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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i find it interesting that nintendo stocks have tanked two days in a row as a direct result of the wii-u's inability to impress investors and the fact that they basically didn't demo any really important new games - like the job announcement for smash brothers, for example i think the wii-u looks really interesting, but i want to see what games they make before i think about buying it.
  2. even more loooooool...have you ever even used shreddage, or just listened to a bunch of terrible examples of it? shreddage isn't meant to be awesome at everything, just rhythm guitar. for 99% of what non-guitarists do, it's awesome. although i'm sure you've got a deeper knowledge of it since you've used it and all. and it doesn't "fail much worse" than something else - it doesn't fail at all, really, if you're using it reasonably. but what do i know, i'm [insert something semi-relevant here]. ok, i think we're done berating that point looking forward to hearing a new version, cj.
  3. it damn well better be, it took six years for them to release it. as for arguments that nintendo stuff is super-resilient and sony/MS stuff sucks because of the PS360, let's compare. gamecube: is a quarter of the size has a minidisk drive, removing possibility of bumps scratching the disc uses a 20th of the power draw biggest issues with the 360 is the extra power the 16.5v consoles drew caused overheating issues, it gets bumped and scratches discs because morons stand it upright, and it's big enough that it gets banged around more than a smaller console. once they upgraded the internals to 65nm and then 45nm technology, no more red rings! while i worked at gamecrazy, we took in loads of 360s, but only one falcon (14.2v) and no jaspers (12.1v)...out of probably fifty consoles. wayyy more Wiis and PS3s of all models and numbers. the only falcon we took it overheated because they guy had a sweater sitting on it "accidentally" for a few days. of course if you sit it on the carpet/cover it with stuff it's going to asplode. same with a hot laptop. how is nintendo going to "fix" these issues? that's just technology growing up. of course your highly advanced and specialized laptop breaks when dropped but your original gameboy, built to get beat on by 3-year-olds, doesn't. you wouldn't toss your computer around and bang on it while it's running, so why would you do that with a console. people fanboy over consoles all the time, but it comes down to the fact that the PS3 is right around the tech baseline for crapping out in-warranty (~6%), the wii's higher than that (7.5%), and the jasper 360s (only ones made since 2008) are waaaaay below that (~3%). gamecube sits around 7%. people are idiots.
  4. i saw that there was no multitouch, but resistive = baaad for finger usage. just doesn't respond like the capacitive screens do. is it that big of a difference in cost?
  5. i'm quoting this so it's on the next page. because it's and looks like a schwaltz post with all the links. edit: damn, counted wrong.
  6. wait, you're saying that midi's better than real samples of a guitar for doing rhythm stuff? looooooooooool! nice try, man, but not true at all. even if shreddage didn't have like five times the articulations that midi does, it's still more playable than midi simply because there's KV switches in there to MAKE it more playable.
  7. looks like a lot of cross-platform games, where i'd just play it on something i've already got. any list of exclusives out yet? i see smash brothers, but what else?
  8. is there a listing anywhere of what games are coming out for this? i've never owned a nintendo console while games were still being made for it, but the technology represented here is pretty interesting.
  9. it's bad because it's bad, man. i'm the first one to say that something can be completely unrealistic and still balls-out awesome, but if you're going to chug on midi-quality guitars, it better fucking rock or it's just going to sound terrible. compare it to a game. if the graphics are really, really bad, most people will have trouble seeing past that and accepting gameplay or design that's not completely awesome. minecraft is a good example of 'poor' graphics becoming cool because of the great gameplay and great design work. when the judges say "samples", they mean your instruments, synths...anything that's making a musical sound, be it percussive or melodic. so yeah, those turrrrrrible trombone and flute synths count. my issue with the drums is twofold. they're mega-robotic, meaning that every hat hit is the same, every snare hit is the same, etc. as a result they sound more repetitive than they actually are, because your ear gets tired of the sound quickly. my other issue is the tone that you're getting from them. they'd sound great in other genres, but the very dry and poppy sound that you're getting from them doesn't fit the grungy YEAAAAAH RAWK sound you're trying to go for, and it just adds to the disconnect. i wouldn't say that it needs loads of effects, honestly. first, take that 'guitar' and burn it combining a decent set of guitar samples - shreddage is mega cheap and awesome! - with some good distortion will get the basic geetar sound you're looking for, and then it's just a matter of humanizing it. beyond that, remember that 80s stuff had loads of room sound and reverb on it to make it sound extra epic and awesome, so maybe listen to a few 80s tracks and try to simulate that same sound with your drums. then just keep rolling through each instrument in the track, and instead of just scrolling through presets and finding one that's close, try to actually mold the sound more, whether it's through playing with the envelopes, using filters or other effects, whatever you can do with your synth.
  10. wow, that intro is so cheesy. all the voiceovers are really 80's bad, man bad samples would be anything that doesn't sound realistic and/or good. so, like, those terrible fake guitars would fall into that category. those brass and flute samples in the middle are bad AND robotic, with no effort given to humanization, so that's likely a big part of the issue. the bass is a decent sound by itself, but it's mega robotic and doesn't have any character either. your drum sounds don't really match the style, either - they're super dry and don't have any room sound to them, and they're super clean, so there's no body to the tone - and really unimaginative programming certainly don't help.
  11. you could probably change my name from 'bradley burr' to prophetik, since that's my artist name.
  12. i've no doubt that they'll add in some terrible tutorial as well to learn people what minecraft is, since most of the mass of humanity that play console games aren't known for their propensity to learn something new without hand-holding.
  13. hey bs - heh, your initials are bs - that was funny when someone cool did it once, but it's been a bit played out at this point. not to mention that it's not really close at all. amen to that - i've got a metroid track to do, as well as some demo stuff for a possible 'employer'. i just couldn't bring myself to work on it last week when i was already doing other stuff.
  14. there was definitely too much kinect. did you see how inaccurate the Future Soldier shooting demo was? a bloody train wreck. shooters are getting more and more twitch every day. i can't imaging playing a game without a controller at this point, not with the trash they've been handing us lately. kinect's got some great uses, honestly, but none of them are in competitive gaming, let along shooters or other bread-and-butter genres of games for consoles.
  15. loooooool, nice work man. at least you've obviously played any of the games with voiceovers. halo 4-6, halo: ce remake, more gears 3 footage, minecraft, and the new dashboard look all are pretty exciting to me. with halo and gears pretty much the only reason i own two 360s instead of one, that's big stuff. the kinect stuff - particularly the ME3 and fable stuff - was disappointing at best. the ME3 integration is clearly tacked on, whereas fable just looks terrible (instead of press A to win, now it's waggle to win). fable's a big part of my 360 experience, so seeing where they're going with it isn't cool. the integration with Future Soldier looks awesome, but the shooting element of it isn't very interesting to me as compared to the nice menu integration for the weapon customizations. i like that they're not making many games that require it - it seems that fable is the only primary IP that's getting the treatment, and more because of peter molyneaux than anything else. the search function - and the voice mapping for TV stuff - is exciting to me. if they bring local programming to the 360, i'm sold for life since there's only satellite where i am. i'm sick of having to prowl atdhe and channelsurfing to find the football game or whatever, and i'm not paying 300$+ for the terrible streaming service the NFL has. a CBS-based stream would be great too, since their web player sucks terribly. of all that, though, the halo games are the biggest deal for me. i know it's a year off, but halo's the reason that i got into console gaming, and it's most of why i still have a live membership. you can say it's not a big deal, but for me it's awesome to know that they're expanding the canon and not rehashing more old battles like with ODST and reach. edit: WHOA! cloud saving to xbl? count me in! one of my biggest frustrations has been the inability to access game saves from box to box now that no one uses the memory sticks anymore. even cooler.
  16. do we have to 'vote' in the unchallenged categories as well?
  17. kick-ass? nope. can it play crysis 2? sure. but C2 ain't the game that brings systems to their knees. metro 2033 is. and this can't do metro 2033 - likely at all - on 1920x1200 =) also, they went with a horrid PSU, a bad cpu (they went with AMD because they're worried about the one that's there being phased out for a cheaper one that's better-performing, but their mobo got phased out? riiiiight), and a bunk HDD. 30$ for a PSU? i think not =) cheap is cool, but that's a little too low-end for me. note that the CPU and GPU is almost 60% of the cost of the parts. noooo thank you! maximum pc's articles about budget building are way better, and way better researched. here, they're just trying to sell their 550 TI card, when AMD offers way better price-performance ratio in that price range. just lots of faulty logic, unfortunately. halcyon, i can't wait to do a crazy weather-modeling machine for you. bobby's machine was specially designed for audio only - doing one that's all raw power all the time will be bloody awesome. 12 cores and 24gb of RAM, here we come!
  18. wine loooool...you've never really used it, have you? nothing runs on wine. at all. nothing that matters, at least. dual boot or nothing. remember that an enormous amount of windows sales - that they've been losing a lot of, lately, to apple - come in the corporate sector. they're not going to massively change the UI after the trainwreck that was the switch to the ribbon UI. the ribbon's way better, but people freaked out because they couldn't see their Edit menu all the time. same thing won't happen here. besides, you can still do the windows classic skin - basically windows 98's skin - in w7. and people do, too. so they're not going to remove a major 'feature' in favor of a different one. they're just going to hope that more people use it.
  19. 300$, you'd be better off buying whatever trash they're selling at the local computer shop used. i charge 50$ for OS installation and testing, so you're looking at roughly 225 for parts after the assembly fee. it's just too little, really, to get anything =( not to mention it's almost not worth my time to assemble. just go to sam's club or best buy and get the cheapest laptop there. they usually run 300$ sales for that stuff.
  20. 20-30% implies maxing out two or three cores of your total of eight. so, not bad =)
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