazy ass and does his work, then that kills off the wind fish theme and the collab, probably, so then we're down to five left to do. aeth, could you please pm/email the other three mixers that aren't really coming in once and a while? might as well throw dhsu in there too. then, we just need to deal with the last three songs that don't have mixers on it. maybe try chris mcgee again, for good measure. it'd be nice to have all of the progress listed from page 46-now updated on the site. regardless of what epo said, there's apparently been significant progress done on this project, and no one knew till now. he can contact us individually and get wips that are needed. for christ's sake, the last update was in the beginning of may. we've had progress since then, so we need it updated. that said, since we're really nearing the finish line on this project, we need to start thinking about getting a website started up. i'm assuming we're going to bastardize the current site for that, so maybe epo could draw up a basic idea to get us started, and we'll go from there. this project isn't dead, by any means. we've got a significant number of completed tracks, and we've got (assuming aeth does his damn stuff, already, you fucking lazy bastard) seven tracks left (six, once i get my track back from prizm). we're ALMOST THERE. REALLY. so lets just get going on contacting people, and we really could have this whole project finished in a month or two. that'd show all the people who've been using laproject as a joke for something that's never going to finish. besides, i'm getting DAMN tired of sitting on my wip, and i want to submit it to OCR already. it's been done for almost a year, and i don't really want to have it sitting on my desktop anymore.
  16. for christ's sake, at least try to spell stuff right, you jackass.
  17. that could do it, or you could close reason, add a ReWire channel (in fl6, i don't know how to do it in 5 or 4.1) and then re-open reason. once fl's open, for some reason Reason opens in slave mode and it works. but it's really friggin annoying to input stuff into reason once it's in slave mode because you can't move the playback position cursor ANYWHERE without adjusting it in fl first.
  18. umm...hook me up? please? lols, can i hook myself up first? no. rexy, that's fine. assuming dhsu wants to do it =)
  19. sounds like lag, for a few of the things. make sure all your other shit is closed down first.
  20. which one? prizm's got one - i've emailed him four times and haven't heard from him. i think Ubisoft ate him. as for the other one with tensai, i'm still working on it. trying to clean it up. he needs to record guitar, i need to record sax. if you want the wip of it with fake everything, fine. i'll yousendit to you.
  21. the main problem with this is going to be going between the various styles that you'll have on this project. megamixes work because the songs all have a pretty similar style and speed to them. how are you going to compensate between, say, a classical piece at 72 bpm and a techno rock piece at 158 bpm?
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