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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. got a final version from blind for his chronopolis track, and just need a wav to finish that one off. additionally, i put in some serious time and crunched out the vocal processing for my distant promise collab, so right now that just needs some more attention on the mastering and it's done as well. lastly, i heard a near-finished version of jellyfish sea. so we've got several that are closing in on being done. hopefully all three will be done before the end of the calendar year.
  2. mandolin is still for sale, as is my elite: dangerous account. i also have a Dawn of War III steam key for PC - 15$ OBO.
  3. newcomer @Earth Kid comes through with a killer wip of fields of time! really impressive stuff, filling a big hole for a folky sound on a great track. that puts us at 25 tracks total! the remaining mixers are all solid folks that i trust to complete stuff (or total newcomers i barely know!), so we're still in a good place right now. i'll be following up with people i haven't heard from in a bit next week.
  4. it's my job to tell customers if what they're doing isn't a good idea, jeff =P and i do do that, pretty regularly. gso, i'll contact you via pm. edit: a quote with a significantly different cpu and HDD profile came in around 5200$ shipped, if anyone's wondering. that's for a 7820X (way more practical for music work, way faster clock and a few less threads) with 128gb DDR4 3600mhz RAM, roughly 3tb of SSD space over three drives for fast access to large libraries, and an 8tb drive for storage. however, i said that with the caveat that her issue is likely that all her stuff is probably on one HDD, and spreading out her library over multiple HDDs will likely fix the issue. that's a guess though as i don't know her system setup at all.
  5. he's like you, jor, i've been bothering him for a few months =P
  6. i haven't gotten the wip yet, but i know @Geoffrey Taucer recorded an irish folk rock jam over Another Termina, so i'm marking that one as taken as well.
  7. yeah, i'll ship there. it's not the cheapest, but i use usps registered mail. this is a special service that includes insurance. basically, registered mail requires a record every time it's touched, so if it's damaged or lost in shipping, they can track it down and recompense for it. i've never had the bootprint-on-side-of-box experience with it, which i was getting occasionally when i started this service back in 2008 once and a while with normal post. for a standard mid tower that's not overly heavy, expect shipping to be like 50-60$ to you, but i'll let you know if it's more or less. i refund some cash when it's way less than the estimate i quote, because i'm usually just going off of past transactions.
  8. proving that there's always room for good music, @Jorito has come through with a wip of a fun pop ballad of "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory"!
  9. quick update - our cover art is done! and in the first post to get you excited =) shaun's track is nearing completion. heard another wip last night and it's a great chilled-out track with fun vocals layered in. i talked to blind a few weeks ago and he's chugging along. the collab on Distant Promise is almost there - just waiting for the singer's audio guy to send me a better render of the vocals, and we'll be off to the races there. lastly, wiesty and company are almost done with their jazzy mega-collab as well. we're so close! just gotta finish off a few more tracks =)
  10. are you sure you've set audacity to have the right number of channels? i'm assuming you'd have either 3 in mono or 6 in stereo. it's in the first or second settings tab, i forget which.
  11. 3DS sold, so next is my mandolin and some gaming stuff. you pay shipping. my mandolin is a vintage a-type Kay mandolin, manufactured in the 70s (probably?). it comes with a pick holder, a simple case, and some picks and strings. my daughter is big enough to reach it on the wall now so i need to move it (don't have space for storage). also, i suck at mandolin...my fingers are too big =) additionally, i'm selling both my thrustmaster t-flight hotas x joystick and my elite: dangerous horizons account. i got both to play elite but it never clicked with me, so i'm interested in moving both. the joystick sells for 55$ or more on amazon, and the game is usually on sale for about 40$ with the season pass (which is included in the account). i'll take 40$ and 35$ respectively, or 60$ for both. the joystick has maybe 10 hours of use on it, if that.
  12. reducing it to 105$, and including the charger and 128gb SD at this point. just want it gone. edit - sold.
  13. @Steven Melin comes through with an incredibly beautiful arrangement of one of my favorite OST tracks of all time, Dimensional Breach! it's done so i'm marking it as such. edit: that puts us at 18/23 tracks! we're doing well. waiting on avaris, blind, wiesty and company, chris (for the instrumental version of Radical Dreamers), and the singer for my distant promise collab =)
  14. title says it all. where do you get your used music software from? alternatively, where does everyone go for deals on music software? i use amazon for the big stuff but there's gotta be more sales out there that i'm missing, and smaller distributors don't really update their prices there often.
  15. i owned alessandro labs/grado's music series two for several years and found them to be great, personally. they're not the most comfortable though.
  16. sure, we don't have unmod's gleeful mix of smut, abuse, and humor anymore, but the site's community is still active. just more on Discord is all.
  17. bumping this up. still providing this service, and i'll overclock your system for free if you get a build from me before thanksgiving =D
  18. i have a New Nintendo 3DS XL running the homebrew version of the 11.6 firmware for sale if anyone wants it. it has a 128gb SD card that i can include if you want it, else i'll just swap in the 4gb that it came with. i'll include the charger i bought (separately, they don't come with one) as well. 125$ plus shipping gets it.
  19. tactics is probably my favorite, personally, especially the war of the lions remake. it's arguably one of the best mobile tactics games you can play.
  20. i've continued to get great updates to artwork from the folks handling the art for the project. both the primary and secondary album art is progressing nicely, and the back cover art and some great site art is done. we're getting there!
  21. CT is a top 3 game on most lists all time. if you've not played it, definitely give it a shot.
  22. chrono cross is great! =) i hear the music is pretty good. each FF game has positives and negatives, in my mind. it's worth noting that FF4 - especially the updated versions available on modern handhelds - is an excellent game as well, and shouldn't be overlooked. but this is about the 3d games. 7's graphics are pretty poor nowadays compared to any of the other games, but the story is still solid enough and the gameplay isn't as dated as you'd think. the places in the world are well realized as well which is fun, and the music is iconic. i haven't played 8 since high school, but i remember the story being more disjointed. the gameplay was interesting enough and it was fun exploring for magic to draw, and there are some really timeless themes in that game as well. i also haven't played 9 in 10+ years but i remember the characters being fun and the art style being fairly unique among the more modern FF games. i didn't enjoy it as much because i preferred the more serious settings of 7 and 8 over the more extreme fantasy bent of 9. among the PS2 games, X is one of my favorites, and if you can play the PS3 or PS4 remakes it's worth it. the story's pretty solid (only a few leaps of faith needed) and i liked the characters. the addition of voice acting is nice too although it's pretty stilted...if you don't mind listening in japanese and reading subtitles it's better. i really enjoy the battle system and progression system in X as well, and the crossover island/steampunk setting is pretty well done. i enjoyed X-2 more than most - it's definitely more cutesy/fanservice than it is a 'real' FF game, but the dresssphere/battle system is pretty decent (13-2 lite, kinda) and there's some replayability if you like it. XII is a great break from tradition in that the art and style of the game is similar to the older games, but it feels like an MMO in how you roam the world. it's too short, vaan clearly wasn't supposed to be the main character, and the story kinda goes to pieces in the second half, but i enjoyed the gambit system and the characters that aren't 12 years old. if you get a chance to play the newer games, XIII and 13-2 are definitely not as bad as reviews say. XIII holds your hand for way too long (they don't really take the shackles off the battle system until almost 25hrs into the game), but 13-2's battle system, monster catching, and progression are all fun, and seeing the world in different forms depending on timelines is fun as well. i really enjoyed 13-2's battle system, enough that i would consider it to be one of my favorites in the series. if i had to rank 7 through XII, i'd say that i found 7 and X to be in the top tier, 8 and XII in the upper middle tier, and 9 and X-2 in the lower middle tier. i definitely don't think any of them are bad, they all have very specific things that are really awesome about them. i just preferred the gameplay and characters of 7 and X the most. edit: derp, you wanted to know where to start. if you've already seen 7 and 9, IMO X was my next favorite game, so i'd start there, or else maybe go for 8 and complete the PS1 trifecta before moving onto PS2. don't start on X-2 as there's a lot of assumed knowledge of X in the game and some spoilers.
  23. thanks to a chippy wav from hylian lemon and a slick arrangement of home guldove from OCU, we're down to four tracks left! progressing nicely =)
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