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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. you could totally throw some isk my way...you know, if you were bored or something. i'm excited about the new tier-3 battlecruisers. they're looking really cool, and the flexibility will be really nice for mission-runners. you'll still need a proper tank-fitted ship in most missions, but it'll allow big slow guys like the raven, domi, and amarr BSes sit there and sentry-drone it up while other ships provide the mobile firepower. plus the added speed of a BC with big 800mm autos and eventually torps, blasters and pulse lasers can make for a devastating combo previously only found in way-overpriced ships like the macharial, nightmare, and bhaalgorn.
  2. it doesn't look good on a good pc, it looks pretty old actually. and i felt the writing was cheese to the core, not even that good of star wars stuff.
  3. guild wars 2 is looking way better, both from released material and from anecdotes from testers i know.
  4. it was frustrating too because i'd land this magical bandage toss through their entire team onto brand, and ult and get four of them. jarvan would hop in and ult like half their team, so they're stuck and can't get out. then our team would retreat to the fountain, and then bitch that it was now 3v5.
  5. zircon ilu except for the part where my ELO went from 1354 to 1175 after playing four games with you, then we lost a normal game badly too
  6. i beta'd the game. it's wow with guns. it's not good. boring missions, poor combat, bad bad bad. don't get it.
  7. still waiting to hear about official time off rules for my job that i start on the 31st. as soon as i've got an idea for what's what, i can decide whether i can go or not.
  8. had a solid game as malph where we overcame being 4-15 early to come back to win it, seven or eight kills up. i was 1-3-0 early, but turned it around to 3-6-23 by the end of the game. we were getting hosed early, and i thought for sure we lost it, but a timely baron that helped us prevent losing towers to minions worked out really nicely...and then we aced them hard and got three towers and the nexus right at the end. then, 13-1-18 malph in a game with ToN and zircon. incredible game. bought a soulstealer as my first big item after merc boots and glacial shroud, maxed it twice before and after my death. we trolled them SO. HARD. it was delicious. i killed tryndamere four times where he'd pop his ult, hit me some, and then spin away as it ran out, using bloodlust to heal...and then i'd ult him and do 700 damage. i wonder why he never got the hint. i left a few other kills out there early too, but we rolled them so hard it didn't matter. easily one of my best malphite games, bots included. even bots weren't this dumb. until i disconnected and my client crashed at the end of the game? it was disappointing that i got dumped and then couldn't log in because apparently the servers were toast. as a whole, i'm starting to think that malph's ult is one of the best in the game. huge close-the-gap, dealing tons of damage (200 at 6 is a lot of HP!), and a 1.5s knockup is more than enough for your other characters to hose everything in the pile. works just as well to prevent the entire team from disengaging, as it turns them running away into a bunch of corpses on the ground. amumu, poppy, gp, and karth are the only ones that i can think of that are just as good in terms of viability all the time, and i'm on the edge about karth since it's so dependent on farm most of the time.
  9. the biggest thing the corp does is allow you to do stuff with other people. whether you like doing missions, working on research and development, mining, PvP, ratting...there's always more fun doing it with other people.
  10. you get a 30-day trial instead of two weeks, for five dollars. he likely didn't know that he can get a three-week trial for free through a buddy invite.
  11. there's tons to do, and it's hard to pick what you like the best. whatever you do, do it with others. it's a lot more fun that way.
  12. oh, i do other roles as well. recently i've been doing a lot of goofy builds to try them out, and some work really well (ap glass cannon malph, ap yorick, etc). i just get frustrated when someone instalocks a tank and then is terrible with them. why not play a few bot games with that character? why instalock if you're shaky about your character?
  13. remember that you'll have games as the worst player there and as the best player there. sometimes the gaps are larger than you anticipate. i know i am not good at certain roles, and good at others, and i often get frustrated when someone instalocks singed or rammus and then does absolutely horrid because i know i can do it better.
  14. too bad it takes like 14 hours to bus in. i mean, the round trip is a Chrono Trigger playthrough i got a job that starts on the 31st. i'm going to ask around and see what would need to happen to get friday off, allowing me to drive in thursday night and come back sunday afternoon.
  15. i should point out that if people want to play over the next few weeks, i'll be occasionally on throughout the day. i'll try to remember to keep skype open - ping me on that.
  16. if i go this year, jordan, i'll likely drive. most bus routes go right through buffalo NY, where i'm from =) HINT HINT.
  17. that name sucks but we're not going to come up with anything cooler, so let's do it.
  18. i believe he is a ratio from annie's speed, so that he can't chase down people better earlier as compared to late game.
  19. i laughed at the second part. doesn't shurelya's and sivir's ult speed tibbers up, too?
  20. gario needs to pick masters, and we need a name, guys!
  21. he's got nice poke early, and can harass nicely. he's also awesome in 3v3. he can't do anything late, though, unless he's fed to the max. so yeah, to a point i agree with you, zircon.
  22. i played against a sivir recently who had 500AD thanks to triple bloodthirsters. she farmed like a beast all game and got triple kills in like every single fight.
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