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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i recomended all of that! except the core 216. that's a bit of a step back from the 460. did you run out of cash from what we had discussed?
  2. as i said, i want to replace the head unit, and replace the in-door speakers. i'm wondering about the feasibility and cost of putting in an amp and sub as well, and the sound quality i'll get from the in-door speakers themselves (to determine if it'll be necessary for the sub or not).
  3. anyone know a lot about car audio? i need to replace the head unit on my jeep and am looking to do some upgrades all-around on the audio system in my vehicle. i just had some questions to bounce off of whoever knows what's what. thanks =)
  4. m-audio drivers for xp were okay, but they seem to have gotten worse with their vista and 7 implementations. i've still got a little mobilepre somewhere, and while it works pretty well on XP (albeit a bit clunky sometimes), it's terrible in 7.
  5. this is good stuff here. exactly what i was looking for =) thanks so much, andy. i was using the DT patches, but i didn't think to pan the kontakt outputs themselves hard left and right. that makes a lot of sense.
  6. good to know that you've got such a great grasp on my style from that one song that i did particularly since the guitars were just background in that track except for one part. also, GR4 is fine to do any style with. don't know where you're getting the 'not good with metal' idea from - even i know that you can get some crazy awesome stuff out of it, and i've barely played with anything but the presets. i've played around with using a delay effect set to wet only to delay one side of the guitars, but i'm wondering if there's a tidier way of doing that. since it's way easier and more efficient RAM-wise to use one or two instances of kontakt and just route the hell out of it with different amp sims on each channel, i'm curious if anyone knows of an effect that just delays by some amount of milliseconds. while not randomizing the sound, it'd allow me to work in a functional delay between channels.
  7. you're likely right. it's not like i haven't read the books or something - i'm on my third read-through now in preparation for the next book - but i can't exactly sit down with my wife and watch some whore get pounded from behind every single show. she doesn't want me to watch them at all right now =( which is unfortunate, because they're actually pretty sweet when there's not tits everywhere.
  8. OR A DRAGON. speaking of that, my wife gets pissy because of all the graphic sex scenes and nudity, and rightly so - there's a lot of it! i don't suppose there's plans for a standard TV version of the show, is there?
  9. jimmy, i can't see your studio because of the gleam and reflection off of those pearly whites, and your fat head. can you take a picture without the dome in there? fo realz, though, which interface is that under your primary monitor? just curious.
  10. the books are similar - you go entire books without seeing major characters because everyone's so spread out.
  11. holy CRAP. that is incredible. my wife knows nothing about minecraft and even she thought it was ridiculous.
  12. yeah, still not what i meant. rozo's got it =) although, if you used cakewalk and made it sound that good, i'd be in awe. <3 you too big spoon. i'm not expecting to win just because i enter, of course. not even koelsch1 was that entitled. but there's no reason that i can't feel that something that's 80% of what i can do is still better than someone else's 100%. that's the nature of competitions, isn't it? i didn't have time to do my best work, but i'm not going to just wimp out because i was out of town most of the week. it'll just be not quite what i had hoped for. i said before that i wasn't trying to be a dickweed or something. i thought drac's entry was good. i just felt it wasn't really a fitting entry based on the criteria of the competition. either way, we've kinda hijacked the thread at this point, so let's avoid continuing this here =)
  13. the combat isn't even close to being the same, and i could overlook the timing-based style of the first with the deep customization and excellent storytelling. then they took a first-tier action game and combined it with those things that i loved about the first. this game is bloody incredible, and if you've got the horsepower to max it out with ubersampling it's amazing. absolutely, purely, amazing. it just sucks that they haven't fixed the crashing bug. the game draws too much RAM and 32-bit windows will run out of memory, making the game crash to desktop. ignore the drivel on different boards of 'techies' talking about updating drivers and that bullshit - it's a programming issue related to the fact that they never put a RAM limit into the game, just like the first, rather than drivers or registry issues or whatever other crap those idiots are saying. that combined with too few autosaves is problematic. they cleaned it up a bit so that it's a clean crash as compared to witcher 1, but it's literally the only issue i'm having with the game, and it's more spread out because the game uses RAM better. i can overlook that, though - a major crash-to-desktop issue! - simply because the game is so damned fun. the battles are hard, the gameplay is fluid, the storytelling is spectacular as usual, the characters are as realistic as a mutant white-haired monster hunter could possibly be, and the updated engine is easily one of the best engines i've seen, with incredible graphics as a whole, even during combat.
  14. shreddage is a guitar sample pack. i'm talking about doing this with faked guitars, not doing it live.
  15. as my last three or four tracks have always had the comment that the guitars sound like cast-iron dogshit. so i need some help. i'm not an electric guitarist by any means, although i'm learning to play a bit. i've been playing acoustic for seven or eight years, though, so it's not like i don't know what strings are which or something. it's more that i don't have any idea as to how to make them sound...like anything, i guess. acoustic is so totally different than electric that i might as well brought my knowledge of the saxophone into learning to play the didgeridoo. i mean, i picked up mandolin in two weeks. i don't get why i can't make an electric guitar sound like anything but a dying cat. i picked up shreddage when it came out, and i love it since all i need is some chugs, some powerchords, and the occasional lick, and it does that splendiferously until i learn to do all that myself. however, i can't get the full sound that i hear on radio tracks with it. i know the basics - i usually split the signal into left and right with different effects/distortion on both (guitar rig 4). beyond that, though, i'm lost. what else is supposed to happen to get that big full sound? for that matter, since i'm using the stock presets on GR4, are there more out there? there's only a few i use on a regular basis because i feel that most of them are mega-treble and don't have any body, but that might be just because i don't know what i'm doing. for all i know, there's more info on how to do this either on the net or in the forum here somewhere, but it's 2am and i didn't see anything at a glance. so, tl;dr version: how do i get that radio sound? because i suck at it, apparently.
  16. lol. i didn't say that it wasn't midi - it's shreddage, actually, so it's like half and half. i know that i just used one double-tracked guitar track with some terrible GR4 preset as the distortion. so there's that i know there's tons of tricks to getting an awesome guitar tone, but i just didn't have the time really to plug them in. i think i might go back and mess with it for the heck of it, though, at some point when i'm not trying to plan a five day trip.
  17. txai's track was bloody awesome, i remember that. he beat me right before he beat you, in the semis, but his track for me i remember blew the mastering on mine away. you make a good point, though - i remember his stuff was pretty shady up till then. gawd knows that my mastering here wasn't that good. i'm terrible at mastering anything with a decent amount of bass because my monitors are relatively small. they get great sound for mids and highs, but they need a sub for the lower stuff and i haven't purchased one. i get stuck listening to everything on headphones, and even though one pair is open ear, it's not the same.
  18. @willrock - yeah, i know i came across strongly, but like i said - drac did a nice job on his track as a remix for this site. i just felt it didn't do as good of a job mixing the two themes together. i also know that rozo and michael voted for drac's track, which is why i said 'most', not all. i was more attempting to make a point with the direction of the votes than anything else =) and i'm not worried about votes, as voters will vote how they will without my interference or otherwise. @heroe - dubstep? DUBSTEP. @strader - midi guitars lolwut @orlouge - i agree, i think people went for the shiny and overlooked what was underneath. but that always happens in compos, so i guess it's not a new thing or anything. i wouldn't want to pad votes, though. if i lose, who cares? drac gets a chance to play with solar man some more, and i get more time to play witcher 2. which is ridiculously awesome, by the way. i've noted a few people saying that spring man wasn't obvious in the mix. for reference, everything with the poppy overcompressed electronic drums and straight lead (the one with no scoops) was spring man, and everything with the drier drums and scoopy lead was solar man. that's how i show which theme is what in these compos - i'll at least use two different leads to help differentiate between the two. two drumsets is a little different, but i was stuck in a rut and wanted to mix it up a bit to get over to solar man, so that's where that happened.
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