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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. your track was a riot, man =) good work yourself. well, i placed 3 of 16 last time around, and now i can't do any worse than 2 of 32. i'm moving up! just one last mix. if i had known what the remix battle was the first time around, i'd definitely have participated, although i'd have gotten stomped i think since i wouldn't have had enough time to really dig in.
  2. not going to get a third in - just got home from being out of town =( two is good, though!
  3. guess who got the box =) actually, a friend of mine got it for me as a three-month-late birthday present, but yeah. i'll be playing hopefully tonight.
  4. didn't you just have a birthday? maybe your parents/aunt/rich grandma has some cash for a young, aspiring artist.
  5. agreed. either un-sticky this, or fix it. it's completely useless right now.
  6. didn't see this till now. don't think any of my music will be usable by you, but you're welcome to it. there's more at my website than what's put on here.
  7. still not what he meant. not simultaneous stuns, but consistent, repeated stuns or slows within a short time period.
  8. direct replacement of the file should fix it, actually. there are file managers that allow for find and replace, where you can specify a file folder, and then have the program replace them. with itunes, for example, i'd have itunes create a library on a separate computer, and have it properly relocate the files to the folders that they'd be in on my primary machine. then i'd just drag and drop, and replace them all.
  9. naw, he's talking about heroes who stack stuns or slows on. i agree - making it so that status effects can't constantly be retriggered with the same effectiveness would be really nice. like, a 20% reduction in time or effect every time.
  10. you can return it for pretty cheap, actually. you might be able to get them to cover the cost of shipping, even, if you complain enough to their claims department. just return it all and say you didn't want it. happens all the time.
  11. naw, the lions have an okay offense, but no defense. the bills just have nothing except for jairus byrd and the punter.
  12. i had a 98 yard play in madden 11 on all-madden difficulty a few days ago. with the bills.
  13. my DS and PSP are still for sale. i've had a person or two nudge me about them, but haven't heard anything specific. i'm also looking to sell my PS3 and all PS3-related stuff. it's a ceche01 model, meaning it is a fat PS3 (i believe it's a 60gb model) that has memory card slots, four USB ports, a recently replaced blu-ray drive, and software compatibility with PS2 games. the e01 models are considered to be the best of both worlds - they've got the PS2 compatibility, loads of I/O ports, and run quiet, but don't have the bad slotloader that the a01 and b01 models are plagued with. it's probably the best fat PS3 you can get. these usually sell for 250$+ on ebay, so i'd be looking for something a little under that. it's never had any issues, but basically is simply a fancy blu-ray player at this point. it has one controller and all the normal cords. the system is currently on the last firmware update BEFORE the patches to remove exploit functionality, which i believe is either 3.3x or 3.41. this means that you can use the calculator listed below to exploit the system and load backups (of games you own!) directly onto the hard drive to play, which is what i was doing. most newer games that require newer firmware can be patched easily to make them work. i'm also selling FFXIII, littlebigplanet, killzone 2, and MLB 09: The Show, and a TI-84+ calculator.
  14. i'll vouch for halcyon's vouching of the removal of the vouching system.
  15. ...which composers? you didn't bother to mention them in the youtube writeup, either.
  16. for my first game with alistar - a really fun tank, i must say - i think i did ok. i died a lot early, but once i got the hang of his survivability i think i got him now. he must be really dangerous if he gets a bit fed early. i'm willing to bet that he could easily take out two guys, maybe three in a teamfight with those stuns he has, and he's so tough with his ult.
  17. that's why he swears by them =) when it comes to different models of high-quality, high-end headphones, what you're used to and practiced on is almost better than something with a more accurate response. i still think that certain styles mix better on a crappy logitech 2.1 system than my current set of studio monitors.
  18. i've got some lightly used computer parts that i'm looking to, ahem, part with. so, here's a sale for the summer! in short, this is a 2.8ghz 8-core system with 8gb of RAM, either 1tb or 1.75tb of HDD space, in either a rackmount case or a tower. overclocking is an option, as is going with 12gb or 16gb of RAM. the Windows Experience Index rates the processor as a 7.4 out of 7.9, and the RAM as 7.6 out of 7.9 (aka, pretty awesome ). it'll have either W7 or XP on it, whichever you prefer. processor: i7-860. 2.8ghz, quad core with hyperthreading (so, eight cores). really fast, and has been my primary cpu for my mixing computer for about six months, with roughly three weeks of 24-7 usage total in there. i'll overclock the processor, and should be able to get it up to 3.3ghz or 3.5ghz easy. i'll put a (new) hyper 212+ cpu cooler on it to aid in keeping the temperature down if you decide on a tower case instead of the current case. ram: 8gb of DDR3 1333mhz RAM, made by g.skill, with heat spreaders to keep the temperature down. motherboard: EVGA P55 motherboard. it's easily the nicest motherboard i've ever purchased. it has optical and coaxial audio, firewire, lots of USB ports, dual gigabit LAN ports, and (awesomely enough) a small digital display to show where boot errors are happening to aid in the over-the-phone support i offer with all my systems. it's also got a panic button to reset the overclocking settings to stock, just in case =) case: you've got a choice here. i currently have the system in a 4U rackmount case, for use in a flight case, stage rack, or server rack (like, what you'd see in a recording studio). you can either go with that, or i'll put it into the tower of your choice. note that i can't overclock in the rackmount case that it's in, since i can't fit an aftermarket cooler in there, so if you want OCing you'll need the different case. power: i've currently got a 430w SeaSonic power supply in there that's part of the deal. 430w sounds low, but since there's no graphics card draw, it's more than enough to run for the long term. it's also ridiculously efficient - over 90% for the load that this computer pulls! - meaning that it generates almost no heat and costs next to nothing to operate on a monthly basis. hard drives: i'll include a new 1tb western digital black drive, and i've got a used 750gb 5400RPM drive that's great for storage of large sample libraries and backups if you want it also. most people say that it's a bad idea to use a 5400RPM drive in a music computer, but it's fine to use as a backup drive. in this case, since you've got a terabyte of the fastest hard drive you can get, it's ideal for being a backup and secondary drive. dvd burner: it's a burner. it burns things quickly. isn't too noisy. nuff said. graphics card: the system currently has a basic 7300LE card in there - not really enough for gaming, but great for running dual monitors (which is what i'm using it for). i'm willing to sell this system for the round price of 950$, shipping to the lower 48 included. we can work out something if it's to canada or wherever. incidentally, if you're in australia, i might be able to get you a deal on shipping if it's relatively soon. that price includes the computer as listed above, with no secondary hard drive, 8gb of RAM, and the rackmount case. for the extra hard drive, add 50$. for more RAM, add 30$ per 4gb. for a tower case, add 50$. if you want overclocking and an aftermarket CPU fan, add 50$. it's worth noting that this isn't really a gaming computer. that said, i'd be willing to part with my GTX 460 - a card that can pound most any game on the market at high resolutions on high settings - for an additional 170$. you'd need a larger power supply to power both that and the computer, so you'd be looking at roughly 225$ or so for the total upgrade, bringing your total from the base package listed above to just under 1200$ shipped. that'd be a monster machine, though, bigger than my gaming computer. as always, i'm willing to be flexible on the build and price. let me know if you've got some specific interests and i'll see what i've got. happy summer, folks!
  19. i've got a pair of sennheiser hd 280 pros that i'll use with mixing, but my primary headphones that i use are a fantastic pair of open-ear headphones made by alessandro labs. highly uncomfortable, but just stellar sound quality. good open ear headphones beat great closed ears every day of the week.
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