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Posts posted by orlouge82

  1. So, I've spent the majority of any time I spend on Internet forums at OCR, and I think that I've gotten a bit spoiled by how polite and respective the community is here.

    At some other websites, such as GameFAQs and MtG Salvation, I have been shocked by how rude and disrespectful some users have been, as though they can't help but jump at the chance to put people down. I mean, I know that they are probably a bunch of dipshit little kids, but, like I said, I have probably just been spoiled by the level of maturity at OCR that it has been a shock to my system to venture to other Internet forums.

    Anyhow, I just wanted to say that I appreciate the attitude and atmosphere in these forums.

  2. Chrono Trigger.

    Yes; however, a few rough bosses doesn't make the whole game unforgiving. Dark Souls is unforgiving; FFX is merely mean-spirited on occasion. Either way, I still enjoyed the game enough, and I think it could actually be a fair intro to the series, though not necessarily representative of the majority.

    You clearly didn't spend a bunch of time maxing out your sphere grids in the Omega Dungeon. One hit kills on all of the final bosses. Now, the Arena monsters WERE unforgiving, I'll give you that.

  3. I did some research and Gilgamesh is more of a boss. I didn't want this to turn into "BadAss: Boss Themes the Compo" so I didn't list that, but if someone wants to put Gilgamesh on their list then we'll need to figure out if it can fly, but I'm hoping nobody does. :-)

    Gilgamesh is a recurring character throughout the series. Yes, he's a boss, but he's almost a mascot of sorts, too. I don't think there would be any detriment to making a special exception for him and only him.

  4. I wasn't a big fan of seeing a price tag attached to an album on OCR after 12 years of coming to the site, but after I first heard about the Mega Man album (specifically, Capcom's involvement in it), I would have been absolutely shocked if it were free. That's just not how things work once a major corporation gets involved. I had no problem paying the $10 because I was expecting to pay something for the album (granted, $10 is not a significant expense for me).

    On the other hand, I would be genuinely upset if paying for OCR albums would be the new norm. But I understand the special circumstances behind this album (and I would frankly be surprised if OCR didn't jump at the chance to officially partner with the publisher of some of the most remixed video games on the site), and I know that the vast majority of the site's content will continue to be free (for legal reasons, if nothing else).

    Anyhow, I am thoroughly enjoying the album. It was worth paying $10 to see that some artists haven't forgotten how to remix. :-P

  5. Animal Crossing for sure. Having my own peaceful town with a bunch of adorable animal critters? Sounds good to me.

    Alternatively I could go with Super Mario Sunshine, yeah he gets into a lot of tough situations but Delfino Island is super nice.

    This is exactly what I was thinking. How awesome would it be to just make it rich by selling fish you catch?

    Also, I always think about how much I want to visit Isle Delfino whenever I play through Mario Sunshine. Also, it's not that hard of a game to beat, either (with very minor exception)

  6. hey everyone, just wanted to apologize for my disappearance/lack of participation in the compo lately. Between halc's wedding, upcoming live shows & travel, and quite frankly being completely broke and unable to pay my bills, my priorities unfortunately had to shift. I've been working hard, nonstop, but... just not on this compo. I know a lot of people were hoping I would give 100%, and I regret not being able to, but I've had a ton of fun regardless! thanks peeps :)

    I guess you didn't read the part about Darke winning the lottery jackpot and offering a $250,000 cash prize to the winning team.

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