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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i use an external interface and like it. i'd suggest something simple in the 75-100$ range. if you've got questions about the rest of your system's compatibility, let me know. i do a lot of builds for people in the community. i can probably help.
  2. been a bit quiet here...looking forward to hearing more updates now that we're through the thanksgiving holiday =)
  3. not a bad idea, and one that i've used in the past. i should give this a try =P
  4. maybe if he spelled the name right? miyakan vs mikayan. my person described three vastly broad interests with like four words. sadface. hopefully i don't double up on something they already have!
  5. FFX isn't on your list, and the hymn of the fayth is often performed in a chant or chanter setting. also, assassin's creed II has some chant in the final fight and in the chapels, as does assassin's creed II: revelations. don't remember if brotherhood did.
  6. sounds great, dude! i haven't gotten anyone talking about it that i remember, and i haven't received a wip for it so it's still up for grabs. make sure you get the right dragon-related track, there's like twelve =P
  7. steven's going to get me a wip next week after the holiday. also, drowned valley is done, electro toms and all. think cuzco's water stories album combined with an snes.
  8. hey man, shoot me a pm and we can talk about what we're looking for. i can't listen to youtube at work but i'll take a listen later. also, seminal =)
  9. only a few more days to get involved =D
  10. i'm interested in a 3ds. don't mind if it's older. pm with price and condition please. edit - bought one on black friday. might be interested in games if you've got them though.
  11. *shrug* i get an idea, i write it down. it's not like i haven't been thinking about this project for a while =) i do really like relics of the chozo.
  12. i've got four lossless finals done already. looking for more people to pick up tracks!
  13. sounds good, let me hear it and we can go from there. my track for dragon's prayer is mostly done, maybe just needs some cleanup and we're there.
  14. i would love that! i'd love it even more if it's a fast track, which we're currently a bit low on =P
  15. added kat's track for dead sea, and another wip for me for dragon's prayer.
  16. there's a bunch that'd fit into that style, but maybe take a look at dragon knight? i forgot that remix existed. nowadays it sounds like someone recorded it on their cell phone but back then i remember thinking it was super badass.
  17. ephemeral memory's been claimed with a great wip from oa. coop's track is done too, just waiting on a lossless version.
  18. i think my gaia's navel remix is probably done. suggestions on another track to hit? =)
  19. as someone who did a track on the link's awakening project aping 'new york counterpoint', i'd love it. get me a wip and it's yours.
  20. collabs are so annoying sometimes though. i always think they'll be awesome but then it's eight months later and some schmoe still hasn't recorded the t-pain vocals for the scuba divers track on FF4.
  21. and a good one, too! =D also heard an interesting idea from kat, looking forward to see where it goes. i've got about 2:30 on my wip for terra's bellybutton so that's coming along pretty good.
  22. thanks mok =D @OA i'd love to hear it! just hit me up with a wip and it's yours.
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