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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. what was wrong with godzilla 2000? i loved that movie, french swat teams nonwithstanding.
  2. nice call on the L3 spheres. i was really stuck without them for a while, until i realized that the white spheres (teleport, friend, and return) mean that you kinda don't need any. i wound up using the one or two i got earlier in the game for good reasons, then just went around them the rest of the time. my main issue now is that i'm short on L4 spheres, but i don't think i'm really hurting for stuff to do at the moment. running tidus through auron's grid at the start is one of the best ideas i think i've had, though. besides having a fourth character with breaks, it means that tidus (whose HP was below yuna's at that point) can pick up a thousand or more HP in, like, ten or fifteen sphere grids. it's awesome. he's basically a mage at this point on my team anyways, but he's doing pretty good physical damage regardless.
  3. SPOILERS, KINDA now, if you want a megaboss that doesn't involve a ridiculous amount of leveling up, i'd definitely suggest the omega weapon. i spent probably three or four hours leveling up in there, and got roughly 500k gold and an epic amount of sphere levels running around in there. do yourself a favor and don't go in there until you are close to doublecast, holy, flare, ultima, and have yuna already having learned dispel. if you've taken the time to power up nirvana (yuna's ultimate weapon, pretty easy to do), her using holy will oneshot the demonoliths (50k damage!). using a skill sphere to teach yuna doublecast, a few black magic spheres to teach her ultima/flare, and a white magic sphere to teach lulu holy and yuna auto-life (i'm using tidus as a time mage, so he followed a lot of yuna's grid and picked up auto-life while she was doing lulu's grid) means that you can chain four ultima spells in a total of two character turns. hasteaga beforehand leads to some enormous damage hits. i went through and customized my weapons before heading in there, even though you get a ton of tetra (4x empty slots) armor and weapons in there. it's just so much easier. i gave 1 MP cost weapons to auron, lulu, kimahri, and tidus. this works well because it means free hasteaga all the time from tidus, auron/kimahri/wakka all know the buster and break abilities, and i can use threaten (which works quite a bit actually) on most enemy characters. nirvana has a 1mp cost for yuna already, and with doublecast and the high cost of the top-level spells (especially demi, i used that a ton) that's a no-brainer. i'd suggest getting someone (likely tidus) first strike on their weapon. this is because great marlboros always seem to ambush you, and they basically can wipe your party with bad breath if you're not ready for them. first strike means that tidus can flee every single one of those battles. note: always use steal on the chests you find with the lizards. often they're mimics, which are hard to beat, but give you 50k gold at least after the battle =) fighting a few of these really helps your wallet. additionally, if you're short on L3 lock spheres like i was, kill some demonoliths with overkills. they often drop them. return, teleport, and friend spheres are also dropped by various creatures. the caster that casts haste all the time drops L4 locks as well. i wound up with exactly enough L4s to get by, and only used a total of 2 L3 spheres since friend and return spheres work so much better. oh, also, since this is the international version, they added a 9 to omega's HP (999,999hp total). you need auto-life since he can one-shot you with nova if you're not careful, but with that and lots of haste you're really under no threat if you've fought your way through the ruins to that point. the magus twins are great for this fight because they can fight for a while and often get in more than one overdrive. edit: for my sphere grid, i got lulu and yuna to their L3 locks at the end of their primary sphere grid. then i used a friend sphere to teleport yuna to lulu (at flare), a white magic sphere to teach lulu holy, a return sphere to move her to holy (at the end of yuna's grid), and went from there. i used a return sphere (you get tons of teleport and returns if you're overkilling tonberrys, hence nirvana for the 10k+ damage) on tidus to get him near the L4 lock for auto-life, picked that up, and used a white magic sphere to get that to yuna. i used a return sphere also on kimahri to get him near ultima, picked that up, and used black magic spheres to give that to yuna and lulu. now, much earlier in the game, i opened a lock and had kimahri following wakka (K's grid sucks, wakka's gives him much more hp and damage). both got to the end of wakka's kit, so i had them friend sphere to the beginning of auron's kit and start getting the breaks. i did the opposite with auron - at the end of his, i had him jump to wakka and he's working backwards through wakka now. tidus is also working through auron's kit for the tons of hp and damage that he has early. i had rikku pick a lock and get into lulu's kit around the -ara spells - she's working through and just got to the -aga spells, albeit with much reduced magic power. note that i didn't do any leveling outside of working slowly through the omega ruins - this is just from being careful to not rush through any section, and fight every battle i could the entire way (also involving everyone in most battles). it's worth noting that nirvana really speeds up yuna's sphere grid gain, i got six spheres from omega weapon on her and 3 on everyone else.
  4. annie, no, they're not that easy. for example, dark valefor's supposed to be the joker easy one of the bunch. i attacked him with a team that had just steamrolled yunalesca. tidus went first, and did some damage, and then valefor hit an auto-protected wakka for 9999 damage. he died. a few more attacks and he used energy blast, which did 40k damage. when i maxed everyone to full and had maxed aeons, i used aeons as shields and did 9999 damage with all my characters every hit and still almost didn't beat him (it came down to the last few turns of my characters). he has 800k HP, stats in the 150s (up until now you do'nt fight someone with an average stat over maybe 80) and requires you to get your character's stats pretty close as well. my aeons were hitting for 99,999 per attack as well and they only ever got one attack in. i shielded an energy blast with bahamut and he was still one-shotted. you need break hp limit, auto-phoenix, auto-protect, and some character casting auto-life, and high character stats from farming the arena. and that's for the first one.
  5. you don't need to worry about yojimbo, i discovered that you can get him without encountering shiva or whomever is in that cave. but yes, get the destruction spheres in macalania and besaid (it's not too hard), go back into besaid after leaving the first time and talk to the dog to get energy blast, and get the sun crest before leaving yunalesca.
  6. so, then, the thing you like about mobas are the boring parts, then? not the plays? since that's what you seem to be complaining about.
  7. sure, i can talk you through it. the online resources i've found are :literally: terrible when it comes to explaining it (how hard is it to spell words correctly? seriously.) so once i get home, i'll nab the link with the records and shoot you a pm. you do need to dodge one last bolt when you use the cheat, and i know you don't get the bolts along the way without setting each one individually, but if you just want the sigil it's easy enough. as for the sun sigil i think that one's pretty easy, no thought required.
  8. have you tried one of the champs that does that kind of stuff? complaining because you're playing a shitty champion in that mode is like complaining that a particular champ is OP but not playing that champ. if they're broken, play them. prove to the system that they're broken, until they fix it. if you're not willing to be part of the solution, go play something else =)
  9. we were terrible before level 3, but that's when blitz gets his speed, and leona gets a permanent +100 to resists, which immediately makes it a much better combo. also, ad blitz in general is broken on this game mode. we had a riven that was 13-0 on the other team by 10 minutes, with 400ad at that point. i was doing ok, but nothing could stand up to her. she could towerdive with impunity because she had so much lifesteal. so i built a frozen fist and a ravenous hydra...and 1v1'd her six straight times, and beat her six straight times. while it was entertaining watching both of our health bars jumping up and down because of lifesteal, i could lock her down, silence her, and hit her with a sheen'd uppercut (i had one crit for 1105 damage or something). she couldn't get away, she couldn't do anything. it was awesome. i finished that game with 3k HP, 150s resists, and 300ad/40ap. since his ult's up so often, i can silence someone for 1.5s out of 6, knock them up for 1.5s out of 2, and grab someone once every four seconds. at one point i killed riven when she had a ga and warmogs and all that damage, and didn't even go past half hp. really, really fun =) too bad they took away my sona. i had a game right after that where we got steamrolled by a blitz/tryn combo (surprisingly effective) that fed off my akali lane-artner for six kills before turning their attentions to me, though, so it's not like he's an instant winner like sona was.
  10. are you telling me to stop goading you on, or something? usually that comes from other people, not the goadee in relevant news, i was able to properly mod my gamesave to allow me to get past dark valefor with no in-game bonus afterwards besides being able to just get what i needed. the save editor i used was BruteForce, which is a pretty common one for PS3 games apparently (i've only ever used gibbed's gamesave editor for the X360, not any other consoles). it basically functions by decrypting the save file (which sony encrypts the same for every game), and then using a frontend for a hex editor to modify item totals, character items and stats, and other data. in this case, i copied a version of my save from my ps3 using a flash drive (no modding needed, any FAT drive would work), stored a copy in a safe location, then modified another one to 'max stats'. i fought and defeated dark valefor (incidentally, i still needed all five aeons to take his energy blast attack so my party wouldn't take 50k damage and die), then saved and (again) offloaded the save to my computer. while there wasn't a checkbox to change my character stats to what they were before, what i was able to do was use HxD's comparison feature to see the changes between the two. by comparing the hex values for some sections with my in-game stats on the original gamesave, i was able to nail down the general format that the game uses to store individual character's stats. for example, on offset 5610, you get yuna's current HP, her current mana, then her max hp and mana. after that is eight 2-digit hex characters representing her attack, defense, magic, mdefense, etc. in the same order as they appear in-game, top to bottom, left to right. after that (and this is something i missed originally), is the sphere-grid info. originally i changed those above stats, and the current HP showed as what it should, but everything else was still weird. well, SE stored your progress on the sphere grid as well as your current stats, and used the sphere grid info to modify and check the current stats data. once i also restored this data, i was able to do the same to the aeons (easier, since they have no sphere grid, and their numbers were just modifications of yuna's stats instead of having their own data). lastly, i used tidus's AP numbers before and after to find the equivalent record in-game, and subsequently located everyone's AP numbers (it's a cumulative number, not one for sphere level and one for what you have left) and restored those as well. during my research i also located the header for what determines where you 'spawn' in in-game, which is cool because apparently every save sphere has its own 4-digit hex code, and as a result if you know that code you can spawn a character anywhere in the game. this is nice because it means you can still spawn in macalania temple if you missed that treasure without fighting dark shiva, and since i think there's a save sphere in that temple, you don't need to go back out and fight her again after getting the treasure (which was my issue in besaid - i could spawn there but not leave). i'd be happy to walk someone else through this if they want. it's a relatively complex process to decrypt and encrypt the game save, and it involves using a japanese analysis program that i literally had to look at a picture to learn how to use, but it's a process i can now do in my sleep since i did it 20+ times during this =) some people are into this kind of stuff, so i see no problem disseminating this info. so, i took my team, made them perfect, (barely) beat the boss, and restored them to what they were before. this allowed me to get anima, and as a result the magus sisters. i'm pretty pleased with this =) haven't used Oblivion yet, but i'm looking forward to it. now i'm just debating if it's worth getting auron's ultimate weapon before moving on. i've got four out of the ten requirements for it already, but my physical attacks are only passing the damage limit if i'm hitting with a crit, so i don't know if it's worth it. i've only fully powered up yuna's nirvana, and i've got the upgraded version (without sigil) of wakka, lulu, and kimahri (for valefor, ifrot, ixion, and shiva's damage limit break), and rikku's (because i just have the godhand anyways). i'm planning on upgrading rikku's weapon completely, and then doing some work to get good armor, but after that i'm ready to beat sin and be done with the game, i think. edit: don't know if i stated before, but i said that the reason i did this mod was because i was missing the besaid island treasure (which i forgot). in the original version, you could just go back and get it, but in this version there's a 'dark aeon' guarding the entrance to besaid. this has 800k EHP and stats in the 150s, can kill you in one hit almost no matter what without 20+ hours of grinding up spheres for the grid, and is the only dark aeon that actually prevents you from being able to do anything in the end-game (the others are all optional if you know who to avoid talking to). since this boss is both hilariously overpowered and poorly placed/not well thought-out, i wanted to beat it or get past it without affecting the difficulty of the rest of the game.
  11. the only cpu fan i recommend is the hyper 212+ models. the evo's the one available now. if you're in a normal case and it's not a skinny one, that's what i'd go for. otherwise, the stock intel/amd fan is pretty decent for most uses.
  12. sona/blitz is a damned steamroller on URF mode. i have had first blood and 20+ kills every single time, and topped 1000 ap pretty easily in one game last night =)
  13. permacrow swain yorick poppy fiddles URGOT teemo ap sona movespeed blitzcrank movespeed rammus zilean, god of time I WANT TO PLAY EVERYONE RIGHT NOW
  14. honestly, i feel like x-2 gets the same crap that xiii got. bad initial reviews led to people actively avoiding it when it wasn't really that bad. i played it and enjoyed it. admittedly not as much as other games in the series, as it's super anime and not really my thing, but the battle system was fun, and viewing spira again was a positive.
  15. seconded. that's a great deal. the best are yate loons, but those are darn good. as long as you stick with bigger fans - ie, no 80/90 mm fans - you're fine.
  16. leave the troll alone, he clearly has no idea what he's talking about and is just picking a golden calf to sacrifice for his trashy article.
  17. it was way out of date, and there's not enough traffic to warrant it. you're bored anyways, just read the last few pages. or buy a computer from me.
  18. i wrote the word "pants" into a text document a few times, saved it as awesome.mp3, and submitted. HEAR THE WORD OF JOODGANATOR. edit: a resubmit got me this gem:
  19. haven't seen any of what you're talking about. compared to other remasters - the fable and halo reworks comes to mind - this game hits the double whammy of standing up to the test of time, and also looking fairly good while doing it. the up-close scenes aren't as good as others, but comparatively speaking fable and halo look terrible, whereas this still looks pretty good (notably in battle scenes). great idea picking the controversy score, though, that always gets people talking. in other news, yes, it is possible to modify a save (you don't even need a hacked PS3, i could have done this on a vanilla one). it's really roundabout, and you have to use a japanese tool that no one can decipher (not even joking, i had to look at a picture to read it), but it's doable. unfortunately, the options are limited - i don't appear to be able to key up my stats for one battle (dark valefor) to get into besaid, and then drop them down again. additionally, i can spawn in besaid temple and get the sphere, but i can't leave - leaving the temple puts you out entering besaid, not in the town. the game doesn't see a difference there. and there's no way yet that i can just push a button and get all the temple treasures marked as completed (turns out i was missing zanarkand, not macalania). so the search continues.
  20. i would rather to just go through the end-game, and ignore anima completely. i'm pissed because i really like that aeon, and she's so darn good. lesson learned: use a guide, and don't assume you remembered everything from 2005 when you played it last. i remembered about energy burst about an hour outside of besaid, but decided not to go back.
  21. so i forgot to get the energy blast upgrade from besaid when i left, and the two temples i didn't use the destruction sphere in were besaid and macalania. surprise, the dark aeons guard these specific areas and prevent you from getting anything from then until you fight them. the easiest, dark valefor, has 800k HP and stats in the hundreds. this means i cannot get anima (or, by extension, magus sisters) unless i spend 20 hours grinding stats in the monster center, OR spend ten hours paying yojimbo through the nose to murderface besaid island fiends to get my compatibility up. then, i have a 1/4 chance of him using zanmato on dark valefor and dark shiva. while i like the addition of superbosses to the game (i felt there wasn't enough high-end material in the original version, although i didn't get into it), i wish that they were optional in regards to the majority of the game. right now, i'm screwed out of 25% of the summons, unless i grind everything forever and ever until my stats are triple what they are now. if anyone hears of a trainer (my game is legit, but my PS3 can run homebrew) or anything, that'd be fantastic. don't care what it does as long as i can turn it off after disposing of those two dark aeons.
  22. weird, i've never had a problem with newegg, but i've only bought components from them in the past. just got past the mt. gagazet boss fight (spoilers). i remember this fight being easily the hardest fight in the game last run-through, but i beat it so handily this time that i didn't use wakka by accident and he didn't get the SP =P additionally i'm maxing out aeon damage literally as soon as i'm getting them. i don't know if they buffed yuna or something, but some of the generic enemies seem harder than the bosses in this one so far. (/spoiler) additionally, i forgot just how...annoying the post-gagazet enemies are. i just don't want to fight them...i want to get to the airship again and be able to recruit and blitz and get all the big weapons and be done with this phase, which is clearly the one that is the longest/most boring in the game. lastly, anyone who complained that FFXIII was too linear is an imbecile and hasn't looked at their games recently. this entire game has been a straight line - far more than what FFXIII was, honestly - and people eat this shit with a spoon, whereas FFXIII gets the short end of the stick. granted the storyline exists in this one, whereas 13's storywriter must have put storyline concepts into a shotgun and fired it onto the script, but in terms of gameplay and level design i'd compare the two favorably in a heartbeat.
  23. got it a couple days ago and it works fine. still selling my card... =)
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