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Posts posted by orlouge82

  1. Yeah, so I'm at mom's house on her computer (still no access to my computer and beatz). Figured I'd fill you guys in.

    We've had visitors living in our attic for a while but they never really bothered us aside from some occasional chattering or maybe some nuts hitting the floor (ceiling) so we kind of just let them be.

    I came home one day and some of my ceiling tiles were on the floor instead of the ceiling, leaving gaping holes in my ceiling. I thought, "well, this isn't right. Ceiling tiles are supposed to be in the ceiling, not the floor." As I dialed my landlord, I heard scratching and chattering coming from under my bed.

    I left immediately and have been living somewhere else since then. I told the landlord about the squirrel monster under my bed and that I'd be living out of town until it was taken care of. She said she'd get someone on it but it's been about two weeks now and all I've heard is that they confirmed it was squirrels :|

    Fuckin' squirrels. I left my car windows open last month in my own driveway (cuz it was nice out). An hour later, I get into my car, and I hear some rummaging in the backseat. I immediately jump out and run around the other side of the car to see a squirrel climb out of the window and dash away. I look into the backseat to see that the squirrel had chewed through the plastic of a tube of my son's mini M&M's THAT WERE STILL SEALED.

    The M&M's were almost completely gone, and there were bits of plastic all around the backseat of the car. Fuckin' squirrels.

  2. What does this "intelligent consideration of the events on screen" even look like? What past Star Trek film exhibited this feature that I missed?

    Star Trek II is an apt example (in more ways than one).

    A major plot point of that movie is about how Kirk believes himself better than death. How he was able to beat the "no-win scenario" by cheating, and that Kirk simply didn't believe in the "no-win scenario."

    By the end of the movie and Spock's death, Kirk realizes that he "knows nothing:"

    "I've cheated death, tricked my way out of death, and patted myself on the back for my ingenuity. I know nothing."

    He makes the realization that there ARE no-win scenarios, and this time, his friend paid with his life for his arrogance.

    Despite the flashy ship battles in Star Trek II (tame by today's standards), most of the action occurs between the people, and inside of the people.

    This is true for most Star Trek films (the latter two being obvious exceptions). Star Trek was always about a humanist exploration of not only space but of the human condition and all of its possibilities. The resolutions found at the end of TV episodes were not as much "oh good, we saved the world/galaxy/universe," as much as it was a resolution or exploration of a major moral/ethical question.

    The new Star Trek films have shot that aspect out the airlock and opted for more a "big explosions in space" approach. It certainly sells movie tickets, but it is a great perversion of Star Trek's roots.

    There's nothing inherently wrong with liking the new Star Trek movies. But as Cerrax pointed out, they are terrible at carrying on the Star Trek legacy.

  3. As I said in the WiiU thread. We "True Gamers" are an aged dinosaur that are a vast minority, compared to the TV/FOOTBALL/CALLOFDUTY majority.

    Yeah, remember when gaming was for nerds, not jocks?

  4. "Adding to it" and "not profiting off it" has nothing to do with the fact that you're arranging and releasing someone else's property without consent.

    False. Those are significant factors in the "fair use" defense. It's not going to stop your videos from getting flagged, but in litigation, you would almost certainly prevail.

  5. You're saying this to Rexy? All-time PRC champion and all-around badass remixer? If she signed up right now, on the Sonic side 'cause I know she would, I don't see anyone currently on the Mega Man side I'd favor to beat her.

    I wasn't saying it thinking of her skill level at all. Just that there was some drama before that I think she's referencing that she would like to avoid, but if she didn't care whether she won or lost, it would be easy to avoid this time around.

  6. As for looking into this, I don't think it's wise for me to take part

    If you are entering with the hope/expectation of winning, then, yes, you will likely be disappointed (not because of any lack of skill, but because how these things turn out is so random sometimes that it's impossible to predict).

    If you want to just have fun and make lots of mixes, then you totally should join.

    Still, why did no one come up with this idea before xD

    All of my good ideas come from comic books.


  7. I have an idea of how to do one without any elimination. I can run a short, 6 week compo with 12 participants if you guys are up for it. Competitors have to be ready to remix every week though.

    Should I do it?

    Oh man, that would be so awesome. Other people should reply and also say yes!

  8. I got so scared playing the Kislev Sewers level in Xenogears for the first time. It was 2 a.m., right after the game came out. Soooo freaky when that thing was watching at you and you had no idea what the hell it was. Then it attacks you and it wasn't so bad after all (and it's actually kind of sad when you get to the Orphanage and you find out the whole story about the thing).

    Anyhow, kind of lame, but that's when I remember being the most scared by a game.

  9. An idea occurred to me one night.

    Archie Comics publishes a Mega Man title and a few Sonic the Hedgehog titles, and they currently doing a crossover event with the two universes.


    Coincidentally, Mega Man and Sonic games have been the two subjects of competitions here on OCR, and the idea just popped into my head of doing a similar one-off, crossover-type competition involving both Mega Man and Sonic.

    It could be structured in the same way as other Mega Man compos and the other Sonic compos were: tournament style elimination. But each contestant could pick a Robot Master AND a Sonic Zone, and then alternate each week so that each remix was a combination of a Robot Master's theme and a Sonic Zone theme (e.g. Bubble Man in Starlight Zone, Sheep Man in Sky Sanctuary, etc).

    To be fair, I wouldn't be able to run the compo. I am way to busy right now. But I just wanted to float the idea out there, and if doesn't get any traction, so be it.

  10. I have a son who will be two at the end of the month, and I am expecting a girl at the end of April.

    One of my son's first words was "Mario" because he liked watching my Super Mario Sunshine screensaver so much.

  11. (Moved from another thread to avoid hijacking)

    I'm actually just curious, since I've been seeing the links to LPs a lot while looking for source tunes on YouTube...what the hell is the point? Not to criticise what anyone does with their time, but I'm confused as to where the enjoyment is in watching someone else play a video game. I've never watched one of them - is there goofy commentary, or something, or anything that deepens your experience, or is there a strange enjoyment in watching Cecil tackle another imp through someone else's control? I just don't get it.

    I don't either. Seems completely boring to me. But there are a TON of those videos out there, so obviously someone must watch them...or it could be like a bunch of people posting pictures of their wangs on the Internet, in that the posters don't really care if anyone watches them or not, they're posting them for their own benefit.

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