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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. is there interest in me doing a christmas sale of some sort? would people be into that?
  2. had my first no-death game on aram last night. started chalice, amp tome, and health pot on lux. at first the team was telling me to suicide, but after it was like 6-0-20 they started to get into it. most epic save was a combo of janna shield and ult when i was taking autoattack and poison damage from twitch - she ulted me with 2hp and 2 ticks of poison left to keep me alive =) i wound up going 11-0-34 with 8550 gold when the game ended. super fun!
  3. haha, yeah. i tend to 'coach' because as a jungle i'm usually looking at the lanes to see trends and locations, but ryan's much more measured than i am when it comes to risks =)
  4. when i worked at gamecrazy, i literally called everyone "you". there was no discrimination, i was post-names and post-gender while at work.
  5. so, accept it and make it a part of your core being. kanthos, this is done.
  6. hey, one of my favorite mixers! you should play with me if you're on NA =)
  7. motherboards aren't exactly something you want to replace if you're not familiar with computers, and you'd have to replace yours.
  8. haha, yeah, DDR2 = you need new memory as well with a cpu and mobo upgrade. figure 200$ for a decent quad core, 100$ or so for the motherboard, and between 10-15$ per gig of RAM (when you're getting 4gb or more).
  9. download and run cpu-z. no install required. tell us the type of RAM you've got installed, since i cbb to look up what that cpu's motherboard's requirements are. also, lol@12gb page file
  10. i'd want to see everything before i declared anything, but you'd probably be looking at an upgrade on your cpu and mobo (possibly ram) depending on what you've got. one other question - how old is your PSU, and do you run it 24/7 or just when you use it?
  11. why would you pay 110$ for a CPU when you've got a 670 graphics card in there already? spend some cash and get a real cpu that isn't going to set your system on fire from being so friggin hot all the time.
  12. i've got a rhodes line from Omnisphere in my track that i'm working on. it sounds totally fine in-program, but clicks like mad and drops out constantly on export. playback of the whole thing involves roughly 10% of my CPU and ~1gb of RAM on a 12gb system with an i7-860, so it's not a performance issue. i have a Saffire Pro 40 interface - i've tried running it directly through that and running it through ASIO, with up to 1024 buffer. i tried exporting just the rhodes line and it still clicks and pops and drops out all the time. something weird is that it doesn't just stop playing, but will start and then sound like there's a gate applied. the line is just held chords, roughly six notes per chord. nothing fancy. i love the sound but can't get it to work, any ideas?
  13. brutal legend is a fantastic game as well!
  14. can't you just get another one for, like, 5$ off of craigslist?
  15. no, the original ones were godawful. they're still pretty bad.
  16. i've never done anything like that =) i'm assuming it's just a matter of checking compatibility - android's got so much out there that almost all components are documented with functionality lists and everything.
  17. i'd need a bit more info than that. i've done some stuff with touchscreens but not any custom work, if that's what you're asking.
  18. i don't know canadian stores, unfortunately. i believe newegg has a .ca site, though.
  19. sure i could, but i didn't have a build ready OR a functioning dvd drive in my system. it had died like a week or two beforehand. bottle rocket, i'd need a bit more information about what you're looking for really before i could recommend anything. if it's just general use and you're doing it yourself, you're welcome to just get whatever maximum pc is recommending at the time, since they're usually decent guidelines.
  20. hey, wedding music, not 12-year-old internet-girlfriend lovesong. edit: humorous context
  21. hey, this new track is pretty good. the old one was, too. any chance we could leave it there? =)
  22. yes. i firmly believe that's the toughest boss in the game, none other gave me that much issue just because you're never farmed up by that point
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