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Posts posted by orlouge82

  1. Haha, don't worry. I seriously did just start on it like two hours ago but it's coming along nicely :)

    Awesome. One of my favorite songs from this compo is "Stealth Chameleon" (which I think should have been called "Stealth Charmeleon" on account of the Blaze Heatnix source usage, but whatever), so I'm looking for MOAR!

  2. Sounds like we've reached a fantastic compromise, I'm glad everyone was able to handle everything without freaking out, and again, I apologize for not double checking on collabs. Can't say I'll be able to do much with my mix before the extra due date's up, I've got some things I need to finish very quickly (including my track for the Apex album). I'm very looking forward to what you do with your tune though Proph, hit me with your best shot :D

    You should just go balls to the wall with collabs. Like what Gario did in the final round of the Sonic compo

  3. My suggestion is that we keep voting open, because there is no need to provoke drama, and its not exactly fair on Phonetic Hero if he didn't know. However, I think its only fair to at least allow collabs till the end of this compo. From there, put it in the rules for later compos whether they are allowed or not in the first post, so there is no confusion later on.

    What he said

  4. I love how Outlaws went from a hard-luck-heroes-on-the-run to big-damn-space-epic. Kory as the captain of a galactic warship? Yes please.

    It's not only the comic's ability to aptly take on the big-damn-space-epics that make it great, but also the ability to aptly handle smaller parts in the bigger multi-comic stories (like the Court of Owls or the upcoming Death of the Family arc).

    I'm very curious about the Red Hood/Joker storyline, actually. Especially after how #13 ended.

  5. Glad to see Lobdell shaking it up. Superman in the New 52 has been interesting. Action Comics has been very cool, but the main Superman book I feel is still trying to find its rhythm. They've been weirdly tying it into a lot of the old Wildstorm stuff that got rolled into the DCU post-Flashpoint, with Helspont and stuff. A little odd, but if Lobdell and Rocafort bring the same kind of BIG ACTION to this book that they did with Red Hood and the Outlaws, I think it'll be great.

    The preview they ran in last week's books looks incredible. Rocafort is killing it on the art.

    As for Clark leaving The Planet, it's about time. I love this new "Clark Kent with a backbone" DC's pursuing, rather than the timid, nebbish, "Golly Lois!" Clark persona that was around for years pre-Flashpoint.

    Yeah, I agree. I really like how Clark Kent is a fighter for justice (through his reporting and writings). It really gives more insight into the character and more closely aligns the Kent and Superman personas.

    Also, I've also been very impressed with Red Hood and the Outlaws. I really had my doubts about it when it first started, but it has really been one of the more interesting reads in the New 52.

  6. Wow, Phonetic Hero, what a change of pace! I like it!

    I hate to say this because of all the drops we've had, but I'm going to have very limited time (if any) to put something together this week. I'll be in Austin, TX for GDC Online from tomorrow until Saturday.

    Good luck to everyone though! I'll try my best to get make something.

    Gario - You put up quite a fight with that remix. I love it :)

    I really hope that you are able to get something in. I've really enjoyed your mixes so far, and I look forward to hearing another!

  7. I don't think that's at all fair to the people who have put so much work into keeping OCR out of legal trouble. Please, a little respect.

    Geez, I didn't realize that everyone would take that so hard.

    And a little prospective due diligence would have done a FAR better job of keeping OCR out of legal trouble than retrospective damage control. Seriously, anyone with smidgen of IP law expertise could have predicted that as soon as you do a Kickstarter for any kind of video game music remix, you're going to attract the ire of the property holder, regardless of the legal bases for its claims.

    Anyhow, it's great that so much work has been put into making sure the Kickstarter is now making Square Enix happy, but the entire debacle could have been very easily avoided by just approaching them to begin with. I would have said something myself, but (1) I assumed that this had already been done and (2) I don't have the time to investigate into these kind of things on my own.

    I apologize for insulting anyone, though.

    At this point, you are more of a copyright infringement liability than that album. OCR worked it out with Square-Enix, which is more than I can say for your mom and her blatant copying of God's design.

    Classy and eloquent, as always.

  8. Welp, looks like I'm boned already in this compo :/

    Sucks. I must take my rock-crushing hat off to Theory of N for being brutally funky.


    Yeah, holy crap, I thought the voting was about half and half, and I go away for a few days and the entire second page is votes for Theory of Nonexistence.

  9. Source usage SHOULD trump production. That is the main criteria people should be considering when voting.

    Unfortunately, "should" doesn't always translate into "does" in practice.

    You're still a winner in my book, Wildfire.

    EDIT: Looks like I was just promoted to Red Mage! I think I also just learned DoubleCast!

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