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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. there are indeed! in the interests of the artists who've contributed, though, i don't want to let this drag on just for one or two more tracks. maybe the next project can grab the overflow =D
  2. i've got all the tracks! just need to finish tagging a few songs and also go over the (fantastic) website that @Jorito designed, and we're ready for submission. as of this time, i'm closing track submission.
  3. finishing a project of any kind is a skill. it's one that takes repetition and focus to improve at. the best advice is just to buckle up and finish your stuff. i make a point to always finish every track i ever work on, simply because i don't have the time to goof around with stuff i don't care about. if i'm working on it, it's gonna get done, or else it was nothing more than a waste of time. if you're not motivated enough to finish your music, ask yourself what's getting in the way? is it desire? i've been there - if something else is more important, then it's more important, and you should treat it as such. is it skill? put in the time and improve. find the impingement and correct it, the same way you'd correct a wrong note or a wonky freq in your render.
  4. another termina (with a touch of marbule!) is taken by @Earth Kid and @Jorito, in a funky electronica/ethnic hybrid! this will be the last track and they're speeding through it, so hopefully the next news will be that it's finished and we're prepping the last of the admin stuff. i did convert and tag all 27 tracks we have so far, and we've compiled the last of the art that we need, so we're just about there.
  5. i finished up the last of the tweaks to the instrumental version of distant promise/garden of gods, so at this point i'm just waiting on a single last track from @Earth Kid and @Jorito before we call the music done. there's still some admin stuff to handle that i'm pecking away at, but once that's done, we're good =D
  6. there's no reason your version of FL wouldn't run on w10. i still have fl11 installed on my music pc as well for a few things.
  7. a few thoughts: none of the new processors can run windows 7 without workarounds, and it's been years since it was supported. i'd suggest moving to windows 10. you can use it indefinitely without a product key legally, so it's not like it'd cost you anything. basically everything has usb3 nowadays so don't worry about that. for the audio card, you'd want to do your own research on that and just let me know what you want. you know your needs better than me. if you give me a few options for what you really want, i can then make sure it'll work properly with your setup. there's always someone else who's asked about a setup close to yours in the past and often you can then confirm from reviews or real-life usage cases that it'd do what you want. on the cpu side, it depends a bit, but for the most part both the 7/8 series of intel processors and the mid-level ryzen processors are pretty solid. intel tends to be cooler with faster individual cores, whereas ryzen tends to have more threads but run hotter and at a slower effective speed. we'll see what your price range is to pick this. for graphics, all cards are very expensive right now, but a 1050 Ti can be found for under 200$, and that's not bad at all for 1080p gaming on new games, let alone older stuff. it won't be a monster for video editing but it'll definitely give you some gpu acceleration if your tool has that. ram prices are also up and i'm assuming you'd want at least 16gb for audio and video work, so expect that to be 180$ or so too. overall it always comes down to price. you could spend 7-800$ and get a decent machine that does what you've described with some limitations, and you could spend 2k and get more computer. it's up to you. when you're seriously ready to start looking at options, PM me with how much you have available to spend and we'll go from there. the market is fairly volatile right now so it's tough to estimate very far out.
  8. it's certainly not 10% a year like the forum poster claims. i use 5% as a guideline and roll with it. i'd rather not risk my data when a really nice psu frankly isn't that expensive nowadays compared to cpu and gfx and ram prices.
  9. geoffrey taucer had to drop his track due to being too busy to complete it in the near future, so Termina ~ Another World is back up and available. additionally, i received final versions from jorito for his original track, wiesty for the OC Jazz Collective track, and Earth Kid for her arrangement of Fields of Time. this means that as of right now all remixers (not named prophetik music) are done! i've got minimal work to do on mine and also some admin stuff still to make sure that the submission package is ready. i've been in contact with one person about a possible mix but they said not to hold the project up for them, but we do indeed still have room for a fast track if someone got inspired and fired it out in the next few weeks.
  10. i'll be recommending four or five tracks for consideration for the mixflood come this project releasing as well.
  11. well, i submitted eight songs to the queue for judging! don't worry, i cleared it with larry before slamming the queue with them =)
  12. the vocal version of the distant promise/garden of gods collab is done (pending me uploading the wav i already have to my google drive), and @Jorito's original version of his track is also done pending him delivering me a wav. i've also heard versions of both the OC Jazz Collective's track and @Earth Kid's track that are just waiting on tiny mastering fixes. we may indeed make it to the end of january with all tracks done =D
  13. 10 years is a pretty long life for a PSU sold nowadays, considering capacitor deterioration. most PSUs have three-year warranties for a reason. i have an ax850 that i keep as a backup now that was 8 years of 8hrs a day, but those are the exception rather than the rule nowadays. the only reason it lasted that long is because it was way more than i needed when i bought it, and so as a result the loss of max power wasn't noticeable for a long time. it's probably not pushing more than 500w at this point, so the max power is nearly cut in half.
  14. bit of a bump here. i'm assuming that people are getting their tax returns soon - with some of newegg's sales going on now, it might be a good time to look into buying or upgrading. i've already gotten two questions recently about it from forum members =)
  15. hey @DarkEco, if you want to bounce ideas off someone, let me know. i'm by no means some synthesis master but if nothing else i've got the music background to maybe explain stuff you're doing unintentionally. music is hard. it's ok to admit that. it's also ok to make music you're not really into just to learn something about it. but i like rozo's comment from earlier - make more pancakes. just get something finished, and then keep finishing more stuff. the best artists compose enormous amounts of content and maybe 10% is what they'd consider to be good, no matter what others say. that's ok.
  16. polyrhythm as a term doesn't necessarily imply any level of difficulty. three over two can be polyrhythmic. if you want to get really weird, charles ives is one of the original classical composers known for doing crazy stuff. beyond that...well, music still needs to be musical, and it's not always easy if you're focused on numbers and not how it actually sounds.
  17. i'm not flying anywhere. if it's not closer than DC to me (Western NY) it'd be out altogether.
  18. sounds like you offered to organize! enjoy having a 4k security deposit on your credit card for six months =D i'd be possibly interested (low chance of it working out). it depends heavily on cost and location. i haven't seen everyone since before my kids were born so it'd be real nice to catch up in person.
  19. polyrhythms are just two disparate rhythmic features being used simultaneously. doesn't have to be triplets, duplets, or whatever. crossrhythm is when the clashing of the two rhythms is the point of the piece (see most of the phases that glass and the other minimalists did 50-60 years ago). apples and elephants. just looking at the piano roll you included - it appears you've got a beat every four beats, one every three, and one every two (on the off beat). does that sound right? it's a polyrhythm, yes, albeit a fairly tame one. most of the time when someone bothers to use a big word like that it's for 7 over 13 or something nuts.
  20. i finished up the final cut of the instrumental version of radical dreamers, with @Chris ~ Amaterasu on the violin as the lead instrument. it sounds great! i also got in touch with JohnStacy and he fed me some delicious horn lead for the instrumental version of the distant promise/garden of gods collab. some more touch-up there (i tuned up the clean part and forgot to do the same to the room recording, so it sounds absurdly out of tune now randomly) and a bit of balancing and that'll be done too. i also sent out nastygrams to everyone that i haven't heard from in a while. hoping to clean this up by the end of january if possible - we're so close!
  21. @Jorito delivered his synthwave remix of his reminiscing track (yes, remix of remix), so that one's in the bag. i need to re-export the instrumental version of radical dreamers due to a glitch in the audio, and then that one's done too. still moving along!
  22. i thought he was a trombonist, not a multi-instrumentalist. maybe i will pursue this after all =)
  23. i've received final waves from avaris and blind, so those are done. here's the state of what's left. wiesty is harassing the last performer to get parts in for his jazz mix jorito's finishing up a final pass on his mix of reminiscing, and also worked up a synthwave (!!!) remix of his remix (!!!) that'll go on the fire album earth kid sent me a great wip for fields of time, so waiting on her to keep moving on that i'm doing final passes on distant promise/garden of gods and the instrumental version of radical dreamers (btw, we're doing an instrumental version of radical dreamers) jeremy fed me a fun upbeat mix of termina - another world. waiting to hear where he takes that track i am considering an instrumental version of distant promise/garden of gods as well, but the style means that the lead instrument would need to be something like a trumpet or horn. not sure i can find someone to play it, so probably gonna shelve that idea.
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