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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. get back to hating things. nothing changes. i've watched them all, and the last five minutes are always friggin horrid.
  2. hey, you haven't finished it. stuff's been up since thursday. 17 endings actually are only three endings, which boil down to palette swaps.
  3. right here is why an mmo wouldn't work. also, with the enormous, ENORMOUS investment that was TOR (which released to mediocre sales and lowering subscriptions after the first month or two), there's no way in hell a mass effect mmo is coming out anytime soon.
  4. that's what i meant. they can't eat anything on earth without getting sick. avoid the red nuts at the bar, they'll give you cramps. cue crazy bartender slapping verner with a singularity on the ass. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE jordan, i went with mordin as my main sidekick for two playthroughs, since incinerate was so hilariously overpowered last game. the part where he was humming as he was finishing his work in the Shroud had me almost in tears. just so poignant. and then that batshit bullcrap ending just ruined it. i am so pissed, knowing that subsequent playthroughs will just end in fail and aids.
  5. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK (spoilers) i played me1 three times, me2 four times, and i finished this up on saturday night. roughly 300 hours total in this game. the writing in this last game was EXQUISITE. the way they resolved the krogan situation, the quarians and geth, the scene and situation on thessia - i have never, ever been more involved in a game's story than i was after that mission, i had to turn off the box afterwards - was just spectacular, transcendent. the prime after the battle on rannoch...just incredible. and then this GODAWFUL HORRIBLE MAILIN TOTAL TRASH ENDING. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT. dammit, bioware, TAKE MY MONEY. give me a happy ending dlc. replace the last five minutes with five or ten minutes of the ending from mass effect 1 in the new engine and i'll be happy. jesus h chairfuck mcshitchrist. i can't think of a worse way to end the game. changing the colors of the explosions? really? THAT'S IT? that's my resolution to a zillion hours of gameplay? why does part of my squad end up on the normandy? why was it going through a gate? why didn't joker break any bones? how did they manage to live on happy space garden world paradise in between gates when they got knocked out? why does the catalyst look like that creepy kid? why does shepard have air at the end when they were in space? how are turians and quarians supposed to live on a DNA-based world? how are any of them supposed to survive when all computers have been destroyed (or not destroyed, but they have no gates)? why does none of our decisions through the entire game give me anything good at the end? this ending was shit, and i could have come up with a better one on a cocktail napkin after six cups of everclear. someone DID come up with a better one on a cocktail napkin after six cups of everclear. and then they vomited, and that looked better than this ending. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE
  6. i have it for 360, and i'll play with anyone who wants to...once i'm mostly done with the campaign. sorry zeklan, i know you asked like six times last night, but i was busy shunning liara and hitting on EDI and enjoying the much tighter and more entertaining gameplay (read: it's actually almost a shooter now) and didn't care about interacting with real hoomans.
  7. HOLY CRAP IT IS HERE i always did every single optional mission before any storylines, which while it made it easy to keep everyone alive, it meant i didn't get all of legion's commentary and had to watch it on youtube. i guess i thought everyone would do the optionals first every time.
  8. if you let her die, it's half the crew. so, all the little vignettes you hear, half of them are gone.
  9. i honestly don't understand how people had characters die. if you did the loyalty missions, and you weren't stupid about who went where, it's easy to prevent it. i did different 'builds' every time i played the game and never lost anyone ever. also, my copy shipped! i get it tomorrow niiiiiigggghhhhhtttttttt!
  10. same, with a soldier. it just took a long, long time. the game does not shine as a shooter on the highest difficulties, as even with the most shields and the 50% damage reduction from adrenaline rush, you still melt in a second or two under combined fire and spend most of the missions with pulsing red at the corner of your monitor. the bad animations and glitchy cover mechanisms really stick out, and the fact that you get through most sections only by getting a zillion headshots with the Widow in a row is not a positive. does anyone have a list of powers and abilities for all classes? if we can change classes, and we can only hold two guns, i'm doing it - the main reason soldier is boss for ME2 is because you always had five guns to use.
  11. insanity is broken in ME2. anything you do gets you killed, and the unblockable knockback animation is like five seconds long. also, arrival works on linsanity because there's a little picket you can tuck into where they don't really go near, so you can snipe all day. vanguard is tough, though, because they tear you up hard.
  12. lolbro. if someone goes and gets all the hype together, and everyone puts all this effort into it, and then darke doesn't bother to finish the compo because he was slumming in some comic store instead, well, that's on him. i estimate it'd take two, maybe three hours to do the voting and give us some closure. do you really, honestly, truly think that he hasn't had a few hours in the last month to do this? naw. he's just being lazy and putting it off. be realistic, man =)
  13. know what's fun? jungle blitz. his ganks are absurd, no one gets away, and when you build him tanky ad, he pushes towers like a boss. i've only had one game where i was more than one death past negative, and i always get loads of assists and deal second-most damage. he's just so much fun, and can push towers all over the map if he brings teleport.
  14. as borderlands says, 96.5% MOAR WUB-WUB or, in my words, more wub-wub than a colony of jawas.
  15. so pugna's more of a preventative character, right? that actually sounds like something that'd be nice. heimer does a bad job of that in lol, but having someone who can just fry people dumb enough to cast around him would be nice in certain lanes...like, ranged carry/support bot lanes =) can you kill it? as for broodmother, that role can be filled by a lot of different characters in LoL - irelia, kong, nasus, and morde are a few that come to mind immediately, as they can push super hard and then get back out because they're either so tanky, or have dashes, or both. broodmother sounds really specific, though - like, you can't do anything else with her.
  16. i'm looking for a relatively cheap bass guitar pedal that'll give me a decent variety of sounds, and allow me to create some of my own. i don't need something as complex as a pod, but it does need to be for live music - that is, a footswitch or something that can be used on-stage. it's just for sunday mornings at my church, so i don't need anything super-crazy. ideas? suggestions?
  17. i think it's funny that you're restricting it to those five 'archetypes'. please give me an example of a character design that doesn't fit into at least one of those styles - that is, one that is ranged, one that does lots of damage, one that helps others survive and deal lots of damage, one that is tanky and still does some damage, one that is unkillable. that kind of sounds like every single character in every moba-style game ever. the only role that you didn't mention is 'initiator', which isn't really a role since it's filled by everyone else to some extent. (edit, this isn't supposed to be snarky, i'm really interested in knowing what other ideas you all have) don't get me wrong, there's a lot that riot could do to improve the quality of the gameplay in this game, and there's a lot they could do to improve the quality of the champs in this game. talk about breaking through roles usually wins up giving you severely gimped (launch orianna, current eve) or way overpowered (summer morde, old jax, old leona, original graves) champs, though. look at the characters that can 'do everything' - like what happened to morde over the summer. he was a do-everythin champ, he could solo teams, he could turn a teamfight just by existing and pressing r, he got pentakills all day (OMG EZ YOU GOTTA TAKE THESE FUCKING STACKS OFF ME). so he got nerfed, and rightfully so. it's a team game, and should focus around teamcomp and teamwork, not some magical flaming asshole hitting a cross-map skillshot and instapopping half your team. edit: also - blitz jungle. SO. GOOD. first blood every time =)
  18. i can agree with this. every once and a while an interesting champ shows up, but for the most part it's seeming like some champs are just cookie cutters. there's still cool and unique ideas - like rumble's heat, or lee sin's way of being all over the place - but a lot of champs tend to be 'insert generic dps skill hurr'.
  19. i had three playthroughs of ME1, four of ME2, and now ME3 coming up... can't wait.
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