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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. you know what i mean. same genre. he hasn't done racing, sports, everything else that a character like mario has branched into.
  2. this is another bad analogy. sega has killed sonic, or haven't you played the last twenty games or so with his name on it? squeenix changed FF so significantly that it can be argued that the aspects that made it FF are gone from it. mario might have super mario galaxy and a handful of handheld games, but he's the only one of the original genre-defining characters that's really still going strong from the original console days, and he did it by branching into literally every single major genre except shooters out there. the others haven't done that. at least sonic did some other stuff besides his primary gametype - mega man's always been the same style of gameplay for 20 years. mega man has a very vocal minority interested in it. they're very loud, and very small. the game wouldn't break even. i don't understand why people can't get that. if you liked it so much, why didn't you buy the last few games with him in it new, instead of grabbing it from your local used game store?
  3. sounds good. it's still available as of right now. and it can do so much more than netflix =)
  4. i'm assuming the issue is timing - there are way too many projects waiting for their time in the sun, and this is releasing rain or shine on august 7th. the album hasn't passed review, they haven't worked up a website that ocr can plug into metroidlol.ocremix.org, etc. the backend isn't there. however, i am not site staff, so i have no real idea. i'm just guessing. can i say that i've never played metroid? i had to ask darren for ideas for names of tracks, since i didn't know what was happening during them
  5. i have a confession to make. spring man isn't a real robot master. he's just a mutated mattress component.
  6. i'd rank urgot with the A tier, as he's the best anti-carry in the game simply because he can kill just about anyone at a tower with his ult and a few well-aimed skillshots. he's also got continuous damage reduction on his target, can slow for 20% as innate with his shield, and has awesome AP by mid and late game. he's so good in so many different situations that if he wasn't such a huge hitbox for skillshots he'd be S-tier in my book. i'd put tristana in the S tier before sololka. i prefer sona or janna any day of the week over soraka as a support character (i'm speaking as the one on the receiving end of their spells). soraka's heals are awesome, but if she gets focused she's meat almost instantl, whereas janna and sona can both hold their own for a bit without getting hosed instantly. tristana's up there as one of the best late-game DPS characters available and incredible at pushing towers because of her ridiculous attack speed.
  7. shucks =) i'm sure we could work something out, maybe a trade or something. send me a pm?
  8. i'm assuming a tier list is something from HoN? i'm not familiar with the term.
  9. didn't realize that. good to know. either way, i'm excited for the release =)
  10. just a note - i recently did a system for jam stunna (his second that i've done, actually), and i'll be selling relyance a system here pretty soon. =D
  11. looks like relyance is buying some but not all of the parts, which means that i've still got enough for a good deal of savings on another build. feel free to contact me for more builds =)
  12. bump. if the systems don't sell this week, i'll probably sell them on ebay.
  13. HOLY CRAP A HANG DRUM SAMPLEPACK TAKE MY MONIEZ seriously, i'm picking up at least half of these. the plucked piano, cylindrum, and alien drum are insta-additions to my every-song library.
  14. if he wasn't banned, then why did his profile say that he was banned?
  15. i'd have to say that i've had a lot of fun with cho, fiddles, and urgot, although i'll admit i haven't played a lot of champions yet. i enjoyed the few games i've played with bowserclone, too, but i didn't play him enough to really get the hang of him. i tend to like specific things that characters do, as opposed to the whole of the character. i love ashe's ult - sniping across the map is awesome. i love using cho to eat the dragon and baron, and the sound effect is awesome. i love ganking with someone like fiddlesticks who can do such crazy AOE damage and can permacast drain when he has bluebuff. i love rammus's voice, as it's the least annoying one in the game. i love that, with the right runes, a build that's got one or two relatively common mana regen buff items, and bluebuff, you can continually cast kog'maw's ultimate move without running out of mana, ever. i love sona and janna's support when i'm playing cho =) i hate annie, shooty girl, and ryze, sooooo much. i've died more to those three characters than any other five in the game. and i hate taric for his stun move, which is so durn long that it feels like an eternity.
  16. am i allowed to start on sunday, or do i have to wait till monday? just curious.
  17. it hasn't been commented on because it's not attempting to be an official project. nuff said. also, you've been unbanned for what - two weeks? and you're already being an arse about stuff again?
  18. I WANT YOU THERE JOSHY if only for your delicious rum. you better, dude! we need more people on our super smash brothers pile of awesome that we did last time.
  19. you went to mag5, i thought, since i remember seeing you there. you roomed with taucer, pixie, and andy. and me on the floor under the chair.
  20. my biggest problem is that when i push, i get told that i'm pushing too hard, and i get left to die. there were one or two times that i stayed back when you pushed because my concentration was elsewhere and i didn't hear/see your rush, but most of the time that i wasn't doing anything was because i was out of mana this is why i am a poor dps person, and am better with more survivable characters like cho or urgot where i can just spam abilities and hang out in a fight for a bit. did you note the tone in my voice when i said i could play ashe? =)
  21. =D awesome, man! if i'm going, you're on my list of newbies to meet
  22. oooooooh =) not sure if i can go this year, but it's definitely something i want to be at again! been there five years in a row, after all.
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