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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. new computer? =D nice! honestly i don't find the i7 stuff available now to be that overpriced for what it does. the 5930k is selling at about 580$ with an MSRP of 595$, so maybe i don't know what you mean?
  2. that's fair. i don't get the uncanny effect as much because i don't know lightning in any perspective other than those games, so i guess it doesn't bother me as much.
  3. ssd's the way to go, and i don't think i did anything too crazy with those cables. just some wire ties, i think. just make sure you've got an equivalent power connecter nearby and accessible and you'll be fine. make sure you've got a SATA-III cable too (6Gbps, not SATA-II, which is 3Gbps). they should say on the plastic casing around the cable.
  4. those poses look pretty standard for modern modeling. don't really see the issue. i think it's sorta fun that a game character (from a game that a lot of people didn't like, too!) is being used in a pop culture ad. nice to see the market penetration. remind me what the issue is here? is it because a character that's notoriously not girly being used for a purse ad? or is it because louis vuitton's overpriced? i don't think anyone disagrees with the idea that those purses cost more than they should, but supply/demand blah blah blah. they sell at that price because they can sell at that price.
  5. why bother? go size or speed. trying to get the middle of them is not a successful strategy. a 512gb SSD right now is 170$ (mushkin reactor). a 256gb SSD is on sale for 65 right now. just go for those. if you only have one slot and desperately need 1tb, get an external and an SSD.
  6. i don't run antivirus or anti-malware on my main pc.
  7. so connect it one time, then. my connection restriction is due to a static IP that's blocked at the router level from accessing external traffic. it's got full access to the rest of my network that way. i just disable that firewall for a few minutes, activate, and then wall it off again.
  8. there's two schools of thought on that. one is that more cores is better, and even an old i7 (my music pc still has an i7-860 in it, 2.93ghz x8, sells for about 100$ now) can be really nice. the other is that ghz rules supreme, and the i5-4790 is certainly a good example of that. look at what you're using, and what you want to use, and scale appropriately. if you're using a 2500K right now and want to double your performance, a 4790 might not be enough - or maybe it will be, depending on whether your apps are properly and consistently multithreaded. i usually get specific examples so i can suss out what's good and not for this. as for keeping it offline, frankly i just buy the software and then download a crack. that way, i own it, and i use it in the way i want to (which is on a pc that can't access the internet). very few VSTs really don't have any offline activation, though, there's only a few i've had to do that for.
  9. never done a big post in this new UI, but here we go. huge build! i7-5930K H100i self-contained liquid cooling loop 8x8gb DDR4 2400 (not pictured...i bought 4x16gb by accident, and this board doesn't support 16gb DIMMs of course) GTX 980 Ti, GT 210 secondary (total of six displays) x99 mobo, firewire add-on card, thunderbolt add-on card 512gb M2 SSD, 512gb scratch SSD, 4tb storage HDD blu-ray burner 3x quieter case fans windows 10 pro nice looking case. note the dual removable HDD cages, a surprisingly functional toolless system for the 5.25" drives, the large CPU cutout, and the huge vents on top. the top's pretty nice - just a push-snap to keep the top on, so it's easy to remove it and stash wiring there. wound up having to keep the CPU cooler fans up there because of the motherboard's chipset risers getting in the way of the fan otherwise. here it is with some pieces in. no cabling yet. note the cpu fans are absent - they're actually above the top of the case, in that ~3" void between the top of the case and the top of the interior. you know it's a nice PSU when it's fully modular, and both the PSU and the cabling come in custom-sized bags. not the nicest picture, but here it is with the components in (no cable management yet). that thunderbolt riser's going to kill me, there's just no way to disguise that cable. sometimes you just need a pair of pliers. this actually happened =P more pictures tomorrow night, featuring real cable management!
  10. what an amazing track. incredible job with the arrangement, doug. that opening was absolutely perfect, and the heavy but appropriate use of auto sounds great. your voice has really come far in the last few years.
  11. i watched it with friends right before the ball drop on new year's eve/day. it was fantastic. so incredibly 80s.
  12. i was going to make a joke about pirating until i saw it was a board game
  13. you could partition the drive, but with 120gb SSDs being so cheap nowadays, just installing on a separate drive isn't a bad idea. samsung 850 EVO is the gold standard for SSDs, but there's a lot of good ones out there, including the mushkin enhanced cronos and crucial's line as well. make sure to unplug both your 3tb and your SSD when you do the W7 install so all system partitions go on the drive you're installing to.
  14. still have that MS store credit. i also have a PC copy of Rise of the Tomb Raider - if anyone wants it, let me know a reasonable price and it's yours.
  15. your most recent referral's going to show up here in a week or so. pretty nice graphics powerhouse, most powerful single box i've ever done.
  16. not only that, but the bowcaster was obviously ragdolling dudes all movie, and here he just kinda staggers a bit. yeah, i guess he's a wimp.
  17. i loved it. i thought kylo's performance was stellar - he's not some implacable foe (which we didn't need more of), he's this deeply conflicted dude who is not necessarily the strongest of jedi, or even the strongest dude. i mean, look at him, he looks like he should be cashiering at a discount shoe store, and he's trying to live up to this galactic badass. his acting was fantastic, if you recognize that being awkward and difficult to get along with and riding the struggle bus emotionally is good acting (in this case, it totally was). i love the concept of finn's character, as well as rey. i like that there wasn't one major character who realizes that they're going to save the galaxy and becomes awesome just in time to suck in the sequel. finn's groundwork is set for him to eventually be a hero, but they didn't need to make him blossom in this film, and that'll make it better when he eventually does. and rey's just phenomenal. great acting, great character, great job fitting the role and the actress, etc. i don't think it's strange at all that she was able to pick up concepts of the force quickly (it's not like they had her creating a lightsaber from scratch, the concept of imprinting your will on someone else is something everyone wishes for and 'practices' from young childhood), or that she was good at dueling since she had the stick and was obviously trained at it. once she remembered to draw from the force - which, according to ep 5, comes as naturally as breathing to someone who has the potential - her actions were fluid, defined, and not desperate at all. conceptually difficult to render on a screen but i'm sure that a well-written book would be able to make that be clearer without assistance. someone else mentioned how lived-in the world felt. i think that's a great way of putting where the initial series succeeded and the prequels failed. they were so sterile, and here it was much more realistic that the areas had existed for a long time. i loved it. i want to watch several more of it. i wish my thread (which started on thursday night!) was the main star wars thread though
  18. just got my gift. jen/jade sent me all the DLC for Rocket League, and a copy of Planet Explorers! i am super excited for both =) planet explorers is also a cool one, an early access game that combines the blocky building elements of minecraft and cube world, the big dinosaurs of games like Ark and Turok, and an over-the-shoulder FPS view similar to most of the valve games. i played a little of it a while ago and always wanted to try it now that it's getting farther along. thanks so much!
  19. i don't seem to have any posts tracked anymore. "My Content" used to show posts i follow and doesn't have anything right now.
  20. i've been exploring a few of the playlists and one i completed today (on my first try) was the prison of elders. i got a bunch of guns - purple and yellow - that aren't particularly high-damage. looks like i can upgrade the purples but not the yellow. what's the deal there?
  21. i'm just glad i got a list that was interesting. i had a few extra bucks this holiday and wanted to give someone something that'd really give them a nice day, and it sounds like i succeeded. merry christmas flex =D
  22. hey, i got destiny on the xbone. it's pretty fun! i've been playing with a few friends who also got it around the same time. any suggestions on what to kit towards? i am a gunslinger hunter, around level 25-26 right now. i like snipers and scout rifles and most of the heavy weapons.
  23. hey, this was me! =D i'm so happy you're into it. you did say you wanted my favorite album on lp and interesting soda or chocolate, so there you go =) for those who don't know: 1. cheerwine is a primarily SC/NC-based pop company that's actually one of the oldest (if not the oldest) family-owned fountain drink maker in the country. they make what's basically the best black-cherry pop in existence. it's also very reasonable as an add-on item from amazon, and (best of all!) should be available everywhere in the states in grocery stores by 2017 or so. i'm surprised you've tried it before, flex, i checked and didn't see you'd lived in the carolinas area. i only had it once or twice and absolutely loved it. 2. mexican hot chocolate is really good, and the stuff made the old-style artisanal way is the best...stone-ground chocolate that's a bit gritty in a pleasant way. fantastic for sitting around and listening to...excellent bluegrass on lp! speaking of which... 3. nickel creek (and, by extension, mandolin virtuoso Chris Thile) is one of my favorite musical groups, and 'why let the fire die?' is easily my favorite album of theirs. i was super nervous you'd be like "ew bluegrass" so i'm really happy you're into it! they play extremely progressive music, stuff that does a lot of mixing of styles including jazz, folk, and rock. it's pretty involved stuff, has some excellent lyrics, and is a real musical journey. i have been more influenced in my own music by this group than any other. i wasn't super excited to see that the lp changes the order of the tracks, but it's still a fantastic experience. if you like this, flex, check out Thile's new albums under Punch Brothers. their newest album, Phosphorescent Blues, is even more on the progressive side, about as much folk as kid a is rock. really, really experimental in an awesome way. the first track (familiarity) blew my mind with how imaginative it was.
  24. mine gets there tomorrow by end of day =) looking forward to seeing what my recipient thinks!
  25. i have a total of 70$ to the MS store right now. if you want to buy something from there, let me know and we can work something out.
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