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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. just bumping this up. i am still doing computers, and recently did builds for two different active remixers =) let me know if you're interested.
  2. @Ophanin dished me TWO more wips, one for Grief (!!!!!!!!) and one for Prisoners of Fate! i cannot believe what he managed to do with 20 seconds of mitsuda noodling with a vox soundfont, it's a real standout. additionally, @Peíorele gave me some great news re: her track for Island of the Earth Dragon, and i'm excited to hear what she's got going on there. additionally, as of today, Dead Sea is available again. @Kat has been MIA for about five months and unfortunately that's just too long for me to keep the track saved. i'd be happy to use kat's wip again if they become available again but i need contact occasionally so i know what's up.
  3. i neglected to post that @Tuberz McGee and i are doing a powermetal arrangement of Scars of Time. no one'd picked it up and there's no chance i'm ignoring that one. basically, i rewrote it while thinking "what would dragonforce do?" the entire time, and the result was exactly what you'd expect. the arrangement's done and tuberz has the stems, so hopefully we'll have an update soon. also, with posting that, we are officially at 20 tracks claimed with a wip! i haven't heard from one or two people in some time so they may not make it, but we do currently have eight tracks done and four more that are either nearly done or just waiting on a collaborator to finish up, so we're in a great place for being not quite seven months in. i've updated the project title accordingly. i have also updated the first post with new guidelines for how to reserve a track, since now we're looking at track lengths and not going over for each disc's overall time.
  4. @Ophanin dished me a pretty much finished track already for Frozen Flame, and it's a real standout. can't wait to hear if he picks up the challenge i gave him in our PM conversation for a second track on one of three difficult songs. we're progressing well!
  5. @Ophanin was claimed Frozen Flame with a fantastic orchestral demo!
  6. please don't post wips directly on the forum! i did hear these but haven't had a chance to respond - i will reply directly via PM.
  7. @Theophany has claimed Life ~ A Distant Promise! @avaris has also claimed Jellyfish Sea! i've also marked two big tracks as tentatively claimed (Scars of Time and Chronopolis). we're filling in the tracklist quickly =) also, per reinhold's update, i've contacted members of Game-Art-HQ (of FFIX project fame!) to assist with artwork. so now we've got some people interested in doing art, and we now need a web designer at some point.
  8. some great news on potential remixers who hope to join the project - i'll update as soon as i have wips from them. a few names that people will recognize =)
  9. @Neemux - you are indeed! shoot me a private message and we can go from there.
  10. got a three-fire-emoji.jpg wav from @noTuX, so he's done! also sent a possible wip to @Tuberz McGee so we'll see if that turns into anything. beyond that, we have four or five that are fairly close or waiting on a single recording. i haven't heard from a few people in some time though so barring anything happening there a track or two may become available - i'll post updates on that when it occurs.
  11. hey everyone, if you're looking for a mezzo for your song, janna mckinley graciously offered her services. let me know if you want to get in touch and i'll pass along her contact info.
  12. heard a final for Forest of Illusion today, so as soon as @noTuX gets me a lossless, that one's done! also heard a badass jazz arrangement from @Wiesty that is gonna be a real standout collaborative performance on the slow album. i also have WIPs promised from several people by the end of the month...looking forward to hearing it! my music pc is back in business after some issues with hard drives so i'm excited to get working again as well.
  13. upping the maximum recipients per convo would be nice to let project admins send 'email blasts' to their project members. we used to be able to send 10-15 at a time and that was real nice. an elevated group would be fairly easy to manage there, i'd think, and would prevent that people who have no remixing experience pinging the entire remixer list to join their SUPER MEGA SWEET NEW PROJECT that they abandon twelve minutes later...maybe only after a project's out of the recruiting stage and shows functional leadership? maybe also up the number of PMs you can send in a day, but even that, i dunno. the per minute one is fine.
  14. i'm selling a key for EITHER ghost recon wildlands or for honor. it came with a graphics card i purchased for a build for a friend who doesn't want it. 20$ snags it. you'll need a geforce-based graphics card to redeem it, or else we can work something out with me logging into your uplay account to redeem it for you if you're ok with that. i am also considering upgrading my cpu, mostly for vanity's sake. i'd be selling my cpu, mobo, and ram. cpu is an i5-4670k, never overclocked. mainboard is a gigabyte z87x-d3h-cf. RAM is 2x 4gb g.skill ripjaw sticks at 1600mhz. i have no idea what i'd sell it for but if you make me an offer i'd consider it...it'd probably be in the 350$ range. note i'm not selling the cpu cooler.
  15. i'll be sending out update requests again fairly soon. still trucking along =)
  16. are PM to: lists limited to five people? i can't tell if it's a bug in how the forum's interacting with Chrome or if it's a hard limitation. the PM system has some issues with Chrome 56 at least. if it's a limitation, can it be changed on a per-user basis? it's hard to communicate with a lot of project members without using direct email, and i'd prefer to use the forum if possible.
  17. i am pretty happy with where the radical dreamers collab with @DragonAvenger and @Chris ~ Amaterasu is going! most of the backing track is done and now i am focusing on prepping for adding the vocals and string parts.
  18. 80% of tracks are now claimed! @noTuX just hit me up with a great wip of Forest of Illusion, with a really cool vibe that reminded me of one of my first favorites from this site (hint: the remix number is double digits!). we're down to one slow track and three fast remaining! i should note that while my goal is to have two equal discs, i'm happy to have one be longer or shorter than the other depending on song length. i'm not going to shovel some trash on there to meet an arbitrary track requirement.
  19. i have no wips for that track yet. i'd love to hear it! send it my way if you get some ideas written down. it by no means needs to be full length or anything - just a promising concept.
  20. gonna officially write DA and i down for Radical Dreamers. we're doing a chillstep-ish version. got the drums down and now need to work on the build.
  21. it's definitely a pooping game with the length of the fights, but i've found that there's still a lot of strategy there at least once you get to higher levels. it seems like a bit of a slog earlier but i didn't mind since i love the FE games and it was fun seeing the characters i remembered being realized in new ways.
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