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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. you mean, like, it got caught in the 'whoops i forgot' bin?
  2. i am certain i'm not the only one who's tried this game. how are you all finding it? it's easily the best non-port tactics game on mobile right now, in my opinion, and the freemium aspects aren't really that onerous. if you're not interested in playing several hours a day, it's a solid free game to check out. the animations and art are excellent and the gameplay is typical FE. thoughts? friend codes: prophetik: 7783827320
  3. @DragonAvenger has approached me about doing an english version of Radical Dreamers with me. i haven't heard anyone express serious interest in this song with a wip, so i'm going to pencil us in for this in the short term. nothing official yet since i don't have a wip yet =) i also contacted Merrigan (from my Witcher 2 remix) about doing a track, and she's looking at tracks now, so i hope to announce another track for the slow CD soon!
  4. @Peíorele bringing the pain with the third wip in two weeks! garden of god is taken.
  5. this is a great example of what i'm looking for, thanks. other suggestions welcome, though.
  6. so i enjoy chopping up drums and goofing around with drumloops, but i usually use either dblue's Glitch effect or do the chopping/pitch-shifting straight into FL studio. i'm interested in finding some effects (tape-stop and stutter mostly) that are less clunky to use than Glitch. anyone have ideas? i'm aware i can simulate these in FL but a push-button approach is appealing.
  7. it was almost definitely an issue with the system bus drivers not being installed correctly, or having multiple sets of drivers overlapping, so the VSTs couldn't requisition IRQ channels without getting overlaps or interrupts. reinstalling windows and reinstalling the system bus drivers likely would have taken care of it. reinstalling w8 had the same effect. also, bricking is a term that denotes damaging the firmware of a ROM chip meaning it can't be used. that doesn't sound like your issue...not trying to be a pedant but bricking vs. screwing up the os is a big difference =)
  8. software can't brick hardware on a pc unless you're messing with BIOS settings. The Play engine doesn't mess with BIOS settings.
  9. termina tracks (both home and away) are taken by @Peíorele! she is putting all these known mixers to shame =P
  10. you should talk to @Kat, as i believe she was looking for that exact thing!
  11. ok, i sent out follow-ups to most everyone who's submitted wips or has been in contact with me. i have a few people sending in new wips soon so i'm excited to hear how it's going from everyone! check your PMs please, looks like not everyone has email notification of PMs turned on. as of today we've got 6 finished, 4 WIPs, and four or five more WIPs promised to be in soon. looking pretty good!
  12. that'd be awesome! why don't you send me a PM with some additional information like what track you're interested in doing, and we can talk more there?
  13. i'll be getting on everyone who's expressed interest to get me a timeline once magfest's over, so sometime next week.
  14. @DragonAvenger i knew who sent that as soon as i saw the box, haha
  15. i haven't heard anyone send me a wip for Forest of Illusion, so you're welcome to get me a wip (unless someone nabs it first!). don't worry about which disc it'd be on, just get me the music and i'll 'classify' it from there.
  16. @Koriantor gave me two albums of new music that look super cool, and some riot points! perfect digital gift. i have a lot of driving to do this holiday so having new music will be fantastic, and RP is great since i don't buy it myself =) thanks sencrent snantna!
  17. i don't think the delay is strange. this year's biweekly payrolls have landed in awkward places, meaning that if you're waiting for a paycheck to buy stuff (like i did), you either got it on black friday or 12/10, which was much closer to christmas than past years.
  18. the first half of mine was delivered to my recipient, but it's waiting at their post office. i'm all anxious waiting for them to go get it =P
  19. @noTuX, it is! @pu_freak, i'd love to hear it. get me a WiP and it's yours.
  20. speaking of which, when are you gonna hit us up and play? =)
  21. just sent my stuff. international purchasing is hard! but i think i got it working. not sure if it'll be there before christmas, but i hope it will be =)
  22. got a really nice wip for arni village that's basically done. gonna mark it off and just need a lossless to call it finished. edit: also, this means we've got 10/20 tracks taken or finished. not bad, guys!
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