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Posts posted by orlouge82

  1. And Affleck as Batman will be far from the worst issues of a Superman/Batman movie.

    David Goyer writing, Zack Snyder directing, and Frank Miller consulting? This movie is going to be awful.

    I can see Affleck being okay as Batman, but kind of bad as Bruce Wayne.

    Also, this movie just means that we have to wait another 10 years or so for the next opportunity to do the DC comics universe right.

    To me Kevin Conroy is Batman. All the other actors are just guys who are not Kevin Conroy.

    Word. Too bad Kevin Conroy looks like this in real life:


  2. I wrote some lyrics in The Megas's style, in the first person about how much Toad Man sucks and he has no business fighting anyone. But my idea for the melody didn't sound any good so I canned it for now. Maybe if one of the later sources has the right meter, I'll use them.

    What? Toad Man makes it rain.

  3. As a DC comics fan, I should be incredibly excited about this, but I'm not. Man of Steel was a major disappointment. DCE is just not doing a good job with their movies at all, and I'm resigned to the fact that they seem to think that Man of Steel is a good movie to launch DC's cinematic universe.
    You really think it was a great movie? I found the whole thing to be tedious and utterly joyless, which are two things that should never be used to describe a Superman story. The whole thing also showed very little understanding of the character of Clark Kent.
    I'm not a film-maker or a writer, I don't have a formula. But here are a couple of things that I think are important to have in a Superman story.

    First, Clark Kent is an investigative journalist, and I mean that this is an intrinsic part of his character, not just his job or his cover identity. It speaks to the idea that Superman fights for truth and justice. Clark seeks out the truth about corruption and evil in order to bring about justice. He exposes the wrong-doings of others by writing about them. Mark Waid used this to great effect in Superman: Birthright; rather than having Clark be a fisherman or a busboy at a bar, Clark traveled the world exposing the truth about corrupt politicians and bringing warlords in third-world countries to justice. Superman is not just about a strong guy holding up a collapsing oil-rig while the workers run to the helicopter; there is way more to Clark Kent than his powers.

    Next, Clark protects people. He doesn't haphazardly throw his opponents into buildings and oil tankers. He doesn't put people in danger by exposing them to unbelievable amounts of collateral damage. Superman is an amazing fighter, but he's not about the fight. He performs feats far beyond the capabilities of mortal men; feats that save lives, not put them in danger. Man of Steel's Superman showed very little concern for everything that was happening around him while fighting Faora and Zod, and I don't think that really jives at all with the character of Clark Kent.

    Superman is also an inspirational figure. He fills people with wonder, not fear. He interacts with people, and they're excited to see him. The first time people ever see Superman should not be after Metropolis is destroyed and a hundred thousand people have died. People should know and trust Superman; they need to be familiar with him to be able to understand that he's there to help and protect.

    Also, and this might be more of a gripe than anything else I've said, but don't color correct a Superman movie to be a desaturated grey blob. It's Superman, it should have a lot of color. Krypton especially is always portrayed in film as this bleak, grey mess, whereas in comic books Krypton is filled with colorful alien vistas.

    Anyway those are just a couple of points; ideally I think a great Superman movie would combine elements of Birthright for Clark's origin with Brainiac for the main hero/villain conflict. Also the movie wouldn't be an origin story; Superman would be around already for a couple of years and the origin would be referenced in a couple of flashbacks.

    That is one six issue storyline from a very long, 80+ issue comic book series called Superman/Batman.

    There's no one story about Superman and Batman. The characters have existed together in the DC universe for over 70 years. There have been many ongoing books and mini-series about the two of them working together. In fact, the two characters are paired together so much that there's a special name for them when they work together: the World's Finest (and if you add Wonder Woman into the mix, they become known as the Trinity).

    Everything this man said is 100% true.

    Also for all you people that think Superman sucks: never speak to me, ever.

    True x1000000000

    There's so much depth to Superman that has been lost to the general public. He's the most powerful being on Earth fighting for those with the least power. He does this as Superman and as Clark Kent. There's an immigration side to his story, too. He's not of this planet, but he has adopted it as his home, and does everything in his power to protect it. He encounters a lot of prejudice from native humans because he is foreign, despite the fact that he cares more for the planet and its inhabitants and will go further to protect it than anyone else.

    Man of Steel was a massive disappointment. Sure, if you like explosion/destruction porn, this was your flick. But if you're a Superman fan, you walk out of the theater feeling like you were the one taking the beating.

  4. Encouraging people to put a damper on their creativity for the sake of making the sources blatant to the listener seems a little silly to me

    As a non-musician listener, I 100% agree. When I'm intimately familiar with the sources, I can easily recognize even the most liberal of rearrangements. Also, I actually find a song more enjoyable if one source has a stronger presence than the other.

    For example, one of my favorite songs from any compo is WillRock's "Walking Weapons Unit" from the GRMRB 2011. The lead was heavily, heavily Napalm Man (I think of it as a mostly Napalm Man remix), but Elec Man was still present throughout the entire song in some form or another.

    To me, it takes a great deal more skill as a composer to pick one of the two sources as the dominant one in a remix while seamlessly integrating the other source into the song in other, less obvious ways.

    "The Sky Demon" did a great job with that. Tengu Man was much more apparent than Moliarty's Tower, which had been more extensively rearranged to fit with a Tengu Man lead, but both sources were there, and the song was far more cohesive and less jarring for it.

  5. I'm always looking forwards to Dustin's stuff.

    I wonder what this tendency of mine is. I think I've branched out quite a lot in these compos (except for that GRMRB where all I did was spacesynth)

    I actually kind of liked your spacesynth stuff, although my favorite of your compo tracks was "Cold Dreams," the Blizzard Man/Mr. X Stage song.

  6. I'm just going to go ahead and throw it out there, because I'm sure a lot of us have been thinking it. Are we going to get the Moon Stage from NES DuckTales?

    Thanks, Darke!

    Also, although I haven't gotten through everyone's mixes from this week yet, they all sound amazing so far. Great birthday present!

    In the past in these compos, less than 50% of a given week's mixes found their way into my playlists in the long-term. Not true with this compo so far. I really hope everyone's able to keep up (or, even better, build up) the momentum. Also, Ecto, I can smell the Morse juices dripping off of your mix. I hope you took a shower afterwards.

    Very excited to see what everyone comes up with The Moon stage next week (particularly excited to see what Wildfire comes up with, since I especially enjoy her mixes)!!

  7. Not at all! The narrative is what makes it fun. :)

    The Walt Disney Company used their commercial empire to fund Dr. Wily's project to rebuild his vast network of castles after his defeat two years ago. But in an effort to make Wily's Castles more family friendly, they've gone and done a lot of remodeling and have generally interfered with Dr. Wily's original vision, which is why all the castles look and sound like old Disney-Capcom game locations.

    Needless to say, Dr. Wily is not pleased...

    To this end, Disney is putting elements from their massively popular "Jake and the Never Land Pirates" franchise into Wily's castles.

    Next week, all mixers must add generic pirate language to their songs. If a remix does not contain gratuitous amounts of words and phrases like, "aye aye," "yo ho ho," "walk the plank," "dubloon," "mateys," and "buried treasure," it will be disqualified.

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