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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. flash is cpu-dependent. not related to discrete graphics, unless it's a specialty dependency. i can do a budget machine pretty easily. depending on how budget, you can go anywhere from the lowest sandy bridge processor (the 2120) to middle-of-the-road AMD stuff. for that low-end stuff, amd's prices are better, but you get a lot less for your buck. what's your budget?
  2. it's looking like it'll be close =)

  3. you're not going to just see where people are voting and let that affect your vote, are you? cause that would be pretty dumb. only two functional matchups? i am disappoint, folks =(
  4. i talked about firewire in general in, the interfaces section for motherboards. i didn't write anything simply because most people who need firewire will just buy whatever their manual says to get, since most of the manuals will say what chipsets they function with. that's what i did with my firewire interface.
  5. bumpage, since it's been over six months. i realized there's a few errors in the factual info in this, so i'll be editing it at some point to clean that up. notably in the power inverter section.
  6. whew, almost five months later... bump. done a machine for jam stunna recently, too.
  7. there's always ways to make it better. better level design to hide the "don't go here" borders would be a good start.
  8. firewire 800 is faster than USB 2.0, however the extra hassles that come with it will really get annoying quickly. i'd suggest just going with a USB 2.0 drive. for several years i mixed on a laptop with a usb external drive housing all my stuff, and honestly i never outran the transfer rate. if you do, and you're using a 500gb drive or under (therefore implying that you don't have big sample libraries you're referencing), you're doing something wrong =) you'll find it's tough to find a good hard drive that's that small simply because drive sizes are increasing so rapidly. my advice is usually to figure out how much space you think you'll need - in your case, 500gb - and double it. you'd be horrified how fast that'll fill up if you store your iPod's music on it, or some movies, or whatever. plus, the difference in cost between a 3.5" 500gb drive and a 3.5" 1tb drive is like 20 or 30$. minimal at best. when you get into 2.5" drives - drives powered off of the USB bus as opposed to a wall socket - then you need to worry more about size, since it'll get pricey fast. you'll find there aren't a lot of 7200rpm drives available, so going with an external enclosure and a caviar blue or black drive might be a better option. this is a good enclosure for 30$ with free shipping, complete with a fan to keep things cool. slap a 1tb caviar black in there for 80$ or so, and you're set with a great external that has eSATA for when you upgrade your computer (or buy a desktop from me!). hope that helps. edit: i wasn't clear. do you have a mac? if you do, roll with a firewire drive. if you've got a windows PC that happens to have 1394 on it, don't bother with it. terrible drivers, no support, and you wind up getting almost comparable performance in USB...and it fits on other computers, too
  9. i loved the first witcher when it came out, but no one seemed to have touched it from here. you're right, though - it managed to combine the awesome and extensive skill tree, heavy difficulty, and deep and thoughtful characterizations of the first one with a really entertaining fast-paced action element. the most recent patch really improves the swordplay, i found. i love that it's difficult without being cheap - i died on the first battle on normal about fifteen times before i figured out you actually had to block and roll, but i can rarely say i died of something dumb the game did. the alchemy component isn't as good as it was in the first game, i think - i used a lot less potions, even though they're so easy to make compared to the first game where you had to track down and buy alcohol to create them. the secondary quests aren't as good as the first one, i don't think. i also don't like that they throw money at you so much - a big element of the first one was being super careful about your money so you always had enough to get some alcohol for potions, or that necessary book for a monster hunt, or saving up SO MUCH for a new piece of armor or a new sword. i kind of just bought whatever, and i always had enough. as a whole, though? the game is awesome. incredible. easily one of the best of the year for me, although it's been a down year in all honesty so far, with little opportunity to get better from how many games got pushed to next year. when i first ventured into the woods outside the walls of the first village, i couldn't believe that the whole thing was so incredibly...unique. no copypasta areas, everything sculpted specifically for that one area alone. and so much detail! just incredible. graphics always get me, and this one didn't disappoint. the ending was a bit poor, but when you're the middle entry of a trilogy, i kind of expect it to not answer everything. it'll be nice to see what new graphics enhancements they do with the next one.
  10. it's all the same code, unfortunately. i think the time starts when you activate the code, actually, which is before the game's available to you to download. which means you lose part of your first day downloading a zillion gigs of install files. which is pretty dumb.
  11. wait, you didn't notice that your strings were rusted? how long has it been since you've played it?
  12. i went really slowed-down funk for this track. figured it was time to do something different should be sending it in soon.
  13. i got a star trek online voucher for the full digital deluxe edition, plus ten days of gametime. i have no interest in this. first one gets it. if you want to feed me a few bucks, that's cool too.
  14. there's this fat guy who remixes who i think is better than people give him credit for. his name is star saltman or something. that pillar of salt one is pretty decent, although it's dumb that he put his name in it.
  15. haven't started voting? or haven't started your track? after all that smack you talked, i figured you'd have already gotten it rolling before now.
  16. a 250GT, or even a 9600GT, would probably max out crysis at 4xAA on a 1680x1050 monitor =) i had it on ultra settings when i had mine.
  17. decent performance, yeah. a good bench is starcraft 2 - i maxed it out except for one of the shadow settings and was getting roughly 25fps. playable but not as smooth as i wanted. the difference in shaders is what makes the difference with some of the new shadow rendering tech in some of the newer games out there. but yeah, it should be fine for tf2 and the like.
  18. now THAT'S what i like to hear! i'll begin as soon as i get home monday night from being out of town for memorial day.
  19. just say it worked fine with a few possible driver-related issues - since that's probably what it was anyways - when you had it, and sell it as-is. happens all the time. that's why i don't buy used components from ebay.
  20. i typed that wrong - i meant to say "he'd probably beat me", not "he'll probably beat me". changes the whole meaning
  21. don't knock PR, he'll probably beat me. also fun fact: you must have changed your name, because i don't remember you. i'd probably figure it out if i saw pictures, though. we all know you started early, man, don't lie good battle, man =) very close. either way, i'm looking forward to the next round. should be a ton of fun, since splash woman and spring man share a TON of similarities. already thinking about what i'll do for this one.
  22. you can always add HDD space down the line. if the 216 works but is wonky, sell that thing and get a 460. it's a big difference, surprisingly big.
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