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Everything posted by DCT

  1. Agreed. I'd still hit it, though.
  2. Oh....ummm....well I have friends coming in from Las Vegas....just kidding. Just name the date. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to back out of this project. I can't get a damn thing started with this Fei Long mix, and echoing McVaffe, I'm a little burnt out on the VG remixing thing for the time being. -DCT
  3. What a great broadcast. -DCT
  4. I'll vote for you on one condition: NEVER post that pic again. D: -DCT
  5. Well thank you for leaving me the fuck out! After Down With Bane, THIS is how you repay me??? I'm kidding, of course....Anyway, I'm thinking of Wu-Tanging this Fei Long theme; anyone have (or know where I can find) SFX/voice clips from some old martial arts movies? -DCT
  6. Where to start..... I'm gonna post the lyrics here in due time; as for now, this weird phenomenon called a social life is trying to take me away from my precious vgm community. I <3 endblink, reelmojo, & mythril. MaGi_TekK, I'm perfectly capable of handling bad reviews. Between VGMix1 and my previous rejections from the OCR Judges' Panel, I've had my fair share. But in response to what you've said: The rhyming is not fast, Ashlee Simpson has not taken over the music industry, and the term 'wannabe lyrics' doesn't even make sense. Additionally, I'm not an influential person (at least I don't think I am), so people saying that they like a remix that just happens to be made by me isn't gonna put them in any special favor with me. I'll just say 'thank you' and be on my way. And in response to MaGi_TekK's initial comment, here is what the rapper in question had to say: Thanks again to all for listening, even those who didn't like it, and want to take my life for having made it. -DCT
  7. I think I'll declare my intentions to mix Fei Long's theme. -DCT
  8. Congrats, that was the biggest lie you have ever told in the history of your life. Just because I'm a cock to you doesn't mean that I'm not a very humble man! SUCK IT! SnappleMan has always been nice to me. Anyway, I'm gonna have to back out. I am getting absolutely nowhere with the Special Stage theme, and I don't think I'll be able to come up with anything substantial by the upcoming deadline. Good luck to everyone involved in the project. -DCT
  9. Thanks for the comments, everyone! So after 2 years, I finally got a remix posted....this does wonders for a guy's ego. And to all the people making comparisons to Eminem/Mockingbird, the reason the flows sound so similar is because most of the first verse was written to the Mockingbird instrumental. Then I came along with the Memories Frozen in Time instrumenal, and the rest was history. Hahaha, I appreciate the comment; everything I disliked about the track has been removed too. Thanks again everyone! Urbanizm+1 -DCT
  10. I am becoming a VERY big Harmony fan. This is really smooth stuff. I would nver have invisioned the Spring Yard Zone theme taken in this direction, but Harmony pulled it off to perfection (complete with cheesy vocals ). I can't wait to see what this mixer has up his sleeve next. -DCT
  11. It's a GrayLightning remix, you should know what to expect by now: top notch arrangements and bells bells bells . Gray's one of the best remixers around, and this is his 20th reason why you can't mess with him. I'm loving the Asian influence this piece has, coupled with Gray's trademark new age/orchestral shizz. With tracks like this, OneUp Studios' Xenogears Light | an arranged album, and Oceanfire's 'Xenosphere' mix, 2005 has been a great year for Xenogears fans. -DCT
  12. When you people get your shit together, please let me know. Until then, good luck with your project. -DCT
  13. Yeah it's the same beat, but that's just gonna be there until I get farther along with writing the song, then it'll have some new PHAT BEETZ™. And yeah I definitely needs mastering, but I usually save that until the end.
  14. I better post this now before I forget. The finished piece will probably sound totally different than it does now, since I might be collaborating with someone. But you can't say I didn't have a WIP done by the deadline. http://www.thebigshot.com/music/unfinished/specialstage.ogg
  15. Indeed he is. Special Stage is coming along cool, but Carnival Night Zone was kicking my ass; I think LAOS will go a good job with it, as evidenced from that WIP. Don't worry, I'll have something by the deadline to show my progress. -DCT
  16. B-Unit™ is a registered trademark of Urbanizm Music. Next person who uses it will die. Twice.
  17. Another Sonic remix project...I never get tired of these things. sithlord, I noticed you claimed Carnival Night. Maybe I'll try that one too, in the interest of 'friendly competition.' -DCT
  18. I'll believe that when I hear this 'rambling David Lloyd' of which you speak. With the exception of my Phone Calls of Awesomeness™, NOTHING is beating John's "definition" of bukkake. Wait, THIS is rambling? Am I the only one who's heard Flik call into the show? Know Your History.™ -DCT
  19. Once again, a truly magical GrayLightning ReMix hits OCR. I’m not really familiar with the source material, but this is still a good piece nonetheless. For those who are familiar with Gray’s new age and orchestral pieces will not be disappointed. Gray also throws some electronic stuff in there for good measure, and not for one second does it sound out of place. I can also hear the “Castlevania musical elements” spoken of in the mix write-up; Castlevania music is never a bad thing. Overall, Return of the Phoenix is an awesome GrayLightning mix (there aren’t too many GrayLightning mixes that aren’t awesome), and a great 5th birthday present for Overclocked ReMix. -DCT
  20. say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
  21. GrayLightning does it again. Gray goes back to his new age roots with this remix of "After the Storm," borrowing some tricks from his orchestral remixes like Armageddon and Journey to Remlia. Probably my favorite mix of his; good shizz. -DCT
  22. http://www.darkesword.com/listen/original/mp3/dragoon.mp3 http://www.darkesword.com/listen/original/mp3/dream.mp3 http://www.darkesword.com/listen/original/mp3/moonlight.mp3 http://www.darkesword.com/listen/original/mp3/fallingstar.mp3 http://www.darkesword.com/listen/original/mp3/seven.mp3 http://www.darkesword.com/listen/original/mp3/sunmoon.mp3 http://www.darkesword.com/revamped_soundtrack/shariq_ansari_-_childhood.mp3 http://www.darkesword.com/revamped_soundtrack/shariq_ansari_-_child_of%20_the_wolf_clan_-_sion's_theme.mp3 http://www.darkesword.com/revamped_soundtrack/shariq_ansari_-_cold_stone_walls.mp3 http://www.darkesword.com/listen/original/mp3/years.mp3 http://www.darkesword.com/listen/original/mp3/distance.mp3 http://www.darkesword.com/listen/original/mp3/fight.mp3 http://www.ocremix.org/detailmix.php?mixid=OCR01079 http://www.ocremix.org/detailmix.php?mixid=OCR01095 ???? Eat it, BITCH. -DCT
  23. So we're down for me choosing the playlist for the September 25th episode? Great; see you then. -DCT
  24. Damn, you have some good-ass hearing, man! Thanks for the shout-out. -DCT
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