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Posts posted by orlouge82

  1. can't wait for the xy remakes when i'm too old and busy to care anymore.

    those will be the days.

    Welcome to the world I'm currently living in re: the R/S remakes.

    Makes me feel very old that they're making remakes to Ruby/Sapphire. I can't believe it's been eleven years since they were originally released. Admittedly, though, if I owned a 3DS, I'd probably pick up copies of the games.

  2. Considering that Toriyama was the same guy behind both FFX and FXIII, everyone should have known that they were getting a straight line(and a bug for a final boss). The fact that FFX has such a sizable fanbase has always been confusing to me since it pretty much ended any sense of non-linearity previous FF games might have had with the removal of the world map.

    Not that it bugs me too much, since I'm a fan of both the X and XIII series, but apparently some people were miffed about XIII's straight line.

    All Final Fantasy games are a straight line, with or without the world map. The world map merely gives the player the illusion of non-linearity, but it's still very much there (as someone else stated, all it really did was allow for random encounters). 99% of the time, there was always one destination that the player was supposed to go to next, and there were always barriers (mountains, streams, oceans, etc) that prevented the player for accessing areas that he or she was not supposed to yet.

    Check out SaGa Frontier if you want an actual non-linear JRPG...of course, it didn't do that well with Western audiences because of how non-linear it is.

  3. I made a lot of headway tonight, and I'm sure I'll be able to flesh it out and polish it up by Saturday.

    And I was correct in thinking good friends, a bad movie, and lots of red wine would help my creativity!

    These forums don't have a "like" button, so I have to do it this way instead.






































  4. uhhhhh.... I haven't really started yet. I have the two sources' midis in my DAW, but so far I don't have any material that I like. I'm hoping after tonight (which consists of beers and watching a terrible movie with my friends from home through Google Hangouts) I'll be in a better mood to compose.

    How's yours coming, Amph?

    You know, Matt sacrificed his life so that we could have a worthwhile match up this round. Don't disrespect Matt's memory!

  5. No..... I'm just a big troll and wanted to see how many people I could trick.

    Sorry guys, I'm gonna bring it (like always). :-P

    Seriously I will submit something I promise. And it was a legitimate what-if question.

    You're lucky I wasn't watching the site all week or else I would have had a flip out :)

    Hopefully you're able to put something really nice together quickly tonight

  6. I'm a VERY big fan of Godzilla, and I'm very excited about this movie. I think that all parties involved took this one much more seriously than the failed 1998 one, and it's much truer to the spirit of the original 1954 film.

  7. I hardly know Punch Out and I'm honestly super surprised by this, but heck, he looks stellar.

    Punch Out is an NES C-L-A-S-S-I-C that has been largely forgotten with time (i.e. the series hasn't been given adequate attention over time) because of the Mike Tyson fallout that made them remake the original game.

    I'm so excited about the addition of this character. There are so many classic NES characters in the new Smash Bros that I may find myself buying a Wii U simply to play this game.

  8. I'd also like to just drop this off here:


    This is just a small sampling of the best NES tracks... for those of you who seem to think there is only a handful of good NES tunes for some reason, and the "people remember it being good music because they are nostalgic for it" :/

    And here's the full list here:


    Some of my favorite ones (from Godzilla - Monster of Monsters!) didn't even start to show up until #189, and one of the better ones isn't until #1283.

    So yeah, there isn't only just a handful of good NES track. I would say that the majority of NES tracks are good. Yes, there were limitations, but limitations breed creativity. When you have all of the technological tools at your disposal, you don't need to be creative to make something sound good.

  9. Quite an impressive composition you've put together. I'm not a musician, so I have very little technical advice to offer (I'm sure someone else will offer some tips on the mastering or the instruments), but I did thoroughly enjoy the arrangement. Like I said, the composition is quite impressive (I'm a huge fan of the Xenogears soundtrack, so I'm intimately familiar with all of the sources used).

  10. Didn't see a thread about this, but it seems like relevant news. They're down a few Rupees.


    Yeah, I'm not sure if this is symptomatic of the relative weakness of console gaming in general or of Nintendo's Wii U offerings in particular (probably a combination), but they had better turn things around this year if they hope to keep making consoles in the future.

  11. Man, if I make it past the 1st round, I'll be shocked. I purposefully chose a theme that didn't lend itself to EDM so I can start experimenting with new genres, and now my computer decides to be a butt and I may need to reinstall Windows/buy a new hard drive.

    Just putting that out there for whoever goes up against me in Round 1! :tomatoface:

    Damn, I didn't even notice that you signed up! Shit, I guess that's what I get for not paying attention to things for several weeks.

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