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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. no, my opening post involved reading more than the title is all =) i never said i wanted to listen to a 99-track mixtape of acidjazzed evening. i said what i liked, and asked if anyone else had music similar to it. so far, people do! i like that. if it's not chiptunes, well, at least it got people looking at the thread. it's not like there's a ton of conversation on these forums lately anyways compared to seven or eight years ago. a for amiga is pretty hot, not exactly what i was looking for, but it's fat and sounds great. hadouken's album is pretty nice. the singer is pretty solid. same with i fight dragons.
  2. see, i didn't like danimal cannon's stuff, though, because it sounded like a dude with a gameboy, and while the writing was interesting it got tiresome fast because it's the same couple of sounds being used over and over. i don't like that. i like where people take those sounds and add a ton of other awesome stuff in it. like, anamanaguchi sounds like it's got a full band behind it sometimes, with guitars and drums and singers and stuff. that complexity is awesome, and the chip tones add a lot to it that normal instruments wouldn't. therex, that IFD album sounds like just my style. i'll check it out when i'm home, along with other stuff in this thread up to this point.
  3. i'm more specifically looking for albums. i should note that while i said chiptune in the thread title, i wouldn't necessarily call anamanaguchi (the band that makes me want to listen to them) solely a chiptune artist. so please don't just suggest guys with gameboys to me =) are there artists that have a similar sound to that? that's what i'm looking for.
  4. I KNOW I KNOW PLEASE DON'T SHUN ME but i recently was listening to anamanaguchi's album Endless Fantasy, and it's fantastic. so i listened to dawn metropolis and loved it too. so, tell me what essential chiptune album you can't live without. i've found some reddit lists but it's particularly long. i'm looking for new stuff to listen to a lot lately since i can listen to music at work. i've heard a few chiptune/rock mashups that i liked as well, so if you've got suggestions there, that'd be awesome.
  5. who cares about supports, when you can play aram and beep boop your way to victory? i won an aram today as him where we were 3v5 for ten minutes before going full 5v5 for the last five or so. he is the great equalizer. he punishes those whom do not know how to position. he secured The Ocho. all hail beepboop. WHA WHAWHA WHA WHAWHAWHA WHAWHA WHA.
  6. name a champ you're more willing to go into a 1v2 engagement with. jax has a wall-hopping disengage (better now with the free ward button), an aoe stun that's often up, excellent mixed ratios, and great cooldowns *when he is properly built*. the other options i can think of that can steamroll an entire team during a teamfight comfortably are nasus, hecarim, shyvana, jayce, and fiora. that is, they're comfortable overcoming loads of CC and still surviving long enough to take several people down with them. jayce, hec, and jax are the only ones with hard cc not tied to an ult, and jax's is half the CD of the other two. he's the only one with a consistent autoattack speed bonus - allowing you to build more damage than you would otherwise - and the only one with a defense steroid. all that said, he still sucks if you don't get fully built. deprive him of gold and he's worse in the long run than anyone else in that list because he provides nothing to a team other than an aoe stun every ten seconds. at least nasus gets farmed no matter what, fiora and jayce have much higher damage potentials with less cash, and hecarim has two disruptions as well as a heal bonus if your team dishes out damage.
  7. their low-end units are decent quality for the price, but once you go over 450w you're looking for something that has high efficiency, low ripple, high-quality caps, and good long-term stability. while your unit might be doing well, the fact is that rosewill PSUs don't last as long as equivalent CM, silverstone, or seasonic PSUs, they've got some of the worst ripple among industry leaders, their PSUs consistently are the lightest in weight among high-sale manufacturers (implying poor build quality), and their efficiency numbers are usually inflated by testing them in coldboxes. i haven't bought a rosewill i liked in four years =( i love rosewill accessories, and their add-on cards and the like are well-built and usually far cheaper than other units. i avoid their mid- and heavy-use PSUs, however, except in specific circumstances.
  8. jax is pretty shitty right now in lane. his ability to aid jungle ganks and finish kills are superb if he can get proper positioning, but a champ like nasus can run him over simply by withering him and Qing him every time he comes over. nasus's mana costs are minimal compared to jax's, and forcing jax to use his jump every time he wants to get some farm means that nasus can just sit in the lane and auto-attack his health back up. this is exacerbated by smart nasus players starting cloth 5 pots (one mana), where most jaxes start with a doran's blade and hope they can auto enough hp back. if jax gets ahead, he bulldozes teams worse than maybe any other champ in the game except maybe - MAYBE - akali or diana, due to an epic passive and ult, short cooldowns, and his laughably available mobility and AOE stun. if he doesn't get ahead, he's worthless, because every jax player in the game acts like he's fully built after 20 minutes, and tries to solo the other team until the game's over. also, his early game (in the jungle) is tough because he has to build lifesteal early to be able to consistently survive there without blowing all his mana and never being able to gank.
  9. micro ATX boards in big cases make me sad =( seems pricey for what you've got in there that i can see. green storage drive, oversized offbrand PSU, not a big radeon. hope the cpu is big to compensate =)
  10. i have some nice studio monitors (300$ for pair, normally 250$ a piece), a wireless-n netgear router (45$, normally 60$+), and a 24" asus 1080p monitor (125$, normally 160$+) for sale. i'd consider trading some stuff for a smaller LCD TV as well. let me know =)
  11. as the resident movespeed champion, i agree with this statement. ap jarvan NEEDS MORE RATIOS! no one can escape my epic-ness.
  12. wormholes require decent skills to make any isk. if you want to fly with my corp, we're a newbie-friendly lowsec corp with a decent high-sec presence as well. we do a bunch of pvp in lowsec in the area, and newer people mission and mine close by. we're based near teonusude. if you want to give us a shot, shoot me an evemail at username 'wingmate' and i'll accept your corp application =)
  13. i have to admit, playing with everyone a lot has allowed me to dig into characters i don't get to play often, and that's fun. i like that yorick's back to being a good champ again, and that characters like kayle and others are still successful champs. now they just need to fix treebeard and things will be as they should be.
  14. being a guy that basically is the newbie resource in his corp, i'd be happy to answer questions if you've got them. i'm also a spreadsheet guru and can assist if you're not sure if something's profitable, or what you'd have to do to make it profitable. omega, do you have a corp or do you fly solo?
  15. haha, gp is le awesome lately it seems. the shiv is a really killer item on him.
  16. so far i've done jax, zil, alistar (troll game), and janna in all for one. it's pretty much hilarious. i won as jax and janna (janna was against five tarics...SOOO boring for the early game) and lost the other two. super fun.
  17. i'm thinking about selling my current cpu and motherboard, and upgrading to a newer model. not an issue with my current set, but i want to try a low-power gaming setup and would need to sell my current stuff first. i could sell the components or incorporate them into a new computer. specifically, i've got an i5-760 (2.8ghz, quad core) and a gigabyte p55a-ud3. the i5 was slightly overclocked for about a month of minimal usage, but other than that they're stock and have been in a loving home since i got them. edit: looks like the going rate around the web is between 125-150$ for both the motherboard and the CPU. combined with some ram, a case, a decent PSU, and a good graphics card, you could have a nice gaming machine for under 475$ in parts pretty easily - especially with black friday deals. if there's interest i'll work up a quote.
  18. currently a similar build would go for roughly 1750 or so from me, depending on sales and the like. step down to a really nice quad-core instead of a hexacore and it'll be in the 1450 range i think. it's mostly CPU and ram, not a ton of vga honestly.
  19. i don't believe i do, unfortunately. i rarely keep build pics much longer than it takes to send to my salivating public. EDIT: PUBLIC IS NOT SPELLED PUBIC
  20. it was a coincidence. also, no, i don't lose weight often =)
  21. new build pictures! so, someone bought a new system from me and said it was ok for me to talk about their build on the forums (a rarity lately). it was XPRTNovice! so we talked about the system quite a bit. he wanted a mondo system for music composition and recording, but it didn't have to be that big on the graphics side. we wound up going with the i7-4930K for the processor (3.4ghz, 6 cores, hyperthreading), 16gb of DDR3-2400 RAM, and a 7770 for the graphics card - tons of headroom for synths and samples, but not a ton of graphics performance beyond some basic gaming. this was my first ivy bridge-e =) which was super fun. i've not worked with the LGA 2011 socket before and it's freaking huge. pretty cool. the socket's got built-in aftermarket cooling holes, which is neat, since it means no backplate for the CPU cooler. in this case, we went with the H55 self-contained watercooling unit by corsair. quite functional - it kept a 4.2ghz overclock on a notoriously finicky and hot CPU (for intel, that is) to ~50c under load to all 12 cores. if i replaced the fan with a really top-notch 37.5mm width one instead of the 25mm one that the fan came with, i bet it'd do even better. regarding performance: i got the system clocked very stably at 4.2ghz with all 6 cores and turbo mode enabled, and the ram at DDR3-2166 11-13-13-21. i got it up to 4.5 and DDR3-2400 13-13-13-25, but IMO the ram wasn't stable enough at those timings, and i didn't like that particular set as much as how it performed at 11-13-13. i think that the RAM performance is honestly the same at those two, but it's more stable at 2166 since it still has headroom to be thrashed and not freak out. the processor heat spiked a lot at 4.5 so that's why i dropped it down to 4.2. this should be able to be comfortable in a hot room and likely won't even push 60c in a hotbox. i am super comfortable with that. it's also quiet as a mouse - the only thing that's loud is the little fan over the southbridge on the motherboard. i clocked that way down as i never saw the heat on that go anywhere, even when i tested the hard drives really hard. since there's nothing in the PCIs i doubt that'll get hot anyways. anyways, pictures! yes, that's a yoga mat. fantastic way to keep stuff off of a table when you're working. cpu: i7-4930K - *drool* cpu cooler: corsair h55 - easy to install, fits on everything. darn nice for a watercooling rig and we got a good price on it. mobo: asrock extreme6 - one of the cheapest LGA2011 boards (at over 200$!), and i think it showed. no network BIOS update, no dual bios, annoying drivers, and some minor incompatibilities i had to work around with w7 x64. in terms of performance it's been rock solid, and the measurable are quite nice, but i didn't like the backend support much. also, the boot is weird - it doesn't initialize the screen until very late in the process, so you get like 1 second to push the button to go into the bios. my screen doesn't initialize quickly so i missed it like five times in a row until i put a 5s pause on boot there. psu: corsair cx600 - one of the best 600w PSUs out there. this one had even better ripple and max load than i've previously seen, so i think they did an internal refresh or something. HDDs: crucial m500 240gb and seagate 2tb SSHD. both are stupid fast. i am particularly impressed with the SSHD. RAM: gskill ripjaw x 2400 - pretty good ram for the price. it isn't quite as stable at 2400 as i'd want it to be, but for the price it is killer 2166 ram that just lights it up. case: Storm Scout 2 - love it even more than i loved the first version. axxxxion shot. you can see the business end of the Storm Scout 2 case here - it's a fantastic case and definitely one i'm using in the future. the handle's this gorgeous rubberized material with a solid steel core, and the whole case has these tiny updates to the original storm scout chassis that just make it so nice to work with. my favorite update was a little cutout over the top left of the motherboard that allows for easy threading of the P4 connector to the power connector on the top of the mobo. on the old storm scout that was always a tight squeeze. here's the setup without the back on. honestly i had a bit more trouble hiding wires because of the increased modularity of the case - there's supports where there wasn't before to allow the entire middle HDD cage to be removed for support for extra-long graphics cards or a custom raid HDD setup. this would be cool if it didn't block a lot of the cabling shortcuts i used to do. so it's a bit messier than my best with the old storm scout, but i did like 20 builds in that one and this is my first here. i am sure i'll get more used to it over time. there's a better picture.
  22. haha, play with me sometime, i can usually be cool but i get going sometimes =)
  23. hey, why the heck not? i headed up two albums and have been around a while. i have many leather-bound books. as of a few years ago i think avaris and i were fighting for the most rejections in site history you can contact me via PM, since my pointless ruminations are probably totally relevant to OCR as a whole.
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